The Death of a Legend... The Death of a Legend

The Final Veils are drawn

The words came from the darkest parts of my soul
Now, day by day, hour by hour, I find that the Darkness inside me is dying.
The Daemons that plagued me night and day are breathing their last. The shadows of the past are drawing away from my heart and from my eyes.
I'll admit, a part of me is afraid to see them go. I've lived with them so long.
It takes extreme emotion to write good poetry (and by good I mean the kind that you read and it feels as though you are right inside the authors skin as they write, so that it makes a connection between you and you feel the words as though they spring from your own soul)
Right now I feel nothing. Not Love, not Hate, neither Joy nor Pain. I feel like a marathin runner who, on completion of the race, collapses on the sideline in exhaustion and all he/she feels is a deep exhaustion and an equally deep feeling of elation for having survived such a gruelling test.
It just seems as though the world is catching its breath, waitin for the next Hurricane. I know that will come, I know that this greyness will not last. I can see/feel a light at the end of the tunnel that draws me ever nearer.
One day I will be able to let myself Love again, but now, even though I have tried, the feelings just won't come.
This is a path I feel I must walk alone. I have enjoyed my time here and will someday return, but until then, I thank all those who came with me down my shadowed path, and know that, when the smoke clears, I'll be standing tall and true, thanks to Those closest to me. The ones who believed when everyone else was prepared, no eager, to believe the worst.
So the final Veil is drawn and this world passes into memory, but as my eyes close on this part of my past, I begin to dream the Silver Dream.

"In misty dreams and shadowed memories
Of fabled cities I have dwelt apace
And from strange Lakes set round with Guardian Trees
Have slacked my thirst, and scornful of the face
Of harsh Reality have stooped to trace
Dark figures on the sands of alien keys
In crystal splendor I have spanned the seas
And clothed myself in ledgendary grace...

In Idris I have dwelt where Serpent Stones
And flow'rs of dusty violet merge to form
A glimmering gate of wonder, whereto bones
Of warrior dead are gathered in a storm
Of whirling clouds and cauldron flames that roar
Beneath the sky-vault where great Ravens soar"

6th C, "Song of Dwyfyddiaeth"

So heres to all who helped me along..

Kvasir, Rhayne, Fire-Eyes, Noerah, Specter(s), Angel-hair, my sister Gwynyd, Brother Brax, And I guess too I must thank Dark Angel for her part: without her I never would have been shattered and cast into the flames, forcing me to re-forge my very soul.

To all who came and all who remain, May the Goddess smile upon thee and and the whispered winds of fate guide you to happiness.

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ICQ #24959663


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