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Burns and Smithers

Who was that young hellcat, Smithers?
"Homer Simpson, sir."
Simpson, eh? I'll remember that name.
-- Burns and Smithers, "I Married Marge"

Smithers, I don't want that unpredictable lunatic working in my casino.
"Fine, we'll transfer him to the nuclear plant, sir."
-- Burns and Smithers, "$pringfield"

"That man who's getting all the laughs, Smithers ... who is he?"
Homer Simpson, sir, one of the carbon blobs from sector 7-G.
-- Burns and Smithers, "Rosebud"

Um, he's Homer Simpson, sir. One of your drones in sector 7-G.
-- Smithers, "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment"

By the way, what was the lad's name?
"Uh, Bart Simpson, sir."
"He's the son of Homer Simpson, sir. One of your stiffs in sector 7-G."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Blood Feud"

Why is that man in pink?
"Oh, that's Homer Simpson, sir. He's one of your boobs from Sector 7-G."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Stark Raving Dad"

Smithers, who is this saucy fellow?
"Homer Simpson, sir. Sector sieben-Grueber, I mean, sector 7-G."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"

'Hey Burns! Eat! my! shorts!'
"Who the Sam Hill was that?"
Why it's Homer Simpson, sir. One of the schmos from sector 7-G.
-- Homer, Burns and Smithers, "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish"

Smithers, who was that corpse?
"Homer Simpson, Sir. One of the finest, bravest men ever to grace sector 7G."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Mother Simpson"

Look at that man, he has the crowd in the palm of his hand.
I haven't seen anything like it since Jolson. Who is he?
"That's Homer Simpson, sir. He used to work here in the plant,
but we fired him for gross incompetence."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Homer's Odyssey"

This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I
were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you.
"You are noble and poetic in defeat, sir."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish"

"How does he do it, Smithers?"
He's a love machine, sir.
-- Burns and Smithers, "Homer's Night Out"

You're not as stupid as you look, or sound, or our best testing indicates.
-- Monty Burns, "Homer's Odyssey"

Who is that lavatory linksman, Smithers?
"Homer Simpson, sir. One of the fork and spoon operators from sector 7-G."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield"

This man is costing my health plan five thousand dollars a day!
I demand he die with dignity.
-- Montgomery Burns, "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show"

"Who is that firebrand, Smithers?"
That's Homer Simpson.
"Simpson, eh? New man?"
Actually, sir, he thwarted your campaign for governor, you ran over his son,
he saved the plant from meltdown, his wife painted you in the nude...
"Doesn't ring a bell."
-- Burns and Smithers, "Last Exit to Springfield"

Really Smithers, I'll be fine. I'm sure your replacement will be able to handle everything.
Who is he, anyway?
"Uh, Homer Simpson, sir. One of your organ banks from sector 7-G.
All the recent events of your life have revolved around him in some way."
Simpson, eh?
-- Burns and Smithers, "Homer the Smithers"

Who the devil are you?
"Homer Simpson!"
"Homer Simpson!"
What are you talking about?
You're not making sense, man!
"Shut up! Homer Simpson!"
I can't understand a word you're saying!
"My name is Homer Simpson!"
You're just babbling incoherently...
-- Burns and Homer, "Who Shot Mr. Burns, Part One"

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