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Senior Assassins

3-22: I've added a page of all the rule changes that have been proposed for round two. I'm thinking of holding a meeting sometime, anyone involved is invited, and we will be discussing and voting on the proposed rules. The proposed rule amendments can be found here

3-21: Due to overwhelming complaint about inviting Non-seniors to play Assassins, I have added a poll, please vote.

3-20: The admin to the next game will be Sean Walsh, if you are currently signed up for Round one, you need not email him to join round 2, but please ask your friends to do so. There have been some disputes about inviting non-seniors, please email Matt with your thoughts on it. The below link will now email to Sean for new member signups, so to report kills you must contact Sam directly. If you wish to not play next round (starting some time after Spring Break), please email Sean Walsh using the below link, let him know your name and email so he may remove you from the list. His SN is also Spwicy21 New rules will be posted soon.

The Objective

The Rules

If you are found in Violation of any of the rules, the Police will come and eliminate you from the game.
Current Standings

New Players use the link below. Please include your name and email, thank you.
New Players Click Hereget this gear!

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