So: what does it feel like playing in front of 125,000 people?
"I can't put it into words. I can only understate it really, cos you can't see the back of the gig cos it's dark and it's fucking 2 miles away from where you're playing. I've been doing interviews all day trying to put it into words and I'd rather not fucking try to tell you the truth. Absolutely mind-blowing. "Now I know what the word big means. We thought we were big when we played Earls Court, then Maine Road. But after last night... There's big, then there's bigger than big, and then there's fuckin like last night... Now that is big. Now that is big. It's big."

Will it get bigger?
"I can safely say we won't be going any fucking bigger than this, because to be quite honest, we can't supply the demand for the band at the moment, right? We're trying, but to do things like this, it's just a fucking pain in the arse. It's brilliant to do it, but I wouldn't fancy doing it again. I'd rather... But then you get into the territory of four nights at Wembley Stadium, but by the third night, it must become a bit of a fuckin' chore. You've got to keep it special for the band. But we sat down yesterday, me and Marcus. We were saying, we're a fucking big group now, we've got to start fucking dealing with it, it's as simple as that. In an ideal world you'd be playing Shepherd's Bush Empire every night. That'd be fine because it's big enough, but small enough to create an atmosphere. But y'know, they'd have to fucking shut down Shepherd's Bush. They'd have to build a wall round it. 'Indoors is the place to play, because it's dark and you can actually hear the crowd singing. Out there, last night you could only see the first... (laughing) It's a fucking shiity thing to say, like, I could only see the first 50,000! Y'know, there's another 75 somewhere! But you've just gotta try and put your head down and play. I think for a gig this size, last night was pretty fucking amazing.' "Just now, I was watching a video playback of 'Champagne Supernova' from last night. It's like, that's me onstage with John Squire. He's playing this mad fucking Jimmy Page stuff, all over the place on his guitar. I turn around to Marcus who's stood behind me, and he goes, 'Look at the crowd with all the lighters'. I go, Fuck the crowd, look at that cunt there! Check him out, what he's doing! I'm thinking, that's another moment in my life. He's never played with anyone else bar the Stone Roses and we've never played with anyone else bar us lot. So that was a first. We were out with him one night getting pissed up, and we asked him, but he's a bit reserved, a bit like fucking Roger Moore (raises eyebrow creakily). As the months went past, we're going, You still up for this or what? In rehearsals in Birmingham, he turns up with his guitar, doesn't he, plugs in for Champagne Supernova and we're like, (eyebrows meeting hairline) I looked over at Bonehead and went, Could be time for you to leave the band, mate! Squire's band are all here. I met the singer- he's off his tits. Course, all singers are, aren't they? They look the part. Our Liam's heard some new stuff, reckons it's brilliant. If he says it's good, it must be, cos he doesn't fucking like anything. I"d been telling him, I've seen one of the best fucking groups the other night, Kula Shaker. I'm about to put a cassette of "Tattva" on, and he goes, Tell you what I heard on the radio the other day, have you seen them knobheads that lived in India for fucking years, that cunt with the blonde hair, all that fucking Indian music they're playing? I'm like, that's what I was just telling about. He called me a cunt and walked out. There again, this is the man that said Talk Tonight was shite. (pissy voice) Wondewall, it's fucking dance record, innit? All that hip hop drum beat - we're not a fucking dance group. Of course, once he's sung on it it was the best record ever made."

You have to have ludicrously tight security around you these days. Does that spoil it for you?
"Back here, it's been really well organised, there's been no hassles, no fuckin' lunatics knocking about... last night, someone told me there was three arrests yesterday. I was flabbergasted. Like, we're fuckin' losing our touch here somewhere! "But around me, I don't like that, man. To be honest, I come from Burnage, I was 21 before I was ever in a band, I can look after myself. I don't particularly like looking around and there's three bodyguards there and everyone's clearing a path for you before you get there. Because if I was a kid there looking at me walking past with all this entourage, I'd think, what a wanker! I'm not. I'm just a normal fucking geezer, but these things are thrust upon you. I'm scared of my security guards, let alone anybody else. I daren't tell them to fuck off, they'd probably chin me. Like, when you're walking out backstage, and some kid comes up for an autograph, you see this big hand come from nowhere and move them to one side. You wanna say, No, just fucking leave them alone. All they want is an autograph and a picture. I don't particularly like all that, but it's a necessary evil. The one person walking towards you could be the one who'll smack you in the face."

Have you ever found yourself in archetypal rock 'n' roll situation and laughed out loud?
"Tell you what, I went away to Mustique to write the album. Johnny Depp and Kate Moss turned up because Meg's known Kate for years. Now they were staying in Mick Jagger's house. This is really fuckin' surreal, right? Meg and Kate are on the back getting fuckin' pissed as arseholes, Johnny's in this little adjoining room writing a script for this film, I'm sat in Mick Jagger's fuckin front room with an acoustic guitar writing a song for the new album, looking around at all these original Andy Warhol paintings, going, Fucking hell..."

