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WPW Platoon!

The screen fades from previews of Platoon to solid black. A few stars fade in and then some jungle leaves and trees slowly fade in. Some jungle noises fade in. A plane can be seen in the sky. Suddenly it swoops down. It is a war plane. It passes right by the screen which leads into a group of clips from WPW matches and interviews. The clips end with a shot of Raven and his nest. Then, the screen splits with the nest on the left and DwA on the right. Then the left goes to a shot of Raven while the right goes to a shot of Dai. Then the picture explodes and Wemberley, the site of WPW Platoon is seen. Dan Mathews and Jason Smith are at the announcers table. Fireworks are exploding at the entrance. The camera goes to the announcer's table.

Jason Smith: Welcome everyone! We are live for WPW Platoon! I'm Jason Smith and with me is Dan Mathews! We have a very big card tonight!

Dan Mathews: Man, I really wish you'd get some new material. Those lines are really getting old.

JS: Anyway, we have an action packed card tonight. Five tag team matches with teams that are randomly put together. That means enemies with enemies fighting against tag team partners and many other possibilities.

DM: And the winners of all five tag matches will compete in a ten man battle royal to be named the number one contender for the World championship.

JS: Don't forget the World Title match. Raven defends the World title against Smokin' Tomster Dai. That should be a great match.

DM: No kidding. Dai and Raven are the leaders of the DwA and the Raven's Nest. Those two are going to give it all they got and more. Somebody's gonna get hurt.

Voice: Oh, you are soooo right!

DM: Who is that?

Voice: Up here.

The camera changes to the crowd where the newest DwA member, Jon Russell stands with a microphone in his hand and security members around him.

Jon Russell: Somebody is gonna get hurt....and it may just be you.

DM: What do you want Russell?

JR: Simply, I want your a$$ out of that seat.

DM: Well then why don't you come down and get it out of the seat yourself?

JR: Alright, if you insist.

JS: Jon Russell is coming toward the announcer's table. What do you plan on doing Dan?

DM: I'm not scared of that scrawny little...

JS: I didn't say that. I just wanted to know...

DM: Shutup. Here he is.

JR: Well, here I am.

Dan Mathews gets out of his seat and shoves Jon Russell. Suddenly, "What I Got" by Sublime plays and the president of WPW, Chris "The Dude" Norman comes out.

Norman: Woa, Dan Dan Dan. I'm disapointed in you. That little shove just cost you your position as announcer for this event.

DM: I ain't leaving this announcer's table.

Norman snaps his finger and a group of WPW security take Dan Mathews back to the dressing rooms. Norman follows after them. Jon Russell sits at the announcer's table with Jason Smith.

JR: What are we just sittin around for? Lets get to the first match.

James Young: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing the first team. First, accompanied to the ring by Anthony Elliot, from Bristol England, weighing 303 lbs...Supreme! And his partner, accompanied to the ring by Chris "The Dude" Norman, from Las Vegas Nevada, weighing 317 lbs...Snake Eyes!

Snake Eyes and Supreme stare at each other. Norman and Elliot do the same. Norman offers a handshake and Elliot accepts. Snake Eyes and Supreme shake hands somewhat reluctantly.

Young: And their opponents, introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Bravo Babe, from West Covina California, weighing 145 lbs...Johnny Bravo! And his partner, from Poland, weighing 214 lbs, the WPW Television Champion...Johnny Roach!

(The lights dim, The fans are going nuts! No music is playing as of yet but the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Suddenly Johnny Roach comes out of the lockerroom. He's dressed in a red and black tattered rags as usual, but has a new style HORDE shirt. It reads "Death to those who oppose the HORDE." Under this is a picture of Blayde wrapped in barbed wire, hanging above the WPW ring. Johnny has a microphone in one hand and stops walking halfway down the isle. He holds his T.V. Title in his other hand. Johnny talks to a fan for a moment then brings the mic to his mouth and points to the ring and Johnny Bravo.)

Johnny: Hey, Bravo. Who in the hell are you? The HORDE could barely find a scrap about who you are. You've been on a big losing streak and now.............well you are the HORDES partner for tonight. Well, we hope you dont think that we're gonna let you bring us down! You, cause us one bad moment and your gonna be the next man crippled by the HORDE. We got rid of page......(At this the fans go BESERK!)...and we aint even close to bein done. Its time to put up or shut up eh?

