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Johan's Beyond Fabulous Homepage

Hey there surfer - welcome to my homepage ! The main purpose of this page is for me to put up pictures of me and select other people who mean something to me, so that people whom I know that do not have T3 connections (like I do...hehehe...) may be able to download these pics in their own sweet time, and not be forced to sit through three hours of e-mail download time to see the newest shot of my smiling face - OK ? Anyway, that's the general purpose of this, so if it's not what you're looking for, I'm sorry - life's tough, isn't it ? Go check out Lycos or Yahoo or something...and don't say I didn't try to help ya ! Good luck whatever you do !

Updated August 13th, 2002 : Finally got access to this page again, and have added some new pics from Portugal as a direct result. Don't know if any of you people out there still have this link, but we'll see, won't we? *grins* Enjoy!

Some pics from miscellaneous parties in Portugal '98, etc...

Some more pics from Portugal (c/o Panda), as well as misc. family pics.

My Roskilde Festival Page!

Johan's shrine to what he used to look like...*grins*

August 13th, 2002: Two new pages of pictures from my vacation in Portugal this summer.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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