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Amazing Spider-Man #16 (457)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie and John Byrne
PENCILLER:  John Byrne
COVER BY:  John Byrne
INKER:  Dan Green
STORY TITLE: Coming Home
In last issue, Peter traveled halfway across the world to the country of Latveria, run by a robotic version of the evil tyrant known as Doctor Doom, while searching for Mary Jane, his missing wife, after receiving an anonymous phone call from someone who said she was being held in said tyrant’s castle.

ACT 1: Back in New York City, Peter, as Spider-Man, makes his way back to his penthouse apartment he shares with his Aunt May. As he arrives home, everything in the apartment has been packed up in boxes. Aunt May appears from around the corner and explains that not only the bank is claiming that the mortgage on the apartment is several months in arrears but so are the electric, insurance, and credit card companies. Peter asks her why she didn't try contacting Mary Jane's manager. May replies that she did, but that the latter did not return her calls. Furious, Peter storms out of the apartment. Over the next several hours, Peter's fears are confirmed: Mary Jane's manager has disappeared and has cleaned out all of her accounts, thus leaving Peter and his Aunt in debt.

ACT 2: A short time later, Peter meets with Aunt May and tells her what he has found out. She tells him to not worry about her and that she will crash at Anna Watson's for a while, until they can figure out what to do. She suggests that he joins them later. Peter is amazed at the strength shown by his beloved Aunt as she leaves in a cab.

ACT 3: A short time later at the Tri Corp Research Foundation comes a most unlikely visitor. Her name is Cassandra Locke, she is a time traveling historian from a far distant period. As she walks the halls of the facility, she suddenly hears a scream for her to stop. She turns around and comes face to face with Peter Parker. Or so it seems. In reality, Cassandra is invisible to the human eye. Peter was in fact screaming at Terry Kwan for her to stop. Terry offers her condolences to Peter and tells him that he should really talk to Dr. Twaki, as she walks away, leaving a puzzled Peter standing behind. The name Peter Parker seems to ring a bell for Cassandra Locke, who tries to remind herself about something important she has read about Peter.

ACT 4: As Cassandra tries to remember what she knows about Peter an alarm suddenly goes off. Armed guards are coming her way. She runs away but ends up in a dead end. As she turns around to flee, she realizes that the guards cannot see her and that they are actually running towards another lab, not after her. She follows them into the lab. The experiments being held in the lab strikes her as being very important. In her own words: "Every single technological advance mankind makes from this day forward is based on the work being done in this room today". She seems to recognize Doctor Twaki who is trying to control the experiment and who appears to have problem doing it. She also notices the villain known as the Ghost, an industrial saboteur who can become intangible at will. She realizes that the Ghost is trying to sabotage the experiment and that is why Dr. Twaki is having a difficult time controlling the experiment. At that same moment, Spider-Man crashes the party. He grabs hold of Dr. Twaki and his assistant and takes them out of harm's way. Guards immediately suspect that Spider-Man is the saboteur, until Cassandra comes into view and points out that the Ghost is behind it all. One of the guards shoots at the Ghost but the bullet goes right through him and hits a computer bank that causes a chain reaction, which will make the entire building blow up unless the backup cut-off switch is activated. Spider-Man leaps through an energy field and is just about to pull on the switch when the Ghost uses his amazing powers and reprograms the computer so that activating the cut-off switch will just increase the power input, therefore making the explosion even bigger. Spider-Man battles it out with the Ghost but the latter's power are too much for him. That's when Cassandra comes into play. She tells Doctor Twaki to invert the phase differential, (whatever that is!) which will dampen the reaction down. Doctor Twaki does as told and it works. Meanwhile, Spider-Man is still battling it out with the Ghost. Cassandra uses her time-warp capabilities of her belt and she blocks the mechanism that allows the Ghost to become intangible. With one punch, Spider-Man takes out his adversary. Spider-Man turns to Cassandra and asks her who she is. Cassandra starts running away but our hero webs her feel to the ground. She explains that she is from the future and that only by accident did she end up in the nineties. She was in fact heading towards the fifties when she suddenly appeared there. She tells Spider-Man that he ends up living to be an old man. Our hero asks about Mary Jane. As Cassandra starts fading out of thin air, she asks "who is Mary Jane?" The guards surround a distress Spider-Man but the latter web-slings away.

ACT 5: A short time later, after changing back into his street clothes, Peter approaches Doctor Twaki to talk to him. A conversation ensues. Unfortunately for Peter, his services are no longer required at Tri Corp. Later that same day, Peter heads to the Daily Bugle to sell some of his photographs of Spider-Man. Surprisingly, J. Jonah Jameson says he can't use them. Peter wonders if this has anything to do with the events of a few weeks back, when Venom knocked him out as Jonah was standing over him. As Jonah walks him out of his office, Peter starts to wonder if Jonah would have gone as far as taking off his Spider-Man mask to learn of his identity. As Peter walks away, he ponders about what he's going to do now.