(Johnny walks to the ring, he slides in and gets in Johnny Bravo's face. They trade words and then seperate)

Bravo gets out of the ring. Supreme attacks Roach from behind. Snake Eyes gets out of the ring. Supreme, the former TV champion, and Roach, the current TV champion exchange punches. Supreme gets the better of Roach. Supreme clotheslines Roach down then stomps on him. Supreme slams Roach's head into the turnbuckle. Roach thumbs Supreme in the eye but this doesn't stop Supreme. Supreme whips Roach into the ropes. When he bounces back, Supreme powerslams him. Supreme covers Roach. One...kickout. Supreme tags in Snake Eyes and stomps on Roach one last time. Snake Eyes whips Roach into the corner and follows him in. Roach moves out of the way and Snake Eyes crashes into the corner. Roach dropkicks Snake Eyes as he comes out of the corner. Snake Eyes falls back into the corner. Roach makes the tag to Bravo. Snake Eyes swings at Bravo but he ducks. Bravo dropkicks Snake Eyes but Snake Eyes falls against the ropes and bounces back. Bravo dropkicks Snake Eyes again. This time Snake Eyes swats the dropkick away. When Bravo gets to his feet, Snake Eyes plants his boot into Bravo's head. Snake Eyes bends over to pick up Bravo but Bravo puts him into a small package. One...kickout. Bravo bounces off the ropes and attempts a high cross body. Snake Eyes catches Bravo in middair and throws him backward. Snake Eyes tags in Supreme. Supreme hits a big elbowdrop and covers Bravo. One...two...kickout. Supreme bounces off the ropes and misses another elbowdrop. Bravo tags in Roach. Roach clotheslines Supreme down and hooks on the Roach Trap figure four. Supreme powers his way to the ropes but the damage had been done. Roach works over the legs of Supreme with stomps and kneedrops. Roach sets up Supreme for the Roach Bomb but Snake Eyes clotheslines Roach. Bravo gets in the ring to help Roach. Snake Eyes catches Bravo in a sidewalk slam. Roach clotheslines Supreme and both men fall over the top rope. The referee has lost track of who the legal men are. Snake Eyes hits Bravo with the Snake Bomb. Snake Eyes covers Bravo. One...two...three!

Young: The winners of this match...Snake Eyes & Supreme!

Johnny Roach looks over to Johnny Bravo. Roach grabs his T.V. Title and runs and slams it into Bravo's head, sending Bravo over the top and to the outside of the ring. Roach follows him out, and slams the belt over Bravo's head twice more, ripping his face wide open. Roach then picks up Bravo and Roach Bombs him onto the security rail. Johnny Roach grabs a mic.

Johnny: You.........peice of trash. If.....not........for you, the HORDE would have had this match won! Damn, well the battle for leadership in this fed will continue with or without those who help themselves. The HORDE is not one to watch life pass by.

Johnny then walks off, his T.V. Title over his shoulder.

JR: Hahaha! Once again the DwA prove that we are just too good to be beat.

JS: Well...

JR: Shutup Jason cause I don't care. Our next match is Del Boy and Preacher vs. Candyman and Chris King. Well, either way the DwA will carry one team to victory. The only question is...which member of DwA will carry his team to sweet victory? Let's get to the ring before Jason wants to talk.

Young: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Now Introducing the first team. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by The Perfect Pugilist, from Parts Unknown, weighing 285 lbs...Preacher! And his partner, accompanied to the ring by Chris "The Dude" Norman, from Las Vegas Nevada, weighing 317 lbs...Del Boy! And now their opponents, introducing first, from Pittsburg Pennsylvania, weighing 250 lbs...Candyman! And his partner, accompanied to the ring by Will "The Thrill" Roberts, from Troy Ohio, weighing 267 lbs, the WPW US Champion..."Crippler" Chris King!

