Assman's Homepage
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Assman's Homepage

(unofficial Joplin Business Partner :)

Assman's Page

Construction Zone: Started Development on March 3rd, 1997. Still working...
I just have a few things online now, but remember, it's a warzone, and with war comes construction. -Prometh

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A Generation-X Production

This site is not your ordinary site. It's small, it's fast. It's efficent. It has to be, I'm on Geocities. :) hehe Anyway, have a look around. I'm a stuggling Computer Tech, stuck in Missouri.

Assman's Bio

(based on this information, you could take over my life, like "The Net", but why would you want to?)

Name: Thomas "Assman" Jump, I.
Handle: Assman
Age: 17.
B-Day: 4/18/80.
Favourite Cologne:Drakkar, Tommy, etc. 
IRC Hangs: #teenchats #teenchat (frequent places I have ops at. :)
Things I enjoy way too much: Getting Pissed,

Exactly around almost confused people ventured her since July 20st 1997...

For information on increasing the hit count, click here Try licking, erm, clicking on all the images, almost every one has a link.

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