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1. From 'Growth and Limitation':

"Any form, in music or elsewhere, is the product of two basic forces: one generating, and the other limiting. The interplay of both forces is essential. Growth without limitation leads to a kind of universal cancer, an annihilation of form, whereas limitation without a generative counterforce remains an empty concept, a denial of matter. Neither process alone is capable of yielding a morphology."

2. Polarities in music are necessary as they counter-balance and unify the piece as a whole. One can correlate the idea of polarities to man's own existence.

3. The universe is made up of magnetic charges, which is composed of positive, negative charges, and neutral bonds (no charge). All things in the existence of the universal plane has an equal amount of negative charge, as it does positive charge, which makes all things potentially neutral. All things have two sides with a connection in the middle. This third dimensional plane is polarity consciousness, which splits all things into a dichotomy. Man's purpose in life is to understand this dichotomy and rise to unity consciousness, out of polarity.

4. Plato wrote many years ago about the "dot," "line," and the "circle." These three aspects make up the cone (to visualize the cone think of the shape of a pyramid; dot - tip of the pyramid, line - sides of the pyramid, circle - bottom spectrum of the pyramid). Through the representation of the cone one can visualize evolution rise and fall to different levels of awareness.

5. The circle aspect of the cone is a cycle of life. This cycle has a positive polarity on one side, and an equal but opposite negative polarity on the other side. These opposites are mirror images of each other, and are in constant motion, which is energy. The cycle of the cone is an imbalance.

6. The line is the ascension from circle to dot. The higher you rise, the closer you get to the dot and the lines decrease in size. The lower you fall from the dot the wider the circle becomes, and the lines increase in size.

7. the dot is the point of instance where the positive and negative polarities connect. This is the truth, or neutrality. Unity consciousness is all about opposites coming together forming one, or a neutral bond. When a male and female come together they form a child. The child is a light creation, which is neutral.

8. The brain is the power plant of the body. Connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain will make you a full potential being. The brain is the transmitter of energy to all parts of the body. The brain is the transmitter and the organs are the receptors. The brain is the male aspect and the organs are the female aspects of the body. Just like our solar system, the sun is the male aspect, and the planets rotating around the sun are the female aspects. The male side of the brain is the left side and its characteristics are logical. The female side of the brain is the right side and its characteristics are expressions. When male and female come together they form child, and this child is whole brain functioning.

9. The microcosm, macrocosm and the cosm are a direct reflection of each other. The microcosm being the molecules, cells and atoms of the body. The macrocosm being the planets in your solar system, your universe, and your galaxies. And the cosms being everything in your immediate setting. What this means is that if you are one with yourself, then you are one with the Infinite wisdom, or power that resides in all things.

10. Polarity gives birth to Unification. It is an element of elevation; hence, limitations give rise to growth.