Preacher attacks Candyman before the bell rings. Preacher hammers Candyman in the corner with a number of body shots. Preacher hits a Snap Suplex on Candyman. Preacher tags in Del Boy. Del Boy and Candyman pause for a moment. Both men refuse to fight each other as they are apart of the DwA. Candyman tags in Chris King. Del Boy hits a Spinning Heel Kick to King. Del Boy whips himself on the ropes and misses a Spinning Heel Kick to King. King kicks away at Del Boy. King rakes Del Boy's face. King applies the Sleeper hold on Del Boy. Del Boy counters with a Jaw Breaker. Del Boy Russian Leg Sweeps King by surprise. Del Boy wears down King with a Boston Crab. Del Boy hits a number Elbow Drops on King. King hits a Atomic Drop on Del Boy out of no where. King hits a Piledriver on Del Boy. King covers Del Boy one... two... th, kickout by Del Boy. King hits a Belly-to-Belly Suplex on Del Boy. King applies Drop toe hold. Del Boy reaches the ropes. King hits a number of big chops to Del Boy in the corner. King whips Del Boy on the ropes, and King hits a big Spine Buster to Del Boy. King hooks the leg as he covers Del Boy one... two... and surpringly Candyman comes in the ring and Leg Drops King to break up the count. King and Candyman argue. Del Boy goes to the corner and grabs a cane. Del Boy is about to hit King with the cane but misses and nails Candyman instead. Del Boy checks if Candyman is alright. King rolls up Del Boy from behind one... two... three!

Young: The winners of this match..."Crippler" Chris King and Candyman!

Del Boy looks pissed at himself. Del Boy & Candyman both get up. Del Boy argues with Candyman. Del Boy goes angry and nails Candyman with a Clothesline! Del Boy walks up the aisle angry.

JS: Are the DwA having troubles?

JR: Shut your mouth before I knock you out! I gotta get to the back to sort this out.

Jon Russell leaves the announcer's table leaving Jason Smith alone.

JS: Thank goodness he's gone! Wait a second, who's that? It's Dan. Hello Dan, welcome back.

DM: You didn't think I'd stay gone did you? I'll get back at them before the shows over. What's the next match?

Camera suddenly takes on a goldish tint. (ala Goldust)

JS: Dan, look at your it ok? My screen is a goldish color.

DM: Hey, so is mine. What the....I know this music!

"Burn" by Nine Inch Nails blares through the arena. After a long wait the man they were waiting on walks through the curtains. He is a big man, about 6'5 250, he wears a golden yellow designer suit. His golden blonde hair in a ponytail. He has a piece of paper in his right hand and his left hand is behind his back, holding something out of sight.

DM: It's him!!! It's The Franchise!!! He's here I can't believe it. King better watch his back!!

JS: For all of you who don't know why my colleauge here said that, it is a well documented fact that The Franchise and the WPW US Champion, "The Crippler" Chris King do not like each other. They have fueded in numerous other federations and now it seems that the fued will continue here in WPW!

The Franchise starts to laugh as he brings his left hand out in front of the camera...

JS: What the hell? Where did he get that?

DM: He better look out, if Chris finds out.....

The Franchise proudly hods up Chris King's US belt. He is still laughing as he begins to make his way to the announcer's table.

JS: He is coming this way!

DM: Good, finally I will be able to talk to someone with some inteligence.

The Franchise declines the seat offered to him by Dan and grads a headset.

TF: Haha! you see this?

He holds up the belt.

TF: It was like takin candy from a baby!

DM: What's that in your other hand?

TF: It is an open contract to the stables of WPW. Whoever contacts me first and seeks my services will be the lucky stable that will shortly have the US gold!

JS: I see you are wasting no time and are going straight for the U.S. Champ!

TF: Why would I waste my time with anyone else here? King you don't like me, I don't like you, we have had many battles where a clear winner has never been determined. Well On the next card I challenge you. I challenge you to put up this title against...The Franchise! Put it up in a ladder match. I know you Chris, and as much as I hate you you are an outstanding wrestler and I know that you will accept my challenge. Who knows, maybe another time, another place, we could have been partners, best friends even, but that is not the case now.Now you are the driving force in my career. i have conquered every other fed and all I have left to prove, once and for all, is that I am better than you. So on the next card I've challenge you, and I know you will accept. So whoever wants the next US champ in their stable contact me. And remember if you are not with me you are against me. And you don't want to be against me. I'll be watching Chris and waiting. Waiting till the time is right. I', leaving your belt here Chris. Next time I take it though, you won't be getting it back. So goodbye Dan and Jason.......for now. HaHaHa!!

Burn once again begins to play. The Franchise exits the arena to a chorus of boos, leaving the US belt on the table.

Young: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Now introducing the first team. Introducing first, from Norway, weighing 296 lbs...Thor! And his partner, from Venice Beach California, weighing 284 lbs...Steve Borden!

The two get into the ring, Thor is without Leif the Lucky in this match.

