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This site is gone.

I've had so many webpage projects over the last little while, I realize that this site just didnt interest me anymore. I have another page Im working on, one that I will keep, and will contain information in which I am interested in. The address is Personal information about me will be on this page, because I am the webmaster of that page, and owner of what is displayed there. If you really want to see the old page, you can look here cause thats where it is. Anyways, email me at one of these email addresses,


Well, thats all for now everyone. Check out my new page, below are links to other pages I've done, but dont expect much to change on them.. bye

  • My Wiccan Page
  • My First DK page
  • My Second DK page
  • Dark Knight Fantasy Productions Page
  • What this page USED to be
  • Something crappy I put together a LONG time ago
  • A site I made for Enviro Trends, my sisters, and her boyfriends store
  • A Basic HTML resource site I made for a school project
  • An Advanced HTML resource site I made for my final project in the same course

    Well, I think thats it, besides some site I just use for storing data...
