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Amazing Spider-Man #17 (458)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie and John Byrne
PENCILLER:  John Byrne
COVER BY:  John Byrne
INKER:  Dan Green
STORY TITLE: Dust in the Wind
In Peter Parker Spider-Man #16, Venom literally takes out a bite of the Sandman, which causes the latter to lose his ability to pull himself all the way together, as he is missing part of his critical mass.

ACT 1: New York City in March; in the middle of a dark alley emerges a decomposing Sandman; the result of a bite from the infamous Venom. He blames Mysterio for his current condition. He turns back into sand, vowing revenge on the latter.

ACT 2: At the same time elsewhere, Gloria Grant stops by Peter's new apartment to give him details of an interview she has managed to set him up for, with a small research and development offshoot of a pharmaceutical company belonging to a friend of hers. Peter is grateful and promises her that he won't let her down. Once Gloria is gone, Peter starts walking, vowing not to be distracted on his way to the interview, definitely not by alter ego Spider-Man.

ACT 3: As he walks past a building, a woman, screaming for help, comes running out of her apartment building. She grabs Peter and pulls him into her baby boy's bedroom where the latter has gotten his head stuck between the poles making up his crib. Using his spider-strength, Peter pulls the poles apart and saves the baby boy. The mother kisses him as he gets ready to leave. However, at that exact moment, the New York Police Department Drug Unit storms the building. Peter realizes that he has gotten himself into some sort of a crack house. His spider-sense suddenly goes off and as he turns around, he sees someone escaping through a window. He is about to do the same thing, when his thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a policeman who shoves him against a wall and tells him to spread his legs. Handcuffed, Peter is escorted outside. The police van is full so Peter is put into a police car. As they make their way towards the police station to take Peter in for questioning, the police are called to an emergency. As they arrive on the scene of the emergency, they realize that they are going to need a lot more backup: the Sandman is on a rampage.

ACT 4: Both policemen exit the car and start shooting at the Sandman. Meanwhile, Peter has broken loose from his shackles and has gotten out of the car. The policemen are overwhelmed by the sand storm created by the Sandman but Peter pulls them out of harm's way in the nick of time. He then switches to his Spider-Man costume as the Sandman makes his way into a nearby building. Spider-Man follows him in; crashing through a wooden door. To his outmost surprise, he is confronted by an apocalyptic version of New York City. After a quick conversation with, and demonstration from the Sandman, our hero realizes that this is another one of Mysterio's illusions. Suddenly, however, lightning strikes and that is no illusion. Mysterio's whipping dog, Electro makes his entrance. A battle naturally follows. But our clever hero uses Mysterio's illusion against them and he brings the ceiling of the warehouse down on the two miscreants; while he escapes with the Sandman.

ACT 5: A short time later, Peter shows up for his interview but Gloria's friend tells him that he is too qualified for the position and therefore cannot hire him. On his way back to his crummy apartment, Peter passes by a restaurant with a sign in the window that says "Dishwasher Wanted. Ask Inside".