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CHADANGEL.COM is getting ready to be revamped. So stayed tuned for the new page. WINTER 2006

  Welcome to my new homepage. First off I want to thank you for stopping in and I really hope you enjoy your stay. On this site you will find everything there is to know about me and also you will get updates on what is going on in my life in the news section. So check back often. Also, please sign my guestbook. It's a new guestbook and needs people to sign it. Thanks.


NOVEMBER 27 2005
Ok, I know it's been over 2 years since I have been here to update but a lot has gone on in those years and things have changed. I have really changed these past couple of weeks. The song below from April 30th was written back when I had planned on bringing around a lot of new songs for your enjoyment. Well them new songs will be coming soon. And they will allow everybody a glimps into what I've called and now call my life. Here is just a taste of what is to come on the music page.

It's a long, road to heaven.
and I'm getting further away.
Day, after day.
that road keeps winding.
Stretching out as far as I can see.
I may get there someday.
But for now, I can't see.
Cause heaven's a long way from me.

APRIL 30 2003
Hey all. I've written a new song that I want everybody to see. It will be on my songs page soon but I figured I'd post it right here so nobody would miss it.

Chad Angel, 2003

We’ve been friends now.
For a long time.
And there’s nothing.
I wouldn’t do for you.
I’ve made mistakes.
Almost cost me you.
But now that I’ve got you back.
I don’t want to let go.

Girl I’ve loved you.
From day one.
I’ve always known.
Your who I want.
We’ve both hurt each other.
Been with others.
Now it’s time for us.
To get this right.

Just tell me what to do.
My heart is open to you.
I’ll be any man that you could need.
Baby your one of a kind.
And I’m scared that I’ll.
Lose you again before you know.
That you’ve always been.
My one true love.

Now I’m not sure.
How you really feel.
For all I know.
This could be for nothing.
But if you love me.
I’ll cross any sea.
If it really means.
I’ll be with you.

repeat chorus

Maybe one day.
I’ll make it all up.
To you for everything I’ve done wrong.
Girl, I love you.
And I need you.
In my life until the day that I die.

repeat chorus:

Girl you’ll always be.
My only love.