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1...Begin each day with a prayer of dedication to God. Romans 12 : 1.

 2...Determine to live according to God's standards - not the world's. Romans 12 : 2.

3...See yourself as God does - with unique abilities and talents to serve Him!.

 Romans 12 : 38.

4...Show genuine Godly love to every person you meet. Romans 12 : 9- 10.

 5...Honor God in your work by doing the very best job possible. Romans 12 : 11.

6...Rejoice every day in the hope of your salvation. When the cares of this life threaten to discourage you, remember that Jesus loves you and will take you to heaven someday! Romans 12 : 12a.

7...Never stop praying! Romans 12 12b.

8...Share God's blessings with those less fortunate. Romans 12 : 13.

9...Be a blessing to others - determine to be someone who spreads good will and cheer wherever you go. Romans 12 : 14-15.

10.Don't allow the circumstances of your life to take away your joy. Romans 12 : 21