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Jason Smith: Hello fans! Welcome to WPW Wednesday Night War! Tonight we are coming from Cincinnatti Ohio. We have an action packed card tonight including a Lightweight Title Match. Will "The Thrill" Roberts will defend his title against White Lightning.

Dan Mathews: We will also see Gibman & Roach team up in our main event against Page & a mystery partner. WPW has been full of mysteries. We will also hear from President Norman about the next WPW pay per view.

JS: Well, let's go to the ring for our first match and the debut of Blayde.,p> James Young: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Boston Massachusetts, weighing 470 lbs...Blayde! And his opponent, from Antwerp Belgium, weighing 264 lbs...Samson The Brute!

The two stand eye to eye in the center of the ring. Blayde swings at Samson but Samson ducks and retaliates with a big roundhouse right. Samson nails Blayde with several punches. Blayde backs into the corner. Samson runs into the corner and hits an avalanche. Blayde stumbles out of the corner. Samson runs at Blayde for a clothesline but Blayde puts him in a bearhug. Blayde hits a belly-to-belly suplex and covers Samson. One...kickout. Blayde picks up Samson but Samson rams his shoulder into Blayde's stomach. Samson hits a DDT. Samson puts the boots to Blayde. Blayde hits a low blow. Samson is stunned and Blayde hits a powerbomb. Blayde covers Samson. One...two...kickout. Blayde goes for the Torture Rack but it is too early. Samson grabs Blayde's head and hits a bulldog. Samson hits The Big Fall. Blayde submits shortly after it is applied.

Young: The winner of this match as a result of a submission....Samson The Brute!

JS: Samson making short work of Blayde. I guess the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

DM: Being big doesn't make you good. But Blayde did show talent so I think he might fare better later in his career in WPW. Well Jason, I think you should give the people the big news now.

JS: Fans, this is a very, very big announcement. The WPW has just lost two of it's wrestlers. It all started with Tommy Dai making his way to WPW. Former WPW World Champion Bad Boy Derek and Del Boy are very upset. So, they have left WPW. We have just recieved this news this morning so we could not reschedule the match between Del Boy and Johnny Bravo tonight. I do know we have found a replacement but I am not aware of who it is.

DM: I guess we're going to find out next because the next match is Johnny Bravo vs. whoever the pres has found to replace Del Boy.

Young: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from West Covina California, weighing 145 lbs...Johnny Bravo! And his opponent, from London England, weighing 252 lbs, the WPW World Champion...Smokin' Tomster Dai!

JS: Oh my! The World Champion is taking Del Boy's place!

Johnny Bravo isn't scared and runs at Dai. Dai catches Bravo and hits a side-to-side suplex. When Bravo gets back on his feet, Dai clotheslines him over the top rope. Dai grabs the top rope and jumps over the ropes. Dai lands on top of Bravo. Dai slams Bravo on the arena floor. Dai picks up Bravo in a slam and rams his back into the ringpost. Dai rolls Bravo into the ring and climbs to the top rope. Dai jumps off but Bravo hits him with a super kick. Bravo gets a second wind. Bravo hits a hurricanrana. One...kickout. Bravo goes to the top and hits a high cross body but Dai catches him. Dai throws him backward and regains control of the match. Bravo gets back up but Dai hits him with the Smokin' Stunner. The crowd starts to cheer because they know what is coming. Dai stomps on Bravo. Dai hits the Smokin' Bomb and the crowd cheers some more. Dai positions himself for the Smokey Kick. Bravo sees it coming and moves out of the way. Bravo hit a spinning heel kick. Bravo goes to the top rope. Bravo hits a missile dropkick. Bravo goes to the ropes and goes for a hurricanrana. Dai turns it into a powerbomb. Dai holds onto Bravo and puts him in another powerbomb. Dai sets up for the Smokey Kick again. This time he nails it. Dai covers Bravo. One...two...three!

Young: The winner of this match as a result of a pinfall...Smokin' Tomster Dai!

JS: The world champ beat the former Lightweight champ. Bravo didn't put up much of a fight.

DM: Well, Dai proved that he deserves to be the champ in that match. But I still think TPP was a great representative of the WPW as World Champion.

JS: We are ready for our next match. Minion continues his way up the ranks of the Lightweight circuit. Tonight he is up against Mad Dog.

DM: Minion is a great wrestler and is one of my favorites.

JS: Minion is a good wrestler but I don't agree with throwing fireballs in people's eyes.

DM: Lighten up Jason. It's all part of the game nowadays. Here are some comments from Minion.

Jon Russell: I'm here in the basement of the arena. I'm supposed to get a few comments from Minion but I don't think he's here.

The lights go off and red lights take their place. Minion is standing with Jon.

JR: Uh...Minion could I have a few comments?

Minion looks at Russell and takes the mic from him. Jon backs away from Minion and gets out of the view of the camera.

Minion: Once again I come from the ashes from which I was born. I have returned to my mission to defeat all those who would oppose the forces that guide me. The flames have given me another victim to claim. Someone who claims to be a Mad Dog. Yet as I look deep into his soul, I know his true nature. A dog is an animal. An animal with a killer's instinct. This man does not have this instinct. A mad dog could is something to be feared by the normal people. I could not fear this man. He is one who believes himself to be something he is not. I do not fear. I only destroy.

The lights go off and the camera cuts to the arena. James Young is in the ring.

Young: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Cleveland Ohio, weighing 200 lbs...Mad Dog! And his opponent, from Connersville Indiana, weighing 200 lbs...Minion!

Minion stands in the corner of the ring and Mad Dog runs at him. Minion puts his hands on the ropes and raises his feet. Minion hooks Mad Dog in a headscissors. Mad Dog backs away from the corner and Minion spins around. Mad Dog flies threw teh ropes to the outside. Minion hits a suicide dive. Mad Dog hits his back on the rail. Minion gets back into the ring and climbs to the top rope. Minion jumps toward Mad Dog but Mad Dog moves. Minion lands on his feet and hits Mad Dog with a superkick. Minion dropkicks Mad Dog into the ringpost. Minion rolls Mad Dog back into the ring and climbs to the ring apron. Minion sprongboards off the ropes and clotheslines Mad Dog. Minion goes to the top for a moonsault. Mad Dog moves out of the way and Minion crashes to the mat. Mad Dog hits a nechbreaker. Mad Dog nails a DDT. Mad Dog puts Minion in a sharpshooter. Minion does not give up. Mad Dog finally lets go of the hold and works on Minions legs. Mad Dog attempts a figure four but Minion rolls him up. One...two...kickout. Minion sweeps Mad Dog down. Minion hits a reverse DDT. Minion goes to the top rope. He hits the Inferno. Minion covers Mad Dog. One...two...three!

Young: The winner of this match as a result of a pinfall...Minion!

JS: Minion defeats another on his way to the Lightweight Champion. He is still undefeated as of yet in WPW.

DM: Speaking of the Lightweight champion, he is in our next match.

JS: Yes, and he will be defending that title against White Lightning. On Saturday, Lightning nearly pinned Will but The Unforgiven interfered.

DM: Well, it remains to be seen if Lightning would have got the three count on Will. If he does in this match, he will be the new Lightweight champion.

JS: We have some pre-recorded comments from White Lightning.

White Lightning: Will the Thrill, you think you can just add whatever stipulations you want. Well think again. The president has stated this is a title match whether you like it or not. Did your stable put you up to this loser leaves story, are Chris King and TPP so worried that the British connection will take their tag belts. Well they should be. That is a concern for another day. Today I am focussed on becoming the second man in the EWU to win a WPW title belt. I beat in tag-team action last week Will, this time it'll be one on one.

Young: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WPW Lightweight Title. Introducing first, from Bristol England, weighing 209 lbs...White Lightning! And his opponent, from Troy Ohio, weighing 127 lbs, the WPW Lightweight Champion...Will "The Thrill" Roberts!

The match starts with a series of high flying moves. Will goes to the ropes and Lightning misses a clothesline.Will hits a spinning heel kick. Lightning ducks a flying forearm. Lightning whips Will into the corner. Lightning hits a monkey flip but Will lands on his feet. Will hits a back body drop but Lightning lands on his feet. Lightning hits a dropkick. Lightning misses an elbowdrop. Will hits a DDT. Lightning hits a small package. One...two...kickout. Will hits a piledriver. Will goes to the top rope. Will hits a high cross body. The momentum carries the two men over to where Lightning is covering Will. One...two...kickout. Lightning goes to the top rope and hits a dropkick. Lightning goes for the Lightning Bolt but Will moves before Lightning can get the modified hurricanrana on. Lightning crashes to the mat. Will hits a hurricanrana. Will throws Lightning into the corner. Will goes for the Thriller but Lightning moves. Lightning rolls up Will. One...two...kickout. Lightning hits the Lightning Bolt. Minion goes down the aisle. Gibman comes from behind and attacks Minion. Gibman fights with Minion all the way back up the aisle. Lightning covers Will. One...two...kickout. Lightning is surprised that Will could kick out. Lightining goes for an Irish whip but Will reverses it and whips Lightning into the corner. Will hits the Thriller. Will covers Lightning. One...two...three!

Young: The winner of this match and still WPW Lightweight Champion...Will "The Thrill" Roberts!

JS: Will is still the Lightweight Champion. Lightning gave a good effort in that match.

DM: Minion tried to interfere but was headed off by Gibman.

JS: Gibman is teaming up with Johnny Roach in the final match of the evening but first we have a few words by the president.

Chris "The Dude" Norman comes down the aisle with Candy. Fireworks go off behind them spelling out the word "DUDE". Norman grabs the mic.

The Dude: I bet you all saw Cold War but did you know that War Pro Wrestling is already planning for the next pay per view?

(Crowd cheers)

The Dude: It will be on December 21 and it is called Platoon. The idea has, I believe, been done before but I'm gonna do it anyway. There will be twenty wrestlers in it. Ten teams will be formed at random. Then, five tag matches will take place. The ten winners will be put into a battle royal at the end of the event. I hope you will all see Platoon on Dec. 21. Goodbye!

JS: What an announcement by Norman! We are ready for the next and final match. Here are comments from Gibman and Roach.

(The screen shows Johnny Roach and Mel Gibman in the backstage area if WPW arena.The camera man hurries over to them.)

Johnny: Chris Page, you may have thought to avoid the unavoidable, escape the unescapeable, destroy the invulnerable.......well now Page.......tonight your gonna have to live up to your lies. When your on the mat getting a mud hole stomped in you, then you'll know whats its all about, to be a wrestler. Its not about MOUTH, or Spitting. Its about studying your opponent and when you get in the ring with them, DESTROYING them. You will be destroyed tonight page.

(Johnny steps out of the main view and Mel Gibman moves up.)

Mel Gibman: It's time for me to step up to the plate and show just what happens to people who stick their nose in where they doesn't belong. Next time you'll think twice before interfering in peoples matches. Judgement day has arrived, hope you can take it.

(The two leave heading to the ring.)

Young: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 469 lbs...Mel "Judge" Gibman & Johnny Roach! And their opponents, first, from Salt Lake City Utah, weighing 250 lbs...Chris Page!

Chris Page does not have a partner. Nobody knows what is going on... Page enters the ring and suddenly a guy in the second row stands up and steps over the guardrail. He wears a blood red T-shirt and black trousers. He has the word "X-TREME" written on his back in big letters. He stares at Page and enters the ring.

JS: Oh my! That is Double D Dani Devastation!

Suddenly, Mel Gibman attacks Roach! Double D and Page join him and they beat the on Roach. While they beat on Roach, Double D turns to the camera and says: "He just gets what he deserves!!!" When they are ready, Double D gives a sign to the crowd. He lies Roach on the announcers table and jumps on him with a 360 degrees moonsault! Gibman and Double D leave the arena together, celebrating their victory!

JS: What a turn of events! Gibman turned on Roach! Double D is in league with Gibman!

DM: I'm glad Double D is in WPW now. I love this guy's style. Page didn't even know about this. Well, that's all the time for today. Goodbye everyone!


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