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Crisis In Kosovo
"If you kill one person, you are a murderer, if you kill ten people you are a celebrity, and if you kill a quarter of a million people, you get invited to a peace conference." - Haris Silajdzic, Bosnian Foreign Minister referring to Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic
(notice the sarcasm)

Just when you thought it was over...peace treaties were being signed, the US were ready to pull's a big cat and mouse game. Sounds a lot like the cat 'n mouse game we played in the Gulf. But it's not about's not about money. This time, it's about people. Ulterior motive or not, if you're interested or concerned about the things going on in Kosovo, this is the place to go.    Kosovo.Org

Every now and then important things come up that need to be addressed. With the recent outcomes of the Columbine shooting, and the increasing amounts of violence in the world today, something needs to be done. Help support ani-gun organizations like PAX....or at least gun control organizations like the NRA.

PAX Organization

National Rifle Association

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