"I know we're gonna uncover what's sleeping in our souls..." How do our brains come up with these things?

The following are from Christina. Check out her Oasis page.
Two years I had a really bad teacher for religion class, I mean BADDDD!!!! And I really didn't like any of my teachers so I had a dream that I went to school and I walked into American History class and LIAM was teaching! (and I sat in the first row! *drool* *LOL*) and he had that classic Manc accent and was rambling on about how America is rubbish and the civil war was stupid and he was using all these overheads that made no sense, but I didn't care. It was Liam! Then, next hour I had religion (which I hated because of the teach) but I walked in there and NOEL was my teacher! And the day's topic was morality! Noel's like "Do what you want, you and I are gonna live forever anyway!" *S*! Then he rambled about sex and birth control (I forgot what he said about that) and then he pulled out his guitara and played an acoustic solo version of "Wonderwall" for us!

Two years after I had that dream, actually just two weeks ago, I had another Oasis dream. I woke up feeling "supersonic" but I was soooo pissed at Liam! This is the story: I was in this really big social hall somewhere in the woods and I was having Thanksgiving dinner and I was laughing with Noel, who was sitting across from me and Liam was just ignoring me stuffing his face. Afterwards, Noel went away and Liam grabbed me and...a.. the next few minutes are uncensored *LOL* but then all these other teenage girls were giving me dirty looks because they wanted Liam and they were pissed at me. Then we all went outside and there was a football field in the forest outside the social hall. Then Liam went and just played football by himself and I sat underneath this play set for lil' kids next to the field. Actually I was sitting in the sand box *LOL* and Noel came over and chatted with me and then Patsy and Meg came and behind Pats' back me and Noel were making fun of her... I mean terribly! Plus, I was pissed at Liam for doing what he did to me and never talking to me. Then Meg came over and I wanted to talk to her, and I wanted to say "Meg!" but instead I said "Patsy!" and Patsy walked over and was like "Yeah, what do you want?" and Meg was right behind her but Patsy wouldn't let me through dammit! Then I woke up.

The next is from Christina(a different one)
I was at my school and Oasis were throwing a concert in our gym for some reason (we actually had Gaggy Tah come once, but..) and I was in charge of everything that was going on. So the band came in and they wanted someone else to play acoustic guitar and they picked me, evenn though I don't know how to play. So I was in my makeshift dressing room strumming out a few chords when Liam came in and started singing "Rockin Chair" as I played it. It was quite beautiful, he was sitting on a stool with his hands clasped infront of him and just singing softly. Quite nice. So the show went off great, but the band had to leave right after so I was saying goodbye to everyone and trying not to be too upset. Liam came and gave me a great big hug and told me I did a great job, Bonehead, Guigsy, and Alan and I just exchanged nicetites beause we really hadn't gotten to know each other and Noel simply came up to me, shook my hand, and told me I did a good job. As he was walking to his tour bus I knew it would probably be the last time I ever saw him so I screamed out "Noel" and when he turned around, I ran up to him, threw my arms around him and gave him a great big bear hug and a lil peck on the cheek. He turned away flustered and got on the bus and left.

This is from Lori-Jo. Stop by her Meg Matthews page.
My favorite "Noel dream" moment was one morning that my mom woke me up and informed me that I screamed "NOEL!!!! G-DAMNIT ANYWAY!!!!" and actually PUNCHED my headboard in my sleep. Now I'm not one to talk in my sleep, but I have absolutely NO recollection of what this dream was about. I'll never know...

Thanx again to Lori-Jo!

I was in this huge shopping mall - it was rather futuristic and had tons of escalators in it. It was really white and drab... rather like that video for The Universal by Blur. Everyone was gathering around the centre court, mumbling about "the concert". I had no idea what was going on, really. Then, all of a sudden I heard Oasis playing. Now the trick in this shopping mall became finding WHERE they were playing. The dream dragged on longer as I ran around looking for the band. I was going up and down all these back stairwells and taking all these escalators, and getting quite frustrated! All the while, I could hear the band playing but I didn't know where they were. (Psychoanalysis leads me to believe that this sense of frustration in finding the band stems from my own frustrations I have getting to see Noel every time I go see Oasis!) I ran into Terry and Kevin, Oasis' security and they told me where the band was.

I finally found the band, they were under this stairwell playing with a few little amps to a few old ladies, Liam singing his heart out and looking a picture. Except there was one problem. Noel was no where to be found. Suddenly, all my friends were there with me, and we looked up to the ceiling. This is the bizarre part.

