Department of Computing Science

BSc Computing Science

Base page

Chi-Kit Lau

| O | M | T


Age: 21

Email:, ICQ: 50746108


Web address

Aberdeen University, Department of Computing Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Psychology,

News Scmp,, The standard,
Chinese News Minor site,, sina,
My_site Deonblinds, Ahkca, Lycos, Angelfire-bug | My_Bank Bank Scot
Shopping amazon



University Email,


New Courses

Operating Systems, Formal Languages And Compilers, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering - Principles And Practice, Web Design & Administration, Discrete Methods, Enterprise Computing, Distributed Information Systems


Old Courses

Internet Information Systems, Information Technology, Introductory Programming In Java, Calculas, Foundation Statistics For The Social Sciences, Understanding Data,
Data Structures and Algorithms, Introduction to Database Systems , Human Computer Interaction , Computer Organisation and Interfacing


Experiences & Skills

Java, C, PHP, Dreamweaver 4, JavaScript, some CGI, Access programming, ASP, SQL, Excel programming(VB)


Web skills:
HTML, Dreamweaver, ftp, PHP

Database skills:
Access, SQL, ASP, PHP

Computer lang.:
Java, JavaScript, Assembly & machine language, C, Interactive C, Some Visual Basic


Computing Project:
Level 1 - online concerts system
Level 2 - Student Budget System, Simple calculator, Address book, Noughts-and-crosses


Application in Java

Address book, Budgeting tool, Smoking Addiction Calculator, Calculator, Noughts and Crosses



Old place

Birmingham, Stourbridge, Loughborough, Dudley



Guns N rose, Linkin park, muse, oasis, deep purple......

guitar les paul | Amplifiers Marshall



Hong Kong, Spain Barