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Dear Friends,

Tonight I watched some extended TV coverage of the Kosovo crisis.  I feel heartsick, as I'm sure you do too.

Please let's all do what we can to get the word out about the PRAYER VIGIL FOR A MIRACLE IN KOSOVO:

Every day, for at least thirty days. Two minutes (minimum) of silent meditation and prayer for a miracle in Kosovo 3 pm EST; noon PST; 8 pm in London, etc.

This is an international prayer vigil, so tell people wherever they are.

If everyone who reads this sends out at least one fax or e-mail about this, it will help.  Remember, the more minds share an idea, the stronger it is.


Listen to an audio prayer by Marianne Williamson:

The above is a copy of a (Fwd) Fw: Fwd: PRAYER VIGIL FOR A MIRACLE IN KOSOVO email sent to me by a friend.  Please SEND this URL to your family and friends in ICQ or email.  Thank you!

May Father Sky and Mother Earth guide the Spirit of our prayers to Sacred Grounds.

~Ayor anosh'ni my brothers and sisters~


~whisper softly ciao baby~

Please take a gift for your gallery:

~G's Circles


~May you walk in balance with Mother Earth~

You are Kindred Spirit

April 11, 1999