Coming down from the ceiling on this big fluffy cloud was none other than the chief himself, Noel Gallagher.

Except there was one problem. He had gigantic angel wings and he was totally naked. My friends and I were all laughing our heads off, and Noel was looking down at us (keep in mind he had angel wings and was NAKED) and saying "Wha? Wha?" like this was no big deal.

I think it's time for a Becks!!!

And another one
My friend Stephanie was over that night MTV aired Oasis:All Around the World, and just before bed we chatted on how cute Liam and Noel are and then I fell asleep...Stephanie and I were in London because I distintly remember seeing Big Ben, any ways we were walking down a street slightly large row houses when a gray and white cat jumped out of a trash can. The cat had a tag that read "Tibbs Gallager, 6770 Keatly Ave on it. Coincidently we were walking on Keatly and the home was just a few blocks ahead. So we went to return the cat to the owner. Well almost there a man starts running towards us. "Maybe he's just joggin," I said to Stephenie. As the man came closer he slowed down and I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Noel Gallager!!!!!! HE shouted Tibbs as I hand him his cat. He thanked us for finding his cat and invited us for tea at Supernovia Heights!!!(In real life that would have been pure estacy, am I right?)Once we were there he made us tea and talked about his cat at first then his Mam and lastly the band, while Stephanie and I were hanging on every word. Noel and I chatted about something when the bell rang, Noel got up to answer it and came back with Liam behind him looking so calm and sweet(And as gorgeous ever) He came over to hear a new song of Noels. They allowed us to watch as Liam sang and Noel played his guitar. Stephanie and I were about melted when they were done. Then Meg and Patsy came in and seemed very upset of us being there(I remember a nasty face she made)They told Noel to shoo us out. Noel aked where we lived. We said on the east side. He said it was to far and offered to drive us home. Noel and us chatted as Les(is that his drivers name?)drove Stephanie and I home. Days later two backstage passes arrived in the mail for Oasis' Manchester concert the one to be aired on MTV!!!!! Happy happy Joy,joy!!!!!!

From Mary
In my life time, I have only had three dreams about Oasis...sad, innit? Anyway, the first one consisted of me sitting on a green fence, that was supposed to be the ground, and watching the one, the only, Noel Gallagher, who I just love and adore, riding a red, antique-looking bike, down a grassy knoll....get it? "Knoll" and "Noel"? ha ha, well any way then suddenly I'm on my friend's porch, and it's raining pure hell outside. Then, as if that wasn't wierd enough, I'm in a poxy, year-old, brown Caravan, sitting in the back, and who is sitting right next to me? NOEL! There he is, talking to a reporter saying that me and him aren't going out 'cause we're just good friends. I'm sitting there, thinking, dammit! Were at the bottom of a snowy hill, right, so someone, and I think it's Liam, rolls someone down the hill in a aluminum trashcan, I think it was Guigsy....and then...I woke up.

and another one...
I'm in a classroom full of people I don't know except for a dude in black and Liam Gallagher sitting in the front. He's sitting there, like he's been sitting there for all his life, correcting a test! How wierd is that?(Katherine-very wierd!)

From "dapples"
My dream is the wierdest one on here. Mine starts out like this. I love the Beatles(infact more than my beloved Oasis) and this dream begins with them. They were filming a movie and Oasis was in it too. Paul McCartney was singing 'Penny Lane' while John Lennon and George Harrison were chatting. I was in my dressing room at the time rehearsing my lines when George walked in. He called me Noel!! So I was confused, I mean I'm not Noel but after I walked onto the set everyone called me Noel. The set was some french restaurant scene where I was to be sitting with George and some bird. Then I was to kiss her!! I refused telling everyone I wasn't Noel. Everbody sort of thought me strange a bit. Then the director was called onto the set and it was Noel with this thick mustache!!! By then I started to flip out. He asked what was going on then Liam was doing all this cussing telling him I'm mad and all that. A white van came and took me away to a bedlam I guess, though I don't recall any kind of straight jacket. I was put in a cell with John Lennon who had blonde hair. The next thing I know I'm back at the studio and I'm the bird Noel was going to kiss. So in the end of this utterly strange dream, I got snogged by Noel !!! Quite funny innit? Too bad I don't remember how good he was if at all!!

