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Red Wiccan's Page

Enjoy yourself while you are here...and I do mean enjoy yourself. ::mischievious smile::

Welcome to my home page. After 4 years of not touching this site, you can see it's still under construction, so please bear with me. :) I will be finished with this one day

Special thanks to Danny(aka Spike) and Julio (aka Water6) for telling me about angelfire so many years ago

thanks for everything. ::HUG::
Sisters don't you love this pic?
Just wanted to add that I hope all my pack sisters and friends enjoy this web site as it is still being made. ::HUGS:: AND ::KISSES::

Special Hello and Love to all my relatives, special hi to my mom, dad and sis Soph. They love me even though I've not been around for the last 2 years

Want to say Congrats to both of my auntie's because they got married over the summer in 1998, two months apart. ::APPLAUSE::
:) Congratulations to my Aunt YuChih and my Aunt Lucy, they both have wonderful daughters (and my new baby cousins).

space was empty--isn't now. The info has moved. So whatever, whenever. :) Catch up with you soon.

To continue reading is a treat, to stop now and you'll miss my pics. :) Silly little me, but then I'm not so little anymore. I have even newer pictures too! "Curiosity killed the cat (kitten for me); Satisfaction brought her back." ::lick::
Luv you all *KOTC*
To all my friends: I want to say HI to you all and that I'm glad I have you, I cherish the days that I'm with you and I hope we never part. No matter what happens I hope we will always remain friends to the end. Cherish the days we spend because you never know what happens next. A person can live for only so long. Love you all, if I never get the chance to tell you.
Now, for some HISTORY on me: I'm 100% chinese. I have spent a few years learning Manderin, but I'm a bit rusty. Born and raised in CA. Got a younger sis . Like to hang out with my girlfiend Alexi and go dancing. Love any sport especially tennis, b-ball, billards(pool), bowling, and swimming. I like to play most sports for fun and I love watching people play sports too. Football and ice hockey are the best to watch. I'm not a typical asian. I live in Southern Orange County, CA. I'm a student in Cal State Fullerton(final year). I love to write poetry and read romance books, no I am not crazy, :), sci-fi and fantasy are my favs. I love going to the beach and watching the waves, if you live near where I live I recommend Salt Creek Beach and Newport Beach, now that summers about I'll head to Salt Creek alot. I love anything remotely romantic. Love my game Diablo and AD&D(Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for those who don't know about it). I love anime too, DragonBallZ, the Lotus War series, RoboTech, Vampire Hunter D, Ramna 1/2, Fyushi Yugi and Ronin Warriors as well, I highly recommend all. Anything else you want to know about me gimme an im or e-mail. I'm always up for talk :) Oh! and before I forget I listen to almost any music except some country and heavy metal. It usually hurts my ears. Metallica is one of my favs as well. Their black CD and there S&M CD rock! My favs are new age like Enya and the Maedaevil Women. For pics scroll down!
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I hope you enjoyed my homepage as it is still being worked on.
Check out my pics and other pages. :)
Connections to other parts of my page:
Great news! I have the pics up. Click the link below.

My pics.
