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The Simpsons is the best cartoon there is on TV. No one in their right mind would dare to hate it.Here is some stuff(mostly sounds) that I think is good about the Simpsons.(pictures, themes, etc.)

Main Characters:


Where's the any key?
Doh! (with an echo)
A woman is like a beer.
The team sucked last night. A lot!!
The fly was funny, and the booger was the icing on the cake.
What are ya gonna do?
Whack slow or fast?
Everybody fears something!!
Life under the sea.
She was sittng on her sweet can.
I'm MR. Burns, blah, blah, blah...
MR. Burns is a bongohead!!
Anything to get me out of that house(theme from Family Ties)
Lisa, never ever stop in the middle of a hoedaown...
Obese man in a fat man's body
It's a carhole!
That dog has a puffy tail
I'm the first non-Brazilian to go back in time.
MR. Burns' messages.
Homer is not allowed to eat his head.
Love letter from Homer(very funny!)
MR. Plow
Shut up, brain!!
There was a little Spanish flea...
Bart can kiss my hairy yellow butt!
I am evil Homer!
Donuts, is there anything they can't do?
Mmmmm, invisible cola.
Hey there blimpy boy.
Homer is a dog.
Is TV guide a book?
Mmmmm, slanty!
I think I know how a proton accelerator works.
Got to Russia!
His fingers are too fat!
The doll is trying to kill me.
Did you raise the dead?
He killed zombie Flanders!
They're dogs playing poker.
Mmmmm, forbidden donut.
Homer is wasting a fortune standing in 3D land.
Something from the twilight zone.
I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am.
There is so much I don't know about astrophysics.
Oooh, erotic cake.
No beer, no TV make Homer go something something!
Here's Johnny!
I've gone back in time.
Lord help me, I'm just not that bright.
Am I a pig?
I can't hear myself think.
Some wonderful magical animal.
Rock stars, is there anything they don't know.
BBBQ, the extra "b" is for BYOBB.

My favorite Simpson Link: Maverick's Simpsons Page!!
