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Amazing Spider-Man #528
WRITER:  J. Michael Straczynski
PENCILLER:  Mike Deodato Jr.
INKER:  Joe Pimentel
COVER BY:  Mike Deodato Jr. and Joe Pimentel
COLOR:  Matt Milla
LETTERING:  VC's Cory Petit
PRODUCTION:  Tom Valente
EDITOR:  Axel Alonso
PUBLISHER:  Dan Buckley
STORY TITLE:  Spider-Man: The Other – Evolve or Die – Part Twelve of Twelve - Post Mortem
A vicious battle between Spider-Man and Morlun seemingly claimed the lives of both predator and prey, but then Peter Parker shed his skin and evolved. Reborn with new powers, enhanced abilities, and miraculously healed injuries, Spider-Man thought that life was finally going his way…that is, until he remembered how he had returned.

Peter had embraced the totemic forces of the spider, and that spider, The Great Weaver, embraced him back.

Soon after, a new creature emerged from the corpse shell that Peter had shed and told Spider-Man that she was the counterpoint – the living, breathing answer – to his unorthodox return. Before he could learn more, she escaped to an unknown location and concealed herself within a cocoon.

While Spider-Man has sought counsel from those closest to him, anxieties have plagued him – specifically the consequences of his miraculous resurrection and his wholehearted embrace of the totemic spider god.

ACT 1: Tony Stark is performing more tests on Peter Parker to determine exactly what happened to him. Tony asks Peter if he remembers anything from the moment Morlun attacked him in the hospital and Morlun’s subsequent demise at his hands. Peter explains that he does recall that Morlun was screaming, however, it's as if he was there and wasn't there at the same time. While Tony tries to make sense out of all of this, he apologizes to Peter for all the annoying testing and explains that he simply needs to understand how he came back to life by literally crawling out of his own dead skin. Peter doesn’t mind the testing and jokes around a lot more than usual, especially as Tony gets closer to uncomfortable truths. Somehow, it appears that Tony is suspicious as to whether or not this Peter is the "real deal", which is why he is questioning him about his encounter with Morlun at the hospital. The testing done for the day, the two of them walk out of the laboratory and run into Mary Jane, who has been busy sowing up Peter's costume. This reminds Tony that he needs to get back to work on the new costume that he has been designing for Peter, so he heads off. Peter and MJ exchange a kiss and MJ asks Peter if Tony gave him a clean bill of health. Peter replies that he is fine and gives her a hug. On a mirror on the wall facing Peter, he sees not his reflection but the reflection of the spider-creature he met in that dream back in Amazing Spider-Man #527. Has embracing the totemic spider god somehow turned him into that creature on the inside?

ACT 2: Peter dons his costume and goes out on patrol. He's only been out for a little while when his costume starts to fall apart due to MJ's bad sowing skills. Wondering what to do, he suddenly gets a stroke of genius and remembers Leo Zelinsky, a tailor (who specializes in costumes for superheroes and supervillains) he met back in Amazing Spider-Man #502. Spidey heads over there, without appointment, and Leo starts to work on his costume. As Spidey sits down in the waiting area, a loud booming noise is suddenly heard and the room goes dark – something is going on out there. A shirtless Spidey takes off into the night to investigate.

ACT 3: Seconds later, he finds the source of the commotion: an apartment building has collapsed due to some nearby underground construction, trapping most of its occupants in the rubble. Hearing the screams of trapped people calling for help, Spidey starts to tear through the wreckage. He manages to help some people break free but one of them – a young woman – informs him that her daughter (named Jennifer) is somewhere in the building. Knowing full well that the whole place is starting to come down, Spidey does not hesitate one second and enters the darkened wreckage of the building.

ACT 4: He would normally not be able to see anything since the whole place is pitch dark, however, it seems that embracing the totemic spider god has given him the ability to see in the dark. Using this newfound power, he makes his way through the rubble at an amazing speed (no pun intended). A cry for help causes him to find another survivor of the collapse, but it's not the little girl. Having promised the girl's mother that he would find her, he shoots a web-line towards the direction he came in and tells the survivor to follow it. The survivor grabs hold of the line and takes off. As he walks away, holding on tight to the web-line, Spidey starts to pick some kind of vibration through the webbing. Suddenly realizing something, Spidey starts to spin a giant web all over the place and crawls on it. As predicted, he starts to pick the vibrations travelling through the walls and into the webbing, just like a spider can feel it when something is caught on its web. Once again, using this other newfound power, he manages to pick up the vibration of a rock being scrapped against a wall. Following this sound, he finds Jennifer, the little girl, barely conscious and having a difficult time breathing. He picks her up and starts to make his way out of the rubble. All the while, the building starts to collapse all around him. Spidey wonders how he's going to carry her and keep both hands free to dig their way out of there when he suddenly remembers that spiders carry their young on their back. With that in mind, he realizes that – similar to his ability to adhere to walls with the tips of his fingers – perhaps his back has adhering abilities as well. He throws her onto his back and it works; she is sticking to it. With both his hands free to dig out of there, he makes his way out seconds before the whole place comes down. He hands Jennifer over to her mother and takes his leave.

ACT 5: A short time later, at Avengers Tower, Peter sits with Mary Jane and the two of them watch a TV news report on him saving Jennifer. MJ can tell that Peter has something on his mind so she asks why he bears a far-off look. Peter tells her that being bitten by the radioactive spider all these years ago might have been the best day of his life, though that night was a whole different story. Having watched many sci-fi and horror movies in his youth, he started to wonder what could happen when a man is genetically merged with a spider. As he realized what could happen, he started to get scared. As a result, he never looked too closely at his powers, fearing that if he'd poke too deep beneath the surface, he'd find something that wouldn't be too pretty. Peter goes on explaining that he now thinks that maybe there is even more to his powers than what he got that day and that perhaps he can now start using them to help people more than he has ever imagined. He comments that if he hadn't been open to those powers earlier that night, he might never have reached Jennifer in time. MJ tells Peter that he did save Jennifer and that she should feel good about that, which is something she’s been thinking about. MJ explains that she thinks he was healed on the inside as well as the outside when he was reborn and consequently, all that has happened prior to his death and subsequent return should be forgotten and left in the past; therefore, he should focus on this fresh new start that has been granted to him. Realizing how much he loves his wife, Peter kisses her and tells her that he loves her. In another part of the building, Tony Stark eavesdrop on the conversation with a well placed bug and comes to the conclusion that Peter is in fact the "real deal" and not an impostor. Putting his headphones down, Tony gets back to work on the new Spider-Man costume to be unveiled soon in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #529.

The end...for now.