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  Hello everybody, my name is Caleb McClintock. i am an irish/ Mexican. I am 17 years old, i have my own car, its has a great sound system (it bumps hard with it's beautiful 12 inch kicker comp. sub woofer, hehehe) i love to goof off and play a lot of games (anyone that knows me knows that) i have been fired from two jobs because of my attitude and outlook at life now to the interesting part,...............

This is my out look on life........... man i just like to have fun and cherish the short life that we have on earth, before we meet our heavenly father. But there's a time for everything, and sometimes i need to realize that i need to sharpen up during those times of need. I just goof of too much, and laugh a lot at everything

  Yeah, I am a Christian that's trying a seek the Lord in everything I do, but it gets kind of tuff every so often, because there is just way too much temptation out there...!! I hate Satan and his Demonds! crap all they do is cause problems, but here a little more on my child hood

 To all you people in the World out there...if you want too see my ugly mug you can, so don't be shocked if you get nightmares....:) just click on this weird monster in black in white



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