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My Page

It's been awhile since I've done anything here... not really thinking I will, more of using this for the memories..... :) [Flag Campaign icon]
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Well, now that first semester of my sophomore year is halfway over, I've learned a lot. Such as sleep is very definitely expendable. Crew isn't just a sport, it's a way of life. And the people I know here are the most important people in my life right now. When something goes wrong in my life, I know I can turn to them, and I support them whenever something happens to them. I wish I could explain more.
But something happened last week that really struck me hard. A guy I knew, but not very well, passed away from cancer. We had gone to high school together. I've felt really guilty this week, because I never tried to contact him this year to see how he was doing. Anyway, I went to a memorial service for him yesterday. I learned a lot about both Nathan and myself. We've all heard that putting others before yourself is a way to help everyone. Nathan truely knew that and embodied that in every way. His closeness with his brothers and sister... it made me wish I had the same with my sisters. I've been hit really hard by his death, and I think that this is going to help me learn a lot about myself and what I want from life. So Nathan, thanks. You're even looking out for someone you barely knew. Thank you for letting the memories of others teach me what I needed to see. God bless you.
Right, so I'm not really sure when I'll update next, but once I go home, I'll have access to a scanner and a bunch more pictures to put up on my page. But I won't be home until December, so yeah. Anyway I miss all of you wonderful California people, a lot. Especially those I don't hear from nearly often enough. We may have our differences, but I still love you all.
Anyway, so I'm headed to bed. G'night.
updated 11/9/01 <

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In Loving Memory of Dave, my big brother always, my heart will always hold a special place for you.

Check these out!

Atlanta Braves page
Packers page
Random college stuff i have
Pictures from Vegas
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I got lazy so here's the links to the other pictures!
Moving thoughts... not my own, but I really think you should read these!
Rowing site
Mike's forum for music and such.... fun place to go!
