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Amazing Spider-Man #503
WRITER:  J. Michael Straczynski and Fiona Avery
PENCILLER:  John Romita Jr.
COVER BY: John Romita Jr.
INKER:  Scott Hanna
STORY TITLE: Chasing a Dark Shadow Part 1 of 2
In issue #57 (498), Dormammu returned, after having tricked not only Spider-Man, but Iron Man, Thor, the Human Torch, the Thing, Mr. Fantastic and Cyclops, into gathering his essence which had been scattered to a dozen different dimensions, hence providing him with enough power to reconstitute himself in the middle of Times Square.

In issues #58 and 59 (499 and 500), Doctor Strange joined his fellow superheroes in their battle against Dormammu. While the others took care of the Mindless Ones, Doctor Strange engaged into a fierce battle with Dormammu. As the battle raged on, Spider-Man decided to go help Dr. Strange defeat his mortal enemy. However, his presence changed the dynamic of the spell that Strange was casting against Dormammu and both superheroes ended up trapped in the void, outside of time and space. To free himself and Doctor Strange, Spider-Man had to relive his entire life, including his various encounters with his many enemies; from the moment he was bitten by the radioactive spider to the instant just before the ascension of Dormammu (he travelled back and forth through time). Once back in Times Squares, he stopped Reed Richards from using the device that was going to bring back Dormammu and then Doctor Strange showed up and repelled the Mindless Ones back into their own dimension.

ACT 1: Unbeknownst to both Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, a woman who had witnessed the Times Square spectacle had almost been sucked into the inter-dimensional rift created by Dr. Strange to send back the Mindless Ones. However, something had made its way OUT of the rift and had saved her in the process. This, on the other hand, had been felt by other beings. One of those beings was Loki, the Norse God, blood brother to Odin, and uncle to the Mighty Thor.

ACT 2: The woman awakens, having nightmarishly dreamed about the sequence described in ACT 1 (minus Loki). Simultaneously, Peter Parker (a.k.a. Spider-Man) awakens, screaming at the top of his lungs, his spider-sense going crazy. Mary Jane asks if there is anything she can do but it only lasts a few seconds and then the searing pain stops.

ACT 3: Loki disguises himself as a small spider and escapes the Asgardian Realm; eluding the guards of the Rainbow Bridge. At the same time, the woman mentioned above reveals her true self: she is the reincarnation of Morwen, first sorceress of Chaos (she changes appearance in front of our eyes). Using her mystical powers, she transforms the woman's home into her own and goes out seeking for the one responsible for her release – Spider-Man – to show her gratitude. Meanwhile, Loki has made his way to New York City and has switched his guise to that of a young boy.

ACT 4: Robbers are on the run from Spider-Man. They split; one of them heads into a nearby alley. Unfortunately for him, Spider-Man is waiting for him. When the miscreant tries to run away, he gets caught in Spider-Man's web. Suddenly, however, a bright light is seen and the web starts melting away. Morwen emerges from the shadows. The thief screams at her to get out of his way but with the simple movement of one hand, she sends him flying into a nearby pile of garbage. Spider-Man is impressed and inquires about who or what she is, while the thief takes that opportunity to flee the scene. Loki, still assuming the guise of a young boy is hidden around the corner, eavesdropping on the conversation. Morwen briefly explains how it was Spider-Man and Dr. Strange that allowed her to be set free from the void in which she was trapped and that she must repay her debt. She offers him the world, which he obviously refuses. She then proceeds to give him one night to make his decision. Whether he accepts her offer or he will be destroyed by the power that she possesses. While finishing that sentence, she disappears into thin air.

ACT 5: Spider-Man decides to go to Doctor Strange to seek his help. Strange is not there. Loki, as the young boy, shows up and tells Spider-Man to follow him; he will lead him to Dr. Strange. Spider-Man follows the young boy and they reach an abandon warehouse. Loki reveals himself and demands that Spider-Man tell him what he knows about Morwen. Spider-Man refuses and a battle breaks out. However, Loki uses his malevolent powers on a man, who had heard the commotion (from Spider-Man and Loki fighting) and had come to see what was going on. Spider-Man is forced to join forces with Loki to defeat Morwen because the man will die if he doesn't. Loki uses his powers once again and saves the man’s life.

ACT 6: After having brought the injured man to the hospital, Spider-Man meets with Loki. The latter explains who Morwen is and what she is seeking. "She is an ancient deadly force. Nothing a mortal can battle. It takes a minor deity or perhaps someone of Doctor Strange's abilities to defeat her. Strange's predecessors actually fought her, years and years ago, and vanquished her, scattering her essence across the many astral dimensions. But the same force that allowed Dormammu to reconstitute himself for a short period of time drew her to New York as well." Spider-Man asks what can be done to defeat her. The only solution, according to Loki, is to separate her from the body she is currently occupying. Spider-Man agrees to work alongside Loki, providing that no one gets killed in the process. They shake hands in agreement.

ACT 7: A gunfight is currently underway in the South Bronx. Three of the shooters on one side are about to lose the battle when Morwen appears out of nowhere...and using her mystical powers, she changes their measly little guns into mystical weapons.