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FOREVER of the Clan MacD@MN
FOREVER of the Clan MacD@MN
a.k.a. WHAM
*Whenever However Always Methos*

My Heart beats only for Methos


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If you have any comments, suggestions, flames .. anything at all that's bugging you, anything that's making you go insane ... send me a beer and I'll drink it

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Guestbook by GuestWorld

To .. a dinner, a film, a concert, a smile, a sunset, a walk, all of the above, whatever you would like....because the alternative is unthinkable

What   Methos   is   to   me

I, Forever, am totally, positively and absolutely crazy in love with Methos. I first saw him on "Methos" the episode that changed my feelings (DM had been the one). When Duncan walked down those stairs and turned the corner, he felt the buzz from the immortal across the room and I swear I felt it go thru me as well. When Methos looked up at DM, those eyes, that mesmerizing smile I did a gasp and then a long, slow sigh. That was it, I truly was lost. I had to see more of this guy. I rewound my tape when the show was over and watched it a 2nd time as I had never seen this actor before and had to find out his name. Now would he be on again. I crossed my fingers and prayed. I was rewarded with Finale to my delight. Then Season 4 (7 eps) ... my favorites were Chivalry, Timeless, Deliverance and Till Death... each for different reasons. We got to see a little different side of him in each. Season 5 (what a treat 8 eps) ... Comes a Horseman and Rev 6:8 (yes, ohhh yes) favs. We really got to see the Bad Side, but by then we were all so in love with him, it seemed strange to me that I could accept and forgive this, but I guess Joe put it best, "different times, different morales" Now were're to Season 6 (only 3 eps in 1998) ... I have been suffering Methos Deprivation and Methos Withdrawal and Methos Depression "BIG TIME!" .... watching my tapes so much I'm afraid I'll wear them out.
