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This is R-Squared

Throughout history, society has been defined, affected, and

identified by its art. Recent events in this country's history have

made a significant impression on the artists who created this piece.

Its placement here is to realize the moments and happenings

that have molded our culture. Whether good or bad, these

realities do exist; somehow they have shaped how we all think

and act.

We are sculptors, creators of symbols.

We seek to prod our people into self-analysis. We are servants

of culture; not destroyers of it. Like the chrysalis, we are all

transitory beings on this magnificent earth. The chrysalis, cocoon,

pupae is the stage of growth and transition. This stage is

necessary for all beings to make the transformation to the next


The metamorphosis will happen if you let it.

Free your mind.

Free yourself.

Free art.

West Coast Map

LA and San Francisco coming soon!

artist bio's home base Seattle night shot