From "Cloudburst"
Cloudburst was coming home from school. That day she decided to take the long route home which was along side a railway. The strange was when she got home her house from the inside was a train station! There were strange people walking all around with no sign of her home. She walked up to the only person who wasn't moving, the train ticket seller. To her surprize it was Liam in small little hat selling tickets. For some reason she bought a ticket to Manchester(she's not sure). While sitting in the train she saw the rest of Oasis sit down in front of her(facing her she says) like they weren't famous or nothing. Being a dedicated Oasis freak she asked for their 'John Hancock', but they didn't even look up to answer her. So she asked again but still they didn't look up. Mad, she got up and sat down in a different place in the train. As soon as she sat down there Oasis was again just like before. Clouburst was confused and left to another part of the train and again the same thing happened!! Happily the train stopped and she got out.

Walking down an unfamilar street Cloudburst heard from behind her some people shouting. When she turned around she was shocked to see it was all of Oasis running at her screaming for an autograph. So she ran farther down the street 'til she couldn't hear them any longer. Strange thing was is that Cloudburst was back on her street heading home. When she got inside she saw Liam again but no people. He was sitting on her floor drinking out of a bottle!!!!!

From Dennis
The funniest Oasis dream I had was me and my best friend Alyssa walked into my grandma's house into the living room. When we got into the room we saw Liam and Noel sitting on the couch except Liam was like around 4 years old and Noel was like around 9 years old and we had to help my grandma baby-sit. We talked to them for a little while and then played some games with them. After awhile we went out into the kitchen for a snack. Then Liam said, "I want a cookie!" and then grabbed a cookie from the plate. Everybody else had a cookie and then Alyssa and I left.(Katherine-really in touch with their inner child aren't they? *hehe*)

From Sueli
I was at my school and at the stage of the school, there was Oasis playing and anyone at the crowd of friends singing a song. Just me and my friend, then the Math teacher was next to me and she had a gun. When I saw she was going to shoot at Noel I jumped in the direction of the gun and I was dying. Noel appeared and said that he was happy cause I saved his life. He said that he didn't have the words to say. Then he took me to the hospital and I recuperated. He said he would write a song for me. He was about to kiss me when I woke up.

From Martha
About mid-September when marching band was just getting started, I had a dream about Noel and Liam. Well it started with me just getting home from a compatition and I was looking for my dad. I started by going up the street to the cultisac but instead of there being a ct. it was like a total battle field. There was a row of adults just staring into this field and alot of them were crying. I asked one of them what was going on and all they said was "They arr never coming back." When I looked back at the field all of these children were fighting. Some kids were wearing blue the others red. B vs. R. Anyway, I started walking into the field and as I looked back the kids disappeard and a trailerpark was there. I walked into one that I belived my dad was in and there was my dad(but playing my dad was Noel! My dad Noel, how cool). But anyway, he told me to go practice my trumpet. So I walked off to another trailer and there was my band teacher but again it was Noel. This time he yelled at me to practice my trumpet. When I walked out the door I was laying on the ground in front of my second period class . I was verry dazed and I could not stand. I saw two of my best friends walk into this class room and then turned around and looked at me. I saw in the back of the room Noel and Liam. They were both telling me to get up and help them. I tried to get up again but when I tried this man appeared and shut the door to the class room. Right then the hole room blewup and I went with it. All I saw was red and then I was awake. Pretty wierd right?(Kath-I'll say!)

From Jesse
Me name is Jesse and I'm a boy and I'm not gay, but yes, I did have an Oasis dream. I can't remember very well, but here goes: I went to an Oasis concert with my friend, Tony. Oasis were performing on stage and everyone was out of there seats going crazy over Oasis. But me and Tony were in the aisle doing flips and and stuff cos we were very happy. It seemed so real cos like the people were jumping up and down and waving their arms. But then I woke up. It was a short dream, really, but it was awesome.

From Cristina
I was at the airport and for some strange reason and I saw them. First I saw Liam in a jacket similar to the dykwim one. I gave him a hug and then I did the same with Noel. I ended up going back to their hotel and we hung out like the whole day. I can't remember what was said, but we had some drinks, etc. That's pretty much it, the 2nd one is better.

