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Ok lets start off simple and easy. Welcome to the world of Web Page Design. Campy I know but its what all the help pages say so I figured I should.

Before you start sit down with your brain, or someone who's planning on doing this page with you and sketch out a design. Think about what you want to do. Do you want it repetitive? Do you want it original? Or do you want it a mixture of both? Life will be so much easier if you have your ideas set out on paper, on cereal boxes, on milk cartons, whatever you have to write on.

Just jot those ideas down!!!! Much like writing a story you'll want to breath life into this page. A lifeless page with no heart wont attract many people {words of experiance talking here}

If you don't think you can draw don't worry about it! Most of the time you're the only one seeing this anyway. It at leasts gives you a leg to stand on when you start. Here are some samples of the ones I've drawn out. Sketch 1 sketch 2 sketch 3 sketch 4 sketch 5 sketch 6 So you're just starting out, you have your concept, possibly an idea what you're looking for in the design and a place to house your page, be it free or pay.

There is nothing I find more horrid then seeing the words UNDER CONSTRUCTION on a just starting page. Either by a graphic or plan text. Why do I hate it so much when its a true fact that a first starting page is U.C? Simply because I follow the code that ANY good page is ALWAYS under construction.
The way I see it if you start a web page, shove it in a corner, and never look back that isn't a good page. If you're not ready to set your mind to this and you just want one for the sake of having one don't bother. A good web page needs updates some time. Even if its only yearly.

So when I'm first starting a page I like to say its under developement. Its the same concept really but I wont be developing it forever. Once its developed I'll be updating it not creating it.

I think thats about it for the first things first section. Go ahead and head back and lets move on.
