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--> #4969-24A(UNIT-24 DATA)


UNIT G-24 UPDATE: New information has surfaced as to the condition of Guyver Unit-24, codenamed "Crimson." It has been recently revelated that 24 has had a tremendous alteration to his Guyver unit. The full extent of this modification has yet to be understood. However, what we do known is that the Unit 24 has seemingly merged with another alien species not related to the Advent creators. Similar to the Guyver armor, the merged alien is a symbiont creature. How the two symbiotes merged with one another at first was not understood, however, it shows marvels about the Guyver's ability to adapt.


The only information known about the symbiote(named 'Caedes' or 'Blood' after it's red coloring, most likely adapted from Crimson's guyver armor) creature were results of studying a small sample of the symbiote obtained. Tests were conducted, but after several days of captivity the sample self-destructed. The most prominent theory on this behavoir is that it became aware that it was being studied, and destroyed itself in order to keep our researchers from learning its weaknesses, in turn preventing the compromise of the original suit, suggesting self-awareness as well as analytical processing.

It appears that the symbiote is a living amorphous creature that manifests itself as an unstable slime. This slime is actually tissue composed of millions of micro-fibers constructed by biological units similar to that of cells. The cells act as both muscle tissue as well as nervous tissue, allowing communication throughout the entire organism. This gives the symbiote a conscious mind and personality without the structure of a dedicated brain.

The symbiont is particularly responsive to bio-chemicals normally asscociated with human emotion and behavoir. Specificly adrenaline, testostrone, and other hormones and peptides. This would explain why the symbiont would merge with a human host. The symbiote's cells absorb the chemicals and use them as fuel. The process of such is still not fully understood, but the biochemicals supplied by the host seem to act as potential fuel molecules when combined with enzymes exclusive to the symbiote.

A symbiont attaches itself in a similar manner to that of the guyver unit. It embeds itself into the host's physiology, invading every system of the host's body. Effectivly the host and symbiont become a single lifeform. Once the blending is complete, the symbiont can communicate with the host(and vice-versa) through chemical and elctrical signals in the nervous system, intercepting and releasing signals between neurons and nerve cells, allowing seemless communication between the host's movements and the suit's. This also results in the symbiote manifesting it's own processing into the host's mind as thoughts(conciouss) or dreams and reflexes(subconciouss).

When blended, the symbiote is manifested as a suit that covers the host's body, protecting as well as augmenting him with enahnced strength, agility, and speed. Additionally, the suit is completly maleable, allowing the host to manipulate it in practicly any way, shape, or form. From mimicking clothing to appearing as an entirely different person.


Once enough information was collected on the xenomorphic organism, simulations commenced to determine the most plausible blending process between the symbiote and guyver, and subsequently, the human host. What turned up was astounding.

If the simulations are correct(84.67% plausability), then the symbiont was able to not only detect the guyver in proximity, but actually able to partially by-pass the guyver's sensory ability by emitting wavelength frequencies that disrupted the Guyver's sensory orbs. Such an ability alone makes it a formidable match against a guyver unit.

Once the guyver was in range, the symbiote lashed out its tendrils and penetrated the Control Medal with its micro-fiber tissue, recognizing it as the central control system of the guyver suit. Once penetrated, the symbiote was able to override the Control Medal's self-preservation systems and began to re-write the Guyver's genetic programming, writing its own biology into the guyver armor. At this point the symbiote would have covered the host's entire armored body, infiltrating the host's body through the control medal's electrode network in the brain. Needless to say the experience would be traumitizing to the host, and in all probability the host would go into shock and become unconscious while the blending-metamorphosis took place.

During the blending process, the Guyver and Symbiont together would calculate the most effective way of combining their abilities. The symbiote suit and Guyver would feed off eachother--the Guyver would not only produce precious hormones essentail to the symbiote's survival, but would produce so many excess bio-molecules that it would keep the symbiote in a perpetual state of 'high.' In turn, the symbiote could actually supply the Guyver with excess energy from the breaking down of these bio-chemicals. This is an efficient way of energy production, as the Guyver uses practicly no energy to create the chemicals in the first place. The blending of the Guyver and Symbiont would do more than simply combine their powers together, it would multiply their combined power as well.


Once the blending was complete, Caedes Adsultus, or 'Blood Guyver' was the outcome. An assault-class Guyver fortified with the symbiont suit, truly an unprecedented destructive power.

ARMOR - The symbiote's tissue would be intricatly weaved into the fibers of the Guyver's organic "body glove" as to incorporate a level of protection unknown to standard guyver units. Additionally, the suit would also cover the guyver's segmented armor pieces and harden. This technique of layer reinforcement would make the Guyver impervious to any projectile weapon, including a direct hit from a tank round or even an aircraft missile.

ATTRIBUTES - The exponent of [b]strength[/b] enhancement the symbiote provides is unclear, estimated anywhere from 30-50 times the host's natural strength. Specificly, the symbiote 'Blood' magnified Crimson Guyver's strength by approximatly 30 times. It is theorized that while the Guyver suit is active, the Symbiont amplifies both the Guyver's and the host's strength by an equal amount, this accounts for the exceptionally large increase in power.