here's the second one...
I was at their concert and I was kinda far away(not on the floor). It was out in the open and it was daylight. I was standing pretty much so I could see Noel and he was rockin' out on guitar and all that good stuff. There was no transition (which happens in a lot of my dreams), but all of a sudden Noel was in my dorm room, laying on my bed, and I was sitting in the chair at my desk. I still can't believe how realistic this dream was. Anyway, we talked for a while and then there was a knock at the door. It was Liam! He came in and they were both on the bed, just sitting there, and we all had a great time. Talking, joking, etc. Then I was like "hey guys, before I forget, can I take a pic of y'all?" and they agreed. So I took a pic and Liam had to go. Again, it was just me and Noel talking endlessly about who knows what (I've completely forgotten). Then finally he said he had to go. I was like, "damn, ok..." He gave me his number and I gave him mine just in case he was ever gonna be in the U.S. again (mainly, TX). He gave me the best hug ever and then I walked him to the door...for some reason I didn't walk him to the elevator(which is what you normally do with guests). OK, this is the funny/sad part:When I woke up the next morning I was getting ready to go to work and I was REALLY happy about having met Noel & getting his number. About half a second later it hit me...it was all a dream!!! I felt like such a dumbass for thinking it was real, but damn, it felt good thinking something like that had happened.

From Kalio
The London Escape From The Killer Cancer Epidemic:
(teehee nice title, eh?) Okay sooo I've always wanted to go to London, of course so I could stalk Noely! ;) So in my dream me and my mum and dad were in London on a vacation (I noted the absence of my pesky younger brother, *evil grin*). We were sitting in a resturant in downtown London right by the window and I was gazing out on the street just checking out the little shops and such and I noticed this guitar store called Sugar. For some reason I remembered it as a place that Noel shopped. So I asked mum if it would be okay with her if I went over and had a look and she said sure. I got up and started across the street and down the sidewalk when you know who walked right past me! So I caught up with him and asked him for his autograph but he didnt answer me and turned into that Sugar store. So I waited a few minutes somewhat hurt that he ignored me. Then I followed him in and asked him again for his autograph. So this time he said sure! He told me he had ignored me outside because if he'd started signing summat there would be a huge mob around him before he got to even finish it and I'd never get anything back. Awww how sweet of him! But it gets better hehe :) Then I started crying because I had nothing for him to sign and Noel said "awww dont cry, here look" and he went and bought a guitar, signed it and gave it to me! ahh!! Then I hugged him and my mum and dad came in looking for me and Noel sorta vanished and my mum had bought all these Beatles/Oasis books for me...BUT before this dream, I had had a dream that there was a contagious killer cancer epidemic going on in my small town of West Milford, New Jersey...so when I was holding my Noely guitar and my beatles and oasis books I was thinking "oh this is too good to be true, I'll prolly get that cancer and die tommorrow...".

And lastly
The Moss Dream:
This dream is my mate Amy's personal favourite. It all started when I walked into this huuuuge gray, damp parking garage and almost got run over by John Lennon in a cream coloured rolls royce. He got out and said hi to me and we got to talking a little so I followed him inside. Once we got inside, I noticed that the building had a striking resemblance to Borders Books and Music, only that cds and books were all cluttered and mixed together on the wooden shelves. So John Lennon sits down on a stool at the end of one of these shelves and begins carving what looks like a totem pole type design in the wood. So I sit down next to him and talk to him about Oasis, and I start looking through the shelves and find a couple of Oasis books, but they're not the sort of books like Getting High or anything. They're those little pocket cardboard ones we all had when we were 2 or 3 years old. So anyway, John tells me its time to go and we get up and I follow him down a long corridor. I stop and look to my left and there's another room, gray and damp sort of like the parking garage but a lot smaller. And there's Noel. He's got a huge pile of moss next to him, and he's taking clumps of it, dipping it into a dirty puddle on the floor, and throwing it into another pile on the other side.(Kath-????????) So I sort of waved to him but he was so hard at work that he didnt see me so I just kept on following John...and then I woke up :) (Kath-Oooooookay...*lol*)

From Sarah. Visit her kick ass website here.
I've had 2 noel dreams. The first one was on July 1, 1997. We were White Water Rafting. (I've never been in reallife). It was me, Noel, and some other friend of mine who I couldn't remember when I woke up. Noel was a family friend of my friend Samantha. When we were rafting, we were going really fast and I was scared so I had my eyes closed for several hours. After awhile I opened my eyes and I saw the friend that had been in the raft was on the banks. She was shouting that there was an intersection and to go right and that we would see a dinosaur. So me and Noel (he was paddling) got scared. Noel said (quote) "No ancient old 60 million year old dinosaur will stop us!" and that the water would get rougher and I should put my arms around his neck. I was like, uh, okay! Then I thought that this would be a really special thing to remember so I should look at what he was wearing so I could remember and he was wearing a wet green tshirt and green swim trunks. The giant dinosaur looked like a big smake and it came up out of the river. It grabbed Noel and let go and grabbed me. Then me and whoever the friend was and Noel were in this big room. Noel was Noel, but he wasn't. He looked and acted like him, but he had a new york accent and he was a Jewish boy named Jesus.(???) We were playing these special Jewish arcade games, I don't remember how the games had a religion...and then the snake thing came out of the electrical socket and we were all trying to kill it. Samantha drove me home but we had just turned 13 and she was having trouble driving. I found out that Noel was my mom's friend's husband's brother. But the husband was named David (his real name is Emory). That is the first one.

