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Douglas' Domain

Where to start? I'm 32 years old and I am finally getting my university degree. My friend Karen, gave me a tip that saved me two years of waiting to get in. I am grateful to her for her help. Most of the work in the programming section was created while I was going to university.I have had so little time to keep the page current, that much of the content on here is old at the moment.

I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada -- I have lived here off and on for most of my life, though I have traveled, and lived in, many other places in Canada from one end of the country to the other. For some reason, I always end up back in Edmonton. I have met a lot of people since I started coming online, and I'm glad. As I am sure you can tell from my page,I'm just starting to learn HTML/XHTML/CSS. Over time, my page shall hopefully improve.You'll just have to bear with me for a while, as for some strange reason, one doesn't have a whole lot of time for recreational computing while in university.~L~

But I will have time eventually. Until then, just sit back and try to enjoy what I have managed to come up with so far.~S~

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