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PREVIOUSLY: When the maleficent Menace attacks a Hollister-for-mayor campaign truck, Spider-Man finds himself in a fierce combat with the faux-Goblin. In the aftermath, Spidey finds a mysterious sweatshop full of Chinese immigrants – a sweatshop owned by mayoral candidate Randall Crowne. When Peter Parker photographs the scene for his bosses, Ben Urich and Robbie Robertson at the Front Line, Crowne calls for help of his own: his former mentor and America's top cop, Norman Osborn. Osborn and his Thunderbolts set out to boost Crowne's numbers by catching the unregistered vigilante, Spider-Man. Their investigation trail leads them to Pete’s apartment, where he finds himself at the mercy of his original arch-enemy.

REVIEW: As direct as one can be, Norman Osborn asks Peter Parker where he can find Spider-Man. Peter is evidently confused, though his thoughts reveal that Norman, as well as everybody else, has no idea he secretly is Spider-Man because of something he and someone else did (and he's not referring to the Mephisto deal). Before Peter can say anything, Norman tells Peter that he's aware of the arrangement he and Spidey have together: "He tips you off where he'll be, you take the pictures, and the two of you split the profits". Peter maintains that he has no idea what Norman is talking about so Norman instructs the Thunderbolts to trash the room until they find clues as to how Peter contacts Spider-Man. When Venom grabs hold of a picture that features Peter and some of his friends, notably Mary Jane Watson, Harry Osborn, and Gwen Stacy, Peter yells at him to put it back but Venom doesn't give in to his request and shatters the picture frame. Infuriated, Peter turns to Norman and asks that they stop what they're doing. Norman tells Peter that he's only trying to help him because if he's withholding information about Spider-Man, he could be in a world of trouble. He's been going easy on Peter, because he's a friend of the family, but next time things will be different. Just then, Norman gets a call from one of his operatives telling him that Peter’s roommate (i.e. Vin Gonzales) is on his way up. Norman instructs the Thunderbolts to move out and leaves a few words or advice to Peter on his way out. A couple minutes later, Vin enters the apartment and, upon seeing the mess left behind by the Thunderbolts – thinking Peter had a party – he hollers at him to clean it all up or else he’s going to throw him out of the apartment. He then makes his way into his bedroom and slams the door behind him.

Eddie Brock arrives at the F.E.A.S.T. centre and, upon seeing Martin Li and Aunt May (Parker), shares the good news he received from his doctors: he is now cancer-free! Aunt May is stunned and dubs his recovery a miracle – one of the many that have been linked to the centre. As tears of joy fills Eddie's eyes, Martin asks Aunt May to look after things and he brings Eddie into an adjacent room where his office is located. As the duo enters the office, Eddie recounts what the doctors told him about his recent tests – his white blood cell count and antibodies in his system are all back to normal according to them. As well, every last trace of the symbiote are now all gone. It's as if the Venom symbiote was completely purged out of his body. Eddie has no idea how or why it happened to him, as he never felt he deserved a second chance. Martin responds that one should not question the miracles and magic in life but embrace and enjoy them. Having said that, he tells Eddie that he very rarely brings people into his office, as it is his private sanctuary, a place where he's found magic, as unbelievable as it sounds. He shows Eddie a nearby table upon which a board game is set up and tells him that every day or so, he makes a move with one of the white pieces and, some mornings, he comes in to find out that a move’s been made with a black piece. Martin can’t explain where his opponent comes from but he’s learned to enjoy the game; simple as that.

On the steps of City Hall, a ceremony is being held in honour of Norman Osborn, a great man and great American. DB publisher Dexter Bennett steps behind the podium to "redress a great wrong" as the announcer puts it. Bennett starts explaining that when the DB used to be called the Daily Bugle, stories were printed about Norman being the Green Goblin, a "menace" to the world. Bennett is there to tell everyone that the DB is offering a full retraction and the most sincere apology to Norman, as well as to all of New York City, whom he feels deserve to know who the good guys are and who are the real menaces. Randall Crowne steps up to the microphone and, after a few words of praise, introduces Norman as the Crowne's Foundation Man of the Year. Norman stands behind the podium and thanks his friend for the award. He then introduces the Thunderbolts and explains that they are in New York on a mission to rid the city of the serial-killing criminal Spider-Man, something mayoral candidate Bill Hollister's friends at the NYPD have failed to do. The assembled crowd applauds and cheers on Norman, with the exception of Peter Parker and Ben Urich, present on the scene for the Front Line newspaper. They are rather flabbergasted that the whole world seems to be just completely upside down with Norman Osborn being the good guy and Spider-Man the bad guy. The floor opened to questions, Ben Urich immediately speaks up and asks Norman what he thinks of Randall Crowne's involvement with illegal sweatshops in the city. At the same time, a cute female reporter calls to Norman. Norman completely ignores Ben and goes to the reporter who asks him if he's only in town for business or if he has other plans. Norman reveals that he's also in New York for family.