The host's speed and agility are also affected by the symbiont suit, giving a normal human the ability to dodge bullets. With the enhancments of the Guyver suit, top running speed would be increased by 25 times, giving the host a top speed of about 500 MPH, average of 350 MPH. Reflexes and agility would be increased by about 80 times that of the host, twice as agile as a normal guyver.

The processing power of the Control Medal already allows a Guyver to calculate and react similarly to that of a computer. The symbiont suit would have a small effect on the processing power of the control medal, but more importantly, the guyver would be able to draw from the symbiote's genetic memory. Ultimatly, the host would be able to sub-consciously equate and predict the movements of objects around him, including his enemies with the assitance of the sensory orbs. This would allow the Guyver to more effectivly counter act his enemies, as he would measure their speed, acceleration, and mass with the sensory orbs, and calculate trajectory, energy output, and possibly even potential damage all within a matter of miliseconds. After which a proper counter action would also be calculated and sent to the host's brain as a thought, or in certain situations, the calculated counter-action would be directly carried out by the suit(s).

ABILITYS - The combination of the Guyver and Symbiont would yield dramatic results in the form of fortifying each other's attributes. However, the suit would also add abilitys of its own to the already powerful arsenal of the Guyver.

- Healing factor would be exponentially affected. The symbiote suit uses its microfibers to repair torn tissue almost instantly after its damaged. When complimented by the rapid healing ability of the Guyver suit, the total healing rate would be almost ten times faster than a standard Guyver.
- Shapeshifting is one of the abilitys adapted from the symbiont suit. The tissue of the suit is extremely maleable, and can be shaped into an array of different objects, from tentacles to blades, lashing whips to extra limbs. However, these appendages are not reinforced with Guyver armor(As they usually protrude out from the body), and are therefore considerably weaker than the Guyver-Symbionts body armor.
- Armored Appendages have been added to the Guyver-Symbiont hybrid. These extra limbs are similar to the limbs granted by the shapeshifting abiltiy, but are reinforced with fragments of the Guyver armor, namely at the joints and at the tip. They are located on the back of the armor, one by each shoulder blade and another below the other two. These appendages can be completely retracted or fully extended(to a maximum of 50 feet each), and have an array of uses.
- Camouflage is another addition granted by the symbiote suit. The symbiote suit is able to change the pigment of it's cells instantly, allowing for extremely effective cryptic coloration. Along with the shapechaning ability, this allows for the symbiote to mimic clothing and even other people.
- Energy-Weapon Output is augmented by the symbiont suit, enhancing the range and power of all the Guyver's energy-based weapons. The Mega Smasher's energy output is measured at about two and a half times more powerful than the normal Guyver's Smasher attack, with the same amount of charge time. The High-Intensity beam can shoot more rapidly and can even be sustained for a short period. Its output is about three times that of the standard Guyver. The magnitude of the Accelerated Particle Pulse is also affected by about twice as much.
- Vibro Blades remain more or less the same. The only difference is the shape and size. Rather than the smooth swept back shape of the Guyver's blades, the symbiote changed the look to a much more jagged, serrated blade. This is most likely an expression of the symbiote's chaotic nature. The length of the blades can also be manipulated by the symbiote suit, extending anywhere from one meter to two meters long. In addition, the extra energy boost provided by the symbiont allows unit 24 to have all six vibro blades active at once for any length of duration, as apposed to only being able to use all six during 'Hyper' mode.
- Hyper Augmentation has also evolved with the blending of the symbiote suit. The adrenaline provided by the Augmentation orbs goes directly to the symbiote suit, improving its effectivenes dramaticly. When combined with the energy boost to the Guyver armor, the overall boost is calibured at about 350% average.
- Pressure Cannon augmentation is inevitable due to the increase in energy attributed to the Symbiont. The Pressure Cannon can be made larger and faster than the average Guyver.
- Pressure Surge is more or less a modification of the Pressure Cannon, but with fundamnetal differences. Using the Gravity Controller, the Guyver can tighten surrounding threads of torpid gravitational potential energy between masses and snap them loose in a desired direction. The resulting waves of force can knock even the most stable enemies to the ground. The destructive power of this 'Surge' is variable in range, and so is similar to that of a shotgun--extremely powerful at close range with a wide spread but quickly dissipating past 15 feet. The more these torpid threads are tightened, the more powerful the surge will be. This ability can also be used to deflect incoming projectiles.
- Flight Speed is affected only by the energy supplement from the symbiont suit. The maximum flight speed is measured at about 650 mph, 800 when in Hyper mode(thus breaking the sound barrier).
- Teleportation is perhapes the most astounding addiiton to the Guyver-Symbiont's abilities, as it is neither a characteristic of the Guyver, nor the Symbiote suit. Only when blended does the Guyver have this ability. It is theorized that the symbiote suit used its genetic knowledge and understanding of the governing laws of the universe in synergy with the Gravity Controller of the Guyver in order to open a focused channel through the folds of space-time and encasing itself in an inverted gravity shell. The Guyver-Symbiont can then literally slice through the quantum fabric at sub-sonic speeds. The longest distance the Guyver-Symbiont's been able to 'jump' is approximatly 50 yards. It is unlikely that the suit(s) can keep the gravity shell active and channel open for longer than that, as it requires a considerable amount of energy. Nevertheless, the 'Tele-Jump' is an example of the ingenuity, evolution, and potential of the Guyver-Symbiont blending.