And the second...
The second one was on July 13, 1997 (I keep a dream journal, okay!?!) We were in school, but it was elementry school. We were in my 5th grade teacher's room. Fiona Apple and Noel Gallagher were in my class. It was an English class. Noel had long blond hair and looked like about 15 yrs old. Fiona looked like herself. Then this girl in my school came into the class. I opened the door and she told me to give the note to Noel Gallagher please. I said Noel's in 8th grade, not 7th! She was like this IS 8th grade! I was like oh yeah! I forgot! (this was the summer between 7th and 8th grade)

From me! Oookay, so some of you have had some pretty f---ed up dreams there *hehe* I thought I'd share a few of mine:
I'll start off with a Noel dream. This one's pretty vague. I had it a while ago, but I remember being at MuchMusic(sorta like MTV, only better!) and sitting in their window.(Canadians will know what I'm talking about. The big windows surrounding the building.) Noel was in front of me, preparing for an interview and talking to a VJ(can't remember which one). He was wearing the same black, fuzzy coat he wore when he was there in December '95. I don't remember much, but I do remember Noel sitting down and me giving him a hug before I left. What's strange is the whole dream was very hazy but the hug felt very real. Hmmmm...okay, another one was at my old house. It was around dinner time and I looked outside to see Oasis walking down the street to my house(!!!!) I remember them coming in and sitting down but that's about it. Weird huh? What's even weirder(could it get any weirder??) I seem to keep having these dreams of going to Oasis gigs. All that happens though, is we get there, wait around, and the dream ends before Oasis even gets there damnit!! Every bloody time! *hehe* One was in downtown Toronto, one was at my old elementary school, and the rest I can't remember. Although ONCE they actually showed up. We were sitting in this theatre waiting around for them. They were really late and the audience was getting bored so everyone left to hang out in the lobby. I was the only one there and Oasis finally show! AHH!! So they start playing and I run out and tell everyone and return. Er...Okay, so I've bored you to death, I'll finish now :)

From Whitney
One really hot day I was sitting at home watching the Oasis movie "Concert By the Sea" when the phone rang. I couldn't believe who was on the other line, it was Noel Gallagher! He asked me if I had any plans for the day, and he invites me to go out to Wacky Warters (I told you it was fucked up), to spend the day with Meg and himself at the water park. About twenty minutes later his chocolate brown Roles Royce pulled up to my house! When we got there, Meg said that she was going to go lay in the sun for a while, so Noel and I left to go have some fun. We had only been at the park for an hour, when Liam staggerd in very, very drunk. Our Kid started to sing a very loud, off pitch version of Wonderwall, and got us all kicked out!!!

From our own NLC Vice Prez, Erin
Alright, I was standing in an airport, with like a million people around me, looking out a huge window, down to the outside, where like Liam and the rest of the band are standing (except Noel, dont ask me, i dont know where he was) and i'm just kind of staring at them, dreaming (*a dream inside a dream*) and i was turning around, about ready to go, and Noel was standing behind me.. And he's like, oh hello.. And I'm like wow, Noel.. Cool. And all these reporters and stuff are standing around him, and you all know how it goes with them, and i'm just standing there, looking at him, and i like reach over, and just give him a kiss.. Not like your "peck on the cheek" type of kisses, the (and sorry if i'm grossing anyone out here, but i thought this whole dream was purty darn interesting myself.) but like the 5 minute, yes, we ARE playing tounge hockey kisses.. And we just stood there, and the reporters are all blown away by the whole thing. And then Liam and the rest of them come up ,and are like Huh? So we start to fight our way through the huge masses of like reporters who are snapping pictures and stuff, and we start walking through this bake sale thingie that looks like it's going on at my high school, and we walk out and get on the plane, with the rest of the band, and then, damnit, i woke up...

[next page]
Send in your own Oasis dreams here!