At the Coffee Bean, Harry Osborn nervously awaits a visit from his father. Lily Hollister, his girlfriend, and Carlie Cooper reassure Harry that the place looks great and suggest he not worry. On cue, Norman Osborn makes his entrance. Harry welcomes him and introduces him to Lily. Immediately, Norman points out that she’s Bill Hollister's daughter. Lily responds that she hopes it's not a problem, seeing as Norman is a Crowne man and all. Norman cockily responds that he's in the habit of backing winners and is actually surprised Harry has sunk so much money into a candidate that is so unelectable (ouch!). Feeling the tension in the air, Harry grabs coffee for everybody. Upon seeing Harry serve them coffee, Norman asks Harry if serving drinks is what he's been doing with himself. Harry answers that he does more than just that. He explains that he's closed some major deals, which will see his coffee shop franchised throughout the East coast and allow him to clear a billion dollars in the first year. Norman is unimpressed, as he already knew about all that, having kept tab on Harry and all his various little projects. Norman tells Harry that he has a hard time accepting that he walked away from the family business to sell ground beans to the effete. Harry replies that he wanted to show him that he could something on his own. Turning around and walking out, Norman tells Harry that he is not on his own, as he's an Osborn, and Norman's never been more ashamed of that. Lily puts her hands on Harry's shoulder, telling him that she's proud of him and that Norman will eventually come around. Harry suddenly turns around and yells at Lily to stop saying that, as she has no idea. He also calls her a spoiled little daddy's girl. Furious, Harry says that he needs to get some air and walks out of the coffee shop, leaving Lily wondering what just happened.

A few minutes later, Norman arrives at Osborn Manor on Columbus Circle and makes his way to the command centre for the Thunderbolts. He calls the Thunderbolts and ask that they update him on their search for Spider-Man. Flying in circles around the DB, Songbird has no sightings of Spider-Man to report. Neither does Radioactive Man, who is keeping an eye on the Forest Hills area, where Spidey has been spotted many times. Venom, who is swinging all over the place, hasn't seen Spider-Man either but vows to find him soon enough; Norman likes his attitude. When Norman asks about news on Peter Parker, one of his men reveals that they've lost him. Norman cannot believe it. He swears Peter has a connection with Spider-Man, which he's exploited in the past. He needs to know where he is at all times.

Unbeknownst to Osborn or his security team, Spidey is crawling along the wall outside the building, heading upwards. Reaching a window, he webs part of the glass and proceeds to punch through it (the web holds the glass fragments together and also acts as a cushion, preventing Spidey from cutting himself). Trusting his spider-sense, which would warn him of danger, he enters the building and makes his way further inside, evading the many alarm systems in place.

In a chamber somewhere in the Thunderbolts Headquarters, the assassin known as Bullseye is strapped to a chair. As Bullseye is too volatile to be set free in the general population, Norman Osborn only allows that he be permitted to join the team when all else has failed. Two heavily armed security guards are in charge of watching him. Lost in conversation, the guards do not detect that the chamber's been breached, despite Bullseye's contention that he's heard noises. Before either guard can even say or do anything, Spidey appears above them and knocks them unconscious. Bullseye tries to call for help but Spidey quickly webs his mouth and proceeds to turn off the building's power and communication systems.

In the command centre, Norman Osborn and his security team react to the power and communication losses and try in vain to call for backup. Working quickly from the shadows, Spidey takes out Osborn's agents one by one and then proceeds to shine his spider-signal at Norman's feet. Unimpressed, Osborn claims to know Spidey "too well". Spidey argues that times have changed and that Norman has no idea who he is. Conversely, Spidey knows everything about Norman, his crimes, secrets, and every single victim and, as such, he can get to him whenever he wants. Norman taunts him to take his best shot but before Spidey can do anything, backup guards come crashing through the door. Norman instructs his agent to arrest Spidey. However, as the guards attempt to move, they realize that their feet are stuck to the floor, which Spidey has completely coated with webbing. Before the guards can react, Spidey snags a couple of large hex bolts that were lying around and uses them to render the guards unconscious. Enraged, Norman calls for the Thunderbolts to report back to base immediately, as he needs their protection. Both Songbird and Radioactive Man answer the call but not Venom. When Norman contacts Venom, the latter indicates that he's found his old host, at the F.E.A.S.T. centre, and he intends to feast on his brain. Overhearing the conversation between Osborn and Venom, Spidey realizes that he must leave Osborn and makes his way to the centre right away, as Aunt May is working there today. As Spidey swings away, Osborn vows to get him soon enough.

Venom crashes through the wall of the F.E.A.S.T. centre, sending terrified homeless people scurrying away. Aunt May asks Martin Li, director of the centre, what they should do. Li attempts to calm everyone down, reminding them that Venom is one of the Thunderbolts, thus a licensed super-hero. Thrashing everything in sight, Venom calls out to Spider-Man, thinking that he is the old host whose presence he felt. It turns out, however, that Venom felt not the presence of Spider-Man, but that of Eddie Brock, second host to the alien symbiote. Venom grabs hold of Eddie, who terrifyingly tries to escape, yelling at Venom to stay away from him. Suddenly, the symbiote starts to wrap itself around Eddie, despite Venom's plea for it to stop whatever it is doing. Eddie cries for the symbiote to let him go, just as something very strange starts to happen to him. A white substance appears to be wrapping itself onto his body, covering him from head to toe. All the while, Venom screams that the process is burning him, hurting him. Venom yells at Eddie to stop, but to no avail – he is sent flying across the room. Martin Li, Aunt May, and many others stand in awe at the creature before them: Anti-Venom (think of him as Venom with the colours of his costume inverted)!

To be continued.

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