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Master Lo Wang Thompson

I was born during the year of the Monkey, in a quiet City in Ontario called Hamilton. I am an avid collector of many oriental myths, art an the studying of confucious. During my year's in College I spent alot of time studying the ancient belief's and mysteries of Shaolin Priests. I have a dream to one day learn the way's of the shaolin.

Confucious Says:

Everyone says my way of life is the way of a simpleton.

Being largely the way of a simpleton is what makes it worth while.

If it were not the way of a simpleton

it would long ago have been worthless,

These possessions of a simpleton being the three I choose

And cherish:

To care,

To be fair,

To be humble.

When a man cares he is unafraid,

When he is fair he leaves enough for others,

When he is humble he can grow;

Whereas if, like men of today, he be bold without caring,

Self indulgent without without sharing,

Self important without shame,

He is dead.

The invincible shield

Of caring Is a weapon from the sky

Against being dead.

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follow on my young grasshopper