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that girl's the bomb
she's crafty

StJude, Technocleric

clerics do it on their knees

Cherchez la femme - Dumas

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10.23.99 -

wow. six months later, i guess i'll change my page. sorry it's been so long for those of you who still check in every once and awhile ; ) less than a month 'til my 21st!! i'm pretty excited. yeah, i know there's not a big difference, but i'm still looking forward to it. sean and i are going to las vegas in january to celebrate. such is the fun of retail that you have to wait for the holidays to be over to get a holiday : )

i'll be changing my page within the next two weeks or so. maybe some interactive games and new format. we'll see : )

unamerican activities

View past pages.

Mr. Chambers! Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! "To Serve Man"! It's...It's...a COOKBOOK!

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romance,love and all that

persistence of memoryAll about Astrological Elements.

Because my primary readership is male, the astrological information will be exclusively female. Make sense? good!

blue star 1Aries2Leo3Sagittarius

persistence of memoryUltimate Horoscope Guide From how to seduce a Libra to the best professions for a Capricorn...

persistence of memoryDaily Horoscopes! Even a general overview of your sign...

persistence of memoryCalculate your compatibility with other signs!

persistence of memoryAnswer a question by finding a random passage from literature. See it to believe it : )

persistence of memoryThe Dick List! This is for after you break up (oh yeah, you have to be a girl too)...

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"Mr. Mulder, why are you and others who believe in the presence of
extra-terrestrials not dissuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?"

"Because all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely dissuasive."


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crap to mess around with ; )

persistence of memoryWhat does your phone number spell?

persistence of memoryThe best kind of site. Totally worthless, with tons of distraction

persistence of memoryPretty cool ways to get stuff and torture those slack-jawed 7-11 guys when you have nothing better to do

persistence of memorySee why papa smurf is a commie...

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how do i love them? let me count the ways...

persistence of memorySean ~~ He hasn't got a page. But he's cuter than hell, and I love him more than I can say...

persistence of memoryMy sweet, demented little brother!

persistence of memoryShaun: "I'm a network engineer, dammit!"

persistence of memoryThe boy belonging to my favorite pair of hands

persistence of memoryCarl! A sweet, sensitive, non-goth carbon-based life form

persistence of memorySaryn Covenant(a non-assmite author)

persistence of memoryMy darling Marine boy

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duh! it's a counter!

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