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Maria's Webpage


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out my webpage. I try to update as often as I can, but unfortunately, most of the content on here is OLD!. Please take the time to sign my guestbook :)

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***PiCs 5 (New Year's, My B-Day***

***My Artwork***

***PiCs 4 (Fire&Ice, Vlad's b-day)***

***PiCs 3 (Cuba)***

***PiCs 2 (Wasaga, Tina)***

***PiCs 1 (old)***



Fur Tina auf Deutsch

Nietzsche's thoughts on God:

"The sick and the perishing - it was they who despised the body and the earth, and invented the heavenly world and the redeeming blood-drops: but even those sweet sad poisons they borrowed from the body and the earth!"

Would the raptures of "heavenly transport" be possible without a body?
Religion strives for another world. With this, they display a hatred for life. The death of religion is near. Or, in Nietzsche's words "God is dead."

On science:

"We call it "explanation", but it is "description" which distinguishes us from earlier stages of knowledge and science. We describe better - we explain just as little as any who came before us."

What we have achieved are descriptions of greater and greater complexity and sophistication. But we have explained nothing. Such phenomena remain as magical to us today as they did to the most primitive human beings.

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By Maria. If you have any comments, contact me at: