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The Guys Of Breaker High

Attention!!Breaker High is in need of your help!If you don't send a letter to Mr. Sabin or Mr. Robbins at:
Save Breaker High
Sabon Entertainment
10960 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024
the show will be cancled...That can't happen people!!!So get writing!!!

Hey Breaker High Fan!This page was created Sunday Dec.6/97 and is under construction right now!This is a page dedicated to them hotties of Breaker High! Ryan Gosling(Sean Hanlon), Kyle Alisharan(Alex Garcia), Scott Vickaryous(Max Ballard) and Tyler Labine(Jimmy Farrell)
I'v added 3 new sean sounds. There will be more soon and I'll be getting some pictures. Sorry it's taking awhile!
This is the hunk Scott Vickaryous who plays the troubled Max Ballard
The Athletic Alex Pineda played by Kyle Alisharan
Oh yeah the smooth, retro dressed, cutie Sean Hanlon played by former Mouseketeer, Ryan Gosling
Here is Tyler Labine who plays the always hungry Jimmy Farrell

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My name is Lynda Kinsey and I love Breaker High!

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email me with suggestions and if you notice any spelling mistakes!
Lynda Kinsey, Melissa Kisyel,Paulette and Chantelle Meakin, Claire Neilson and Anna Tsangarakis created this page!

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