Is it getting harder to hide? There's a story about The Beatles going on holiday to the Phillippines because it was one of the few places they thought they were safe, and someone went up to George Harrison on the beach...
"I went out to Mustique which is out near Venezuela, right? Like, fuckin' no-one's gonna've heard of us out there. Geezer in customs in the airport pulls out a fucking copy of Morning Glory. I'm like, How do you know the band? He's like, (tribal chief voice), Um MTV man... That's the power of America. "I did that Chemical Brothers track. It's gonna come out as a single at the end of this year now, but there's been a lot of fucking about. I wrote the lyrics and the melody, and then I went off on tour, but when I came back, I didn't like the finished version. I thought it could be a bit shorter, so they had to go back and remix it. So then it was great, finished. Then of course, they're on Virgin, I"m on Sony, so they started bickering about whose label it should come on. Me and Tom and Ed are mates - we're arsed. Virgin are like, My lads wrote the music. Sony are going, But my chap wrote the fucking lyrics. We're sat there in the middle going, Will you just fucking put it out, we wanna hear it on the radio! Then the managers got involved that it slowed it down by another two months. Now it's all sorted. "Then I remixed Beck's next single, The Devil's Haircut. I got a phone call off the record company. On the album track, there's one bassline, the drum machine and a vocal, that's it. So there were like, 60-odd channels left on the desk to put guitars on. So I just sat there putting fucking loads of guitar parts on. It's like ZZ Top meets Beck, man. Good, though! "I had to mix the sound for the video of Maine Road which is coming, but otherwise,I just sat around watching telly and reading the paper. But I still write music all the time, even when I don't have to. I'll never get sick of it. never, You couldn't, could you? Thank God for B-sides, that's what I say! There's always something to do!"

What happens when you get into the jetset superleague? Do people just start acting like your best mate when you've never met them?
"Two years ago, I wouldn't've been asked to the Cannes Film Festival. Fine, arsed. Now of course, after Wonderwall and Don't Look Back In Anger, they draw up their celebrity wishlist and I'm on it. Of course, I've never been invited to these places before, of course I'm gonna turn up, cos it's a trip. Look, there's Elton John. (brickie taunt) Hey, Reg! And of course, it's free. Somebody'll fly me over there on a Lear jet - I'll fucking have some of that, thank you very much! "Now all these people wanna meet me, see. Al Pacino, Mick Jagger... Their PR'll go, See that geezer over there, that's the bloke from Oasis, it'd be really cool if you all were over there stood beside him and you had your picture taken. So they come over and it's like, (ponytail smarm) Hey man, I really fucking love the rec... I'd like to get one thing straight, you guys kick ass! Suddenly all the photgraphers are snapping...

Doesn't it freak you out? At all?
"I don't think about it too deeply. I won't be going to Cannes again cos I've been there now. Now if the Queen phoned me up at home and said, D'ya fancy popping round for a cup of tea, I mean, you'd have to go, wouldn't you? Just to see what it's like, just to see if she fuckin' racks 'em out or summat! You wouldn't be, (trendy lefty voice) I'm a Socialist, I couldn't possibly endorse... I'd be like, 'Ere Maggie, you see that brown fuckin' Rolls Royce, that's me! You'd have to go in there, have a look at the carpets, see how the bedrooms are done out. You'd have to."

Face it: you are bigger than The Beatles.
"Yeah. We have sold more records than The Beatles. We've played bigger gigs than The Beatles. I will say, yeah, we are bigger than The Beatles, man. But you've got to look at it this way, right? If the roles were reversed and Oasis formed in 1964, we'd've have been them at their level. And if The Beatles had formed in 1991 and started off with Rubber Soul or summat, they'd be bigger than us now. They had better songs than us."

But it doesn't get any bigger than you are now, does it?
"No. No, you can't. You can't. We are the biggest band in Britain of all time, ever. That's bar no-one. The funny thing is, that fucking mouthing off three years ago about how we were gonna be the biggest band in the world, we actually went and done it. And it was a piece of piss. It is a piece of piss. We were thinking as big as The Stone Roses at Spike Island, if we're fucking lucky. Not this. We were talking out of our arse as well, though. We hadn't even recorded a record at that point. You could sense that the vacuum was there. It was in the air. You could sense that something big was gonna happen. Let's face it, if Suede are the biggest band in the country... Bernard's a genius, as a matter of fact, and Brett seems to know what he's going on about in interviews, but I'm sorry, man, he sounds like ???? when he's singing. There wasn't a band for the kids to get passionate about, so along comes us singing about gin & tonic, shagging birds and doing drugs, and everyone went, Fuckin' 'ell, that's a bit more like it! We just took it from there. As long as the snowball keeps rolling... Who knows. We're not splitting up, and I've got no plans to go solo within the next fuckin' five years. I suppose a solo record is inevitable. It's gonna have to come. We are gonna have to go off and do other things. That's what people do to keep it fresh. "I fancy doing a jungle record, something really fuckin' bonkers, man. I used to write dance music with Mark Coyle before I was in Oasis. We wrote about six or seven bangin' tunes, they were really happening. We used to come back from clubs boxed and put 'em. Acid house and ecstasy was all new then, so it was like, Put the guitar and see what this fuckin' mad thing can do. Dance music to me as a musician has its limitations, because if the equipment doesn't supercede itself... It's all about sounds and samples. I'm into it. I love it when you hear a great sample, but chords and melodies - you can't really do it with dance music, but for about six months it was really interesting. Never raised me hands in the air once, though. When we went to raves, they used to go, Let's see some hands, and I'd go, You're not fucking seeing mine, pal."