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~Poems and Songs by Kindred Spirits~

Mother Earth hungers for peace, unity, love, compassion, positive energy, brotherhood and kindness...we offer our poems and songs as a symbol of nourishment for Her.

Messengers of Peace and Light

  • bingo91, Africa room; Poetry Cafe
  • ~Guanja, Africa room
  • gmajor, Africa room
  • Love Hurts, Helpdesk room
  • malvolio, Africa room
  • serena2U, Africa room
  • spirit song, Africa room
  • starhoku, Africa room
  • VP Poet

A Tribute To My Sweet Sister, hoku_guest

She enters the room on golden wings,
Her smile warms the soul,
Her voice like an angel choir.

All who enter are blessed by her presence.
She is rain in the desert,
Light in the darkness,
Compassion in the center of chaos.

Her words are simple,
Her thoughts profound,
Her love unconditional.

She is Hoku...the star of Africa....

Peace, Joy, Love and Light unto your path...
by serena2U

~The Editor~

It took me a while,
but I took off my mask.

I poured the very blood out of my heart.
The blood that contained my soul: the very essence of me.
Then you came a long.
You took my blood and dyed it green.
You made my eternal soul opaque.
You turned my heart into rock.
And painted my mask, black and lifeless.
And now...look at me. I'm not me anymore.
I'm just the result of your editing.
by VP Poet

~Whistle of the Train~

I hear the leaves rustle when the wind blows,
While the creek whispers softly of my love for you.
While smooth pebbles and sand lay beneath me,
I feel your essence surrounding me
Like water surrounding an island.
I breathe the fragrance of the mountains
Blowing gently off of the pine and oak trees,
And know you are in the whistle of the train.
by ~Guanja


Drawn we are to the water's edge,
Existing as humans on a precarious ledge.
Living between intellect and earth,
Instincts are buried by foolish selfworth.

Physically, mostly water we are
In the same ratio as ocean to land,
Coincidence you say, this may be,
Mother is subtle in her life's plan.

Caretakers we are of one so sweet,
Make prayers to her,
Humble yourself at her feet.

Mother is the one through which we all live,
Be kind, one day she may cease to give.
Resilient she is, willing to bend,
By selfishly taking, we'll hasten our end.
by spirit song

~Shhh... Listen~

You have just left,
I sit watching your image as it fades into the horizon.
The taste of your kiss lingers on my lips,
The scent of your cologne fills my senses,
Your laughter echoes through my mind.
A smile flutters across my face, and a sigh escapes my throat.
You, darling, are the warmth of days and the moonlight in my nights,
Your name is whipered by angels,
You, beloved, are the source of the song that causes my heart to dance.
And the joy I feel reverberates in the silence of the night,
Its melody floats softly across the ocean in search of you, my beloved.
In the early morning hours of a Cairen night, you can hear my soul's prayer, Shhhh...listen, my beloved,
Listen and you will hear,
The fluttering beat of angels wings in rhythm with my heart.
Shhh...listen, my beloved,
Our names are whispered by angels. the keeping of angels.
by serena2U

~To Meet Once Again~

High above the mountains, silently watching,
And between the vales of these hills.
A familiar sound in the distance is heard,
Our train chants a morning, golden and true.
It was love, now until the end of time.

Where rock and sand share our world,
In the depths of the mountains shadows,
And fashioned in tune distinctly pleasing,
My heart takes a picture, willingly...joyfully.
I will love you for the rest of my life!

The lustrous mountains pristine appearance,
And the aromatic crispness perfumes the air,
Melodiously we listen to nature's ambience.
It was there our love embraced, to meet once again,
May I be with you again...forever!
written online in Africa room by bingo91, ~Guanja and starhoku


Fly free ancient souls
Tired as you might be.
Seek your mate upon the wind
Be brave, stay near the sea.

They are there
Between water and sky,
Alive, not living,
Not knowing why.

To search from emptiness,
They share this glass.
To search, their life's mission,
Come to pass.

Wandering aimless
Direction bound,
They sense each other,
Rather than found.

They know that each
Is the one,
Their search
Finally is done.

Relief of loneliness,
The telling tale,
Together fulfilled,
On the wind they sail.
by spirit song

~Foolish Hearts~

With tears in her eyes, says my Princess:
"Don't I deserve some happiness?"

With tears in my heart I looked at her,
To me this question did never occur;

Is it wise to tell her what I know?
That a heart of gold shall always glow,

Radiating happiness everywhere but getting none.
"A golden heart, my Princess, is a foolish one.

Foolish hearts, my Princess, are honest hearts,
And, thus, in happiness, they share no parts.

But rather they prefer a peaceful conscience,
For, indeed, true love knows no justice.

A foolish heart is inevitably bound to suffer,
And to consume itself forever and forever,

A foolish heart gives nothing but all,
But never does its fountain stall.

And yet, stubbornly, refuses to be traded for anything,
And, hence, for all I know, its unhappy ending.

But save your tears, there's still a glimpse of hope to conquer,
One day your foolish heart shall... another foolish heart encounter.

And whenever you feel pain, sadness or distress,
Just remember this:
"Only a foolish heart can conquer the universe my sweet, foolish-hearted Princess."
by malvolio (A. BAHGAT))

~Let Me Live in a House~

Let me live in a house by the side of the road,
Where the race of man go by,
The men who are good and the men who are bad,
As good or as bad as I.
I would not sit in a scorners seat,
Or hurle a cynics ban,
Let me live in a house by the side of the road,
And be a friend of man.

~Coming Out of the Darkness~

Walking out of the darkness
Reaching for the light,
Touching your skin, feeling it’s softness
I’m finally exiting the night.

I can finally move on,
I can start to get over you,
Your not here, your finally gone.
I’m changing my walking shoes,

Coming out of the darkness,
Coming out of depression,
Bring on the happiness.
Building up from regression,

Soul searching,
Whispering forgotten names,
Reaching for a limb, sitting, perching,
It’s all the same.

Watching as my old self
Just disappears,
Putting all of your memories on the shelf,
Waiting for love to reappear,

Coming out of the darkness.
Holding on to my plans,
Here I come, holding my regretfulness,
Kicking around the cans.
by Love Hurts

~The Dancer~

The dancer, light as a heartbeat,
Moves across the room,
Poetry in motion.
As she spreads her arms with effortless effort,
She jumps and jumps once more,
Inspired by a simple windsong.
The air is engulfed with a whisper of love,
The hidden genius is free at last,
Mind and body togethe;
She unleashes the fibers of the universe
Like a symphony,
The strength and concentration
Results in a rhapsody of time and distance,
As the final chord brings forth an everlasting
Held by this final second of creativity,
The poet is inspired to write,
So the poet writes,
And behold
The dancer
by gmajor

May your life be filled with Peace, Love and Light.

~whisper softly ciao baby~

~My Love For You~

Starhoku's Websites ~The Prettiest Flower In The Garden~ ~Forgive and Forget~ ~A Prayer for Mankind~ ~Angel Words~

~World Peace~   ~World Peace.....Now~

Give Peace a Chance

~May you walk in balance with Mother Earth~

You are Kindred Spirit

December, 1997