Young: And their opponents, introducing first, from Norway, weighing 328 lbs...Olaff! And his partner, accompanied to the ring by Priest Painful Powers and Chris "The Dude" Norman, from Tibet, weighing 450 lbs...Kaos!

Olaff comes to the ring without Leif the Lucky as well. The Vikings let Borden and Kaos start the match. Borden attacks Kaos with big punches to the side of the head. Kaos backs into the corner where Borden continues the attack. Kaos thumbs Borden in the eye to stop the attack. Kaos turns Borden around in the corner and pummels him. Kaos backs up and squashes Borden in the corner. Kaos whips Borden to the opposite corner and follows him in. Borden raises his boot into Kaos's face. Borden clotheslines Kaos down and puts the boots to him. Borden hits a ddt and covers Kaos. One...kickout. Borden tags in Thor. Thor kicks Kaos in the stomach then drops an elbow onto the back of Kaos's head. Thor clotheslines Kaos down and bounces off the ropes. Thor misses an elbowdrop. Kaos hits a surprising dropkick and makes the tag to Olaff. Thor and Olaff stare at each other. Suddenly, Olaff lies down and Thor covers him. One...two...Kaos makes the save. Kaos argues with Olaff. Thor tags in Borden. Kaos gets on the apron and tags Olaff. Kaos and Borden get into a slugfest. Borden kicks Kaos in the knee and hits a ddt. Borden bounces off the ropes and attempts a clothesline. Kaos ducks it and bounces off the ropes opposite Borden. Both men hit the other with a clothesline. Both men make the tag to their partners. This time, Thor lays down and Olaff covers him. One...two...Borden makes the save. Borden picks up Thor and hits the Scorpian Death Drop. Borden leaves the ring discusted Olaff covers Thor. One...two...three!

Young: The winners of this match...Kaos & Olaff!

JS: Another great match. I want to take this time to announce the next WPW card. It is a very special Saturday Night Rumble. A night of very big matches. History is bound to be made this Saturday. The Unforgiven will defend the Tag Titles against Bad Boy Derek and Del Boy. Also, Snake Eyes will face Johnny Roach for the Television Championship. And just added...Chris King defends the US Title against The Franchise. Plus more matches yet to be added.

I'm looking forward to this Saturday. Our next match is about to start. Let's go to the ring.

Young: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing the first team, introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Chris "The Dude" Norman, from Iceland, weighing 240 lbs...Iceheart! And his partner, from Cardiff Wales, weighing 255 lbs...Mel "Judge" Gibman!

The two men get into each other's faces at first then back off.

Young: And now their opponents, introducing first, accompanied to the ring by The Perfect Pugilist, from Connersville Indiana, weighing 200 lbs, the WPW Lightweight champion...Minion! And his partner, from parts unknown, weighing 295 lbs...Darkness!

The two members of the Raven's Nest get in the ring with TPP and agree that Darkness will start the match. Ice Heart and Darkness start off the match...They stand in the center of the ring exchanging words. Ice Heart hits the much bigger Darkness in the chest, it has no effect. He hits him again. Darkness laughs. He hits him a third time and Darkness grabs his throat and choke slams him in the middle of the ring. He goes for the pin.....1.....2....kickout by Ice Heart. Darkness scoops him up and tags in Minion. Minion climbs the ropes as Darkness falls to one knee and lays Ice Heart on it. And Minion nails him with a elbow drop from the top rope ( ala Demolition ). Minion takes Ice Heart and whips him into the ropes. Minion puts his head down for a back body drop......Ice Heart saw it coming and nailed him with a DDT! Ice Hert goes for the cover 1...2..Darkness makes the save. Ice Heart tags in Mel Gibman...and leaves the ring and lays on the apron out of the ring trying to get a second wind. Gibman throws Minion into the ropes and connects with a dropkick. Gibman tags back in Ice Heart......Ice Heart was not ready to come in and h is letting Mel know it Ice Heart pushes Mel. Minion tags in Darkness and the two just watch Ice Heart and Mel Gibman argue. Ice Heart pushes Mel again. This time Mel hits him with a right hand that sends him stumbling back into the arms of Darkness. Darkness gives him a Bulldog. Darkness scoops him up off the mat and gives him the "Anxiety" Ice Heart falls to the arena floor. Gibman goes down to his partner. He yells at him and spits in his face. Then he picks him up and rolls him back into the ring. Darkness makes the cover........1........2.........3!!!

Young: The winners of this match...Darkness & Minion!

JS: The action doesn't stop at Platoon. We're already ready for the last tag bout of the card.

DM: So quit yappin and let's get on with it.

Young: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Now introducing the first team. Introducing first, from Pittsburg Pennsylvania, weighing 235 lbs...Vinny Kudione! And his partner, accompanied by Chris "The Dude" Norman, from Southport England, weighing 260 lbs...Mattus!

The three get in the ring. Norman and Mattus confront Vinny. Vinny ignores them both.

Young: And now their opponents, introducing first, from Dorsten Germany, weighing 252 lbs..."Double D" Dani Devastation! And his partner, from Las Vegas Nevada, weighing 317 lbs...Bad Boy Derek!

The bell rings and Mattus and Double D lock up in the center of the ring. Double D hits an arm drag and crawls on top of Mattus and is pummeling him with rights and lefts. Bad Boy Derek comes in to save his fellow DWA'er, Mattus. Dani and Bad Boy Exchange words. Mattus tags Vinny in. Vinny hits double D from behind. Double D turns and hits him with a big right followed by a clothsline. Hr scoops his body off the ground and gives him an atomic drop. Double D tags Bad Boy. Bad Boy is met by a kick to the stomach and a quick DDT. Vinny tags Mattus. Mattus enters the ring and quickly re-tags Vinny. Vinny is very upset and while he is arguing with Mattus Bad Boy sneaks up from behind and executes a back body drop. Vinny gets up and hits Derek with a thumb to the eye. While Dani is stumbling around the ring Vinny tries again to tag Mattus , but Mattus refuses. Vinny heads out to the outside and grabs a chair....while Dani and Bad Boy Exchange words. Dani turns to leave the ring when out of no where he turns and gives Bad Boy a Double D Devestator!!! Bad Boy lies motionless in the ring while Double D makes his way back to the locker room. Vinny re enters the ring with the chair. The ref is warning him. Vinny again tries to tag in Mattus, this time when Mattus refuses Vinny hits his own partner in the head with the steel chair!! Bad Boy is back up and Vinny turns and sees him...and...hits him with the chair too! It's over!!!! The ref has called for the bell!!!

Young: The winners of this match as a result of a disqualification...Bad Boy Derek and Dani Devastation!

JS That's all for the tag matches. The battle royal is set up.

DM: Alright! Now it's time for the World Title match. I've been waiting for this one.

JS: Right now we have an interview with Raven and Chris King.

Arena goes to black.

JS: Oh man! This is perfect! The biggest PPV yet and the power goes out!

DM: Fans we appologize for the technical difficulties and wwe will .......

The Titan Tron flips on.....static fills the screen

DM: What The!? The Titan Tron now shows CCK and The Raven's faces..the crowd goes wild

The Raven: Tomster Dai I warned you that Wednesday was not the time or place.....but you wouldn't listen.

Titan Tron cuts back to static and then to....

Dai gets into the ring and hits a spinning heel kick. Dai hits the Smokin' Bomb, a powerbomb. Dai picks Will up. Dai hits the Smokin' Stunner. Dai hits the Smokey Kick. Dai notices Raven is still sitting in the aisle. Dai runs out to attack Raven. The two get into a brawl. The referee counts Dai out.

titan Tron cuts back to The Raven and King

The Raven: But you didn't listen.

CCK: And and the rest of the D.w.A. will pay. We have much to repay you for.....but this is what sticks out in our mind.

Titan Tron cuts to......

TPP gets back on the ring apron but he is holding his back in obvious pain. The Dude runs by and knocks TPP off the apron. Tim Carpenter rolls TPP back into the ring to keep him from being counted out. Dai clotheslines TPP down and signals for the Smokey Kick. Dai hits the Smokey Kick and TPP goes over the top rope and onto the floor. Dai gets out of the ring and goes right after TPP. Dai picks up TPP and hits the Smokin' Bomb on the floor. Dai. sets TPP against the ringpost and charges at him. TPP moves and Dai hits the post at full force. The Dude distracts the referee so Dai won't be counted out. TPP sets Dai up for a piledriver on the floor. Dai hits a back body drop. TPP lands with his back cracking on the railing. TPP is holding his back in agony. Dai gets back into the ring. The Dude walks over to TPP. Tim Carpenter tries to stop him but The Dude clotheslines him down. The Dude slams Carpenter on the floor. Dai is distracting the ref and The Dude stomps on TPP. Picture Perfect jumps on The Dude's back to try to protect TPP. Candy grabs Picture Perfect and pulls her off The Dude. The two women look like they are about to get into it but The Dude pulls Candy away from Picture Perfect. Dai gets outside the ring and throws TPP back into the ring. Dai poses for the audience and gets a mixed reaction. Dai elbowdrops TPP and goes to the ropes. TPP hits a drop toe hold on Dai. Dai's head bounces off the bottom turnbuckle. TPP gets back to his feet and dropkicks Dai. Dai hits the back of his head on the ringpost. TPP is in a lot of pain but still stomps on Dai's head. TPP hits Dai with a DDT. TPP covers Dai. One...two...Dai puts his foot on the bottom rope. The Dude looks worried and calls to the back for help. Bad Boy Derek and Del Boy come down the aisle. Chris King and Will "The Thrill" Roberts run to the ring and stop them from interfering. Candyman and Snake Eyes come to the ring to help there DwA partners. Mattus comes to the ring. While the ref is distracted by what is going on outside of the ring, Mattus clobbers TPP in the back with a chair. Suddenly Raven, Preacher, and Darkness attack Mattus and the rest of the DwA. The Raven's Nest join CCK and Will in fighting off the DwA. Dai is stomping on TPP inside the ring. Suddenly, Minion makes his way down to the ring and throws fire into Dai's eyes. TPP puts Dai in an inside cradle. One...two...three! The DwA storm into the ring a second too late to stop the count. Minion pulls TPP out of the ring.

Titan Tron fades back to CCK and The Raven

CCK: DWA, Tomster especially, remember.........

The Raven: Paybacks are Hell! Quote The Raven....nevermore.

Titan Tron returns to normal as the lights fade back on

Young: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WPW World Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, accompanied to the ring by Chris "The Dude" Norman, from London England, weighing 316 lbs...Smokin' Tomster Dai! And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by The Perfect Pugilist, from Parts Unknown, weighing 265 lbs, the WPW King of Hardcore Champion and World Champion, Raven!

Raven and Dai lock up in the center of the ring. Dai puts Raven into an armbar. Raven quickly gets to the ropes. During the break, Raven sucker-punches Dai. Raven punches Dai rrepeatedly. Dai blocks the last punch and retalliates with punches of his own. Dai punches Raven two more times. Raven thumbs Dai in the eye and headbutts him. Dai rakes Raven's face and puts him in a small package. One...kickout. Dai and Raven get to their feet at the same time. Dai ducks a clothesline and punches Raven in the stomach. Dai hits a russian leg sweep and covers Raven. One...kickout. Both men get to their feet. Dai swings at Raven but Raven ducks. Raven kicks Dai in the midsection and goes for the ddt. Dai slips out of the move and misses an elbowdrop. Raven hits a surprise diamond cutter and covers Dai. One...kickout. Raven slows the tempo of the match by putting Dai into a figure four leglock. Dai stays in the move for about thirty seconds until Raven releases the hold. Raven stomps on Dai's legs. Raven picks up Dai and nails a tombstone piledriver. Raven covers Dai. One...two...kickout. Raven climbs to the second rope. Raven misses an elbowdrop. Dai tries to catch his breath while Raven gets to his feet. Raven charges at Dai. Dai kicks Raven in the stomach and hits the Smokin' Stunner. Dai covers Raven. One...two...kickout. When Raven starts to get back up, Dai drops an elbow onto the back of Raven's head, driving his face into the mat. Dai picks up Raven and hits the Smokin' Bomb, a power bomb. Dai covers Raven again. One...two....Raven gets his shoulder up. Dai has gotten his second wind and dropkicks Raven. When Raven gets up, Dai dropkicks him again. Dai whips Raven into the corner and follows him in with an avalanche. Dai signals to the crowd for the Smokey Kick. Raven sees it coming and sidesteps it. Raven kicks Dai in the stomach and hits the ddt. One...two...Norman puts Dai's foot on the rope. TPP grabs the KoHC Title belt and hits Norman in the head with it. This brings DwA to the ring. Trailing close behind them are the Raven's Nest. The two stables battle on the outside of the ring. Dai misses the Smokey Kick again. Raven hits the ddt again and covers Dai. One...two...three!

Young: The winner of this contest and still WPW World Champion...Raven!

Platoon part 2