ADOPTED ABILITYS - The symbiont creature is extremely adaptive; both merging with the Guyver as well as recognizing the host seperate from the Guyver. This allows the host to use the symbiote suit even without the Guyver armor active. Its adaptive abilitys are even more apparent in this form. The symbiote suit adopts some abilities of the Guyver upon blending, thus the suit attempts to replicate them for the host. However, the suit is limited by energy capacity. Without the energy siphon provided by the Gravity controller, the Symbiote suit doesn't have nearly enough energy to recreate the Guyver's weapons or abilitys.

- Enhanced Sensory is one of the abilitys adopted. With the knowledge of the Sensory orbs in junction with the Telepathy Growths of the host, the symbiote suit grants the host the same sensory ability as that of the Guyver, but on a smaller scale; approximatly 35% as effective as the Guyver's sensory abilitys.



Once the symbiote has a taste of the power that is the Guyver, it becomes addicted in a very literal sense. The adrenaline output will keep the symbiote with the Guyver(and consequently the host) for as long as it possibly can. Additionally, the power that the Bio-Booster armor provides is beyond the level that the symbiote could achieve otherwise. The symbiote also grows partial to the host's personality, fascinated by their thought process, philosophy, fears, and fantasies. Naturally the symbiote has a malicious nature, but will occasionally compromise its own wants for that of the host's. The symbiote will do all in its power to please and satisfy the host's consciousness, as it feeds of the emotions of the host.


Unlike the symbiote, the Guyver is more of a computer than a consciousness, more machine than metaphysical. In that aspect, it will recognize the benefits of having the symbiont fussion. Essentailly, the Guyver has no interest in the symbiote itself, only the power it can lend to it. Its overall goal, afterall, is to optimize the host for war, and it will accomplish that in any means necessary. That means coming to agreements with the symbiote in order to fully take advantage of its potential power.


The host can be put under a tremendous amount of psycho-stress while using the Guyver suit, and even when the suit is retracted. This is usually associated with the Guyver's war-mungering personality surfacing itself in the Host's subconscious. Similarly, the Symbiote suit also feeds the host's messages through dreams and the subconscious. It has been observed through Unit 24's behavoir that the mixture of these two minds can have a taxing affect on the host's mind.

Initially, it was theorized that there were three minds occupying the Guyver-Symbiont suit; the Host, the Guyver, and the Symbiote. However, examination of the relationships between these minds show that the Guyver's programmed conscioussness is essentailly absorbed by the symbiote. The result is a conscious similar to that of a legislative body between the Guyver and Symbiote. An illustrated analogy would be the devil and angel sitting on the shoulders of a cartoon character, each one telling her what she should do in a particular situation. Only in this case, there are no angles. Rarely do the Symbiote and Guyver disagree on a matter, as they share similar hostile intents. Therefore the symbiote and guyver synchronize their influence on the host, sending electrical signals to the brain. Depending on the circumstances, it can be easier or more difficult for a host to fight the influence of his alternate personalities(the more focused and collected the host, the easier to dismiss the suits' messages), and often it is difficult for the host to distinguish which thoughts are his and which are the thoughts of the Symbiote-Guyver hybrid consciousness. This makes morale decisions extremely stressful on the host, and he will often experience severe forms of indecisiveness, confusion, anxiety, and cognitive dissonance. Decisions of ethics that would normally be easy for a host to decide(such as arresting a street theif) can be so clouded by the Symbiote-Guyver's impact that it literaly drives the host into an angry frenzy. This is usually what the Symbiote-Guyver is trying to achieve, as it makes the host's mind even more susceptible to their influence(such as killing the street thief). However, such an event only occurs when the oppurtunity to kill arises. For example, the suits will not try to convince the host to kill an innocent, but it would try to kill even the most mildest criminal(such as a 16 year old boy who stole an old ladies purse).

Rarely does the Symbiote-Guyver take full control of the armor(and never can one take over the other), as they want to maintain a symbiotic and mutual relationship with the Host. However, if the armor is ever under threat of being exterminated or considerably harmed and the Symbiote-Guyver dictate that the host is incompetent or unable to protect himself, the suits will override the armor. Once it is agreed between the two that it is safe to let the host take control again, they will.


The blending of a Symbiont and Guyver unit creates a being so powerful it would rival that of a Gigantic Guyver or Zoalord. It is easily more powerful than any Zoanoid, Hyper Zoanoid, or Guyver unit. However, these powers do come at a cost; the long term effects of the suits on the human mind is still unclear. However, it is entirely possible that if the host doesn't have the willpower to resist the two suits, he can be driven to the brink of insanity, resulting in split personalities and hallucinations.

Nonetheless, the Symbiont-Guyver hybrid is a force too great to leave on the loose, and too powerful not to be used. More research is necessary before CHRONOS can use this technology to its fullest potential.