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Street Angels


"Street Angels keeps children off the streets, safe at home with their families, and in school."

Canada and Brazil Flags

Everyone knows that millions of children worldwide are dying of hunger and that millions more are forced to toil in wretched, dangerous conditions for their daily bread.

In 1988, three very ordinary people decided they could no longer turn a blind eye to this ugly reality. A Canadian social worker on holiday in Brazil, a local cab driver, and a semi-literate domestic worker joined hands and committed themselves to keeping as many children as they could off the streets of Salvador, Bahia. From these early seeds has grown an amazingly efficent grassroots network spanning Brazil, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Street Angels has no paid directors, professional staff or corporate offices. We accompish our miracles on a volunteer shoestring.

Street Angelsn
Dot History and Background
Dot Goals
Dot Successes on a Shoestring
Dot The Plaster-of-Paris Angels
Dot How You Can Help


Dot June 16 2000: Changed the navigation. Assorted updates and modifications to all of the sections.

Dot February 26 2000: Not many outward changes to speak of--mainly spelling corrections--but went through and optimized the HTML and graphics of all the pages.

Dot May 5 1999: Bringing things up to date for 1999, which meant additions and updates to Successes on a Shoestring, including elaborating on the Community School and placing that on a separate page.

Dot August 22 1999: The webpage is put up.

Page maintained by Katherine. (E-mail: