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Amazing Spider-Man #12 (453)
WRITER:  Howard Mackie & John Byrne
PENCILLER:  John Byrne
COVER BY:  John Byrne
INKER:  Rodney Ramos and John Beatty
STORY TITLE: Another Return of the Sinister Six
During the Final Chapter storyline, Peter made the fateful decision to retire his costumed alter ego once and for all. Peter now lives in a luxurious midtown Manhattan penthouse with his sickly Aunt May, thanks to the large income from his absent model wife, Mary Jane. He has just recently gotten himself a job at the Tri Corp Research Foundation.

In Amazing Spider-Man #2, after realizing that no one but him could stop the creature known as Shadrac (a.k.a. Greg Herd, a.k.a. Override), Peter made the fateful decision of reassuming the responsibility of being Spider-Man. This came after Mattie Franklin, who was granted the gift of power during the Gathering of Five ceremony, failed to perform as well as the real Spider-man when she adopted his identity when he decided to call it quits. Peter's wife, Mary Jane, who is away on photo shoots regularly doesn't know that Peter is still Spider-Man, although she is slowly starting to become suspicious.

In Amazing Spider-Man #9-10, Mary Jane, who is away on a photo shoot, is still receiving phone calls from an apparent stalker/obsessed fan. Upon receiving his latest call, she rushes back to New York. In Amazing Spider-Man #11, Mary Jane is back in New York. But the stalker is hot on her trail. At the end of the issue, her limousine is stopped dead in its tracks by an explosion. When she gets out of the vehicle, there is a huge banner with a message from the stalker. At that same moment, Spider-Man drops in and takes her away. In Peter Parker Spider-Man #11, Mary Jane reveals to Peter that someone is stalking her and he reveals that he is Spider-Man once again. More information about the possible connection between Senator Ward and Arthur Stacy is revealed in that issue. The rest of the issue deals with the Eight Day crossover, which does not affect the continuity of the Amazing Spider-Man series.

ACT 1: On his way back home, after a hard day's work at the Tri Corp Research Foundation, Peter, as Spider-Man, encounters Mysterio on top of one of the two towers of the World Trade Center. The scoundrel is again up to no good – conjuring some sort of major storm – so Spider-Man decides to put a stop to it. In the midst of the battle that follows, Mysterio apparently falls to his death. Onlookers from the street down below believe Spider-Man pushed Mysterio off of the building. In fact, Mysterio simply used another one of his elaborate special effects to simulate his fall and give the illusion that he died.

ACT 2: When Peter returns home to his apartment he shares with Mary Jane and Aunt May, a herd of journalists, security guards, family and friends are there to support Mary Jane in this difficult time. Jill Stacy, who is present at the apartment, reveals more information about her father's relationship with Senator Ward. Peter and MJ have once again a very intense conversation about their lying to each other and the fact that their relationship is not going on very well.

ACT 3: We find ourselves in a bar. It is there that the Sandman has chosen the first of several very important meetings he will have that evening. In comes Mysterio. Again, the Master of Illusion fakes his own death to impress the gallery and to show the Sandman that he only pretended to kill himself in front of the man without fear in Daredevil 1-7. The Sandman makes his proposal; he wants to reform the Sinister Six and destroy the mastermind behind the original Sinister Six gang: Doctor Octopus. Mysterio asks to know more.

ACT 4: At the scene of a burglary, we find a scavenger of the night: the Vulture. We also find the Sandman. Two members of the new Sinister Six down, three to go (although mathematically it seems like the numbers don't work out, let us not forget that the Sandman counts as one). So far, the Sandman has enlisted Mysterio and the Vulture.

ACT 5: The story quickly switches over to Spider-Man web-slinging the skies of New York City, pondering about the recent events involving the stalker. His spider-sense suddenly goes off but he doesn’t find or see anybody in trouble. While he swings away, the stalker is watching him from a nearby rooftop.

ACT 6: Hoodlums are hassling a young lady in Central Park. Alyosha Kravinov, a.k.a. Kraven the Hunter II appears and disperses the thugs. He is about to start chasing them when the Sandman takes shape in front of him. Another member of the new Sinister Six is recruited.

ACT 7: The New York offices of Senator Stewart Ward. Spider-Man confronts Stewart and tells him that Arthur Stacy is one of the many who want him dead. Spider-Man warns Stewart that he may not even try to stop Arthur if the latter decides to take matter into his own hands and dispose of him. On that note, Spider-Man leaves. Senator Ward picks up the phone. Who is he calling?

ACT 8: The master of electricity himself, Electro is the next one to be added to the newly reformed Sinister Six. The team is almost complete. There remains one member to be found.

ACT 9: Peter heads back home where it takes him close to an hour just to get inside, as a result of the press and paparazzis, and the heavy security in place to protect Mary Jane. He tries to sleep but he has too many things on his mind. He goes out for a swing.

ACT 10: Senator Ward is waiting for someone. Suddenly, the window behind him shatters and a large tentacle grabs him and drags him outside. Ward comes face to face with Doctor Octopus, who is furious that Ward called him from his office phone (It is assumed that Doc Ock is Ward's bodyguard). Ward explains that he had a visit from Spider-Man who told him that Arthur Stacy was going to try and kill him. Doc Ock laughs at the idea of Arthur attempting such a risky venture. At that exact moment, a sharpshooter, who is revealed to be Arthur Stacy, aims a long-range gun at Senator Ward. He is about to take a shot when Spider-Man arrives and webs up his gun. Spider-Man tries to make Arthur talk but the latter refuses to do so. He is just about to reveal what he knows to Spider-Man when our hero's spider-sense kicks in. He looks down at Ward's building and sees Kraven the Hunter and a bunch of ninjas going down the side of the building. He web-slings over there to investigate but is suddenly attacked by the Vulture. As he falls down, actual vultures then confront him. He punches one of them but his fist goes right through the bird. The vultures are actually illusions created by none other than the Master of Illusion himself, Mysterio. Electro uses that opportunity and takes his shot at Spider-Man. Our hero evades the lightning bolts send in his directions and sticks to the outside wall of a nearby building. The wall suddenly becomes alive and the Sandman materializes himself. Spider-Man leaps out of harm's way but is attacked by Kraven the Hunter. Making use of his spider-agility, he flips Kraven over him and the latter lands on top of the Vulture, who was flying below. Meanwhile, Doc Ock attempts to protect the pathetic Senator Ward but Electro and the Sandman gang up on him. The Sandman reveals to Ward that getting rid of Doctor Octopus is simply for fun but getting rid of him (Ward) is actually for money (The way the Sandman speaks seems to indicate that someone quite powerful is behind all of this). Doc Ock begs Spider-Man to help him; telling him that Ward cannot be allowed to be captured. Spider-Man is shocked and appalled that Doc Ock wants his help. He is curious as to why the latter is protecting Senator Ward. Doc Ock comes close to telling Spider-Man. Suddenly, however, the perfect opportunity arises and Doc Ock grabs Spider-Man and throws him in the direction of...Venom...the six and final member of the new Sinister Six. To be continued in the pages of Peter Parker Spider-Man #12.

There is a short story at the end of the issue which makes the reader wonder about the identity of Mysterio since Quentin Beck apparently killed himself in Daredevil 1-7.