Welcome to the one and only Noel Lovers Club!
Sign up here. The NLC is getting a major overhaul, so you make not hear anything from us for now, but it will be up and running again soon. So go ahead and join!
Cheers from the President of The NLC,
Katherine Higgins
and Vice Prez,
Erin Knight

Attention webmasters! Use this HTML code to link to the NLC:
<A HREF=https://www.angelfire.com/ca/Wonderwall><IMG SRC=http://members.tripod.com/~Madforit/NLC.jpg alt="Join The N.L.C. today!!"></A>
<A HREF=https://www.angelfire.com/ca/Wonderwall><IMG SRC=https://www.angelfire.com/ca/Wonderwall2/images/joinnlc.gif alt="Join The N.L.C. today!!"></A>

The NLC supports the the other Oasis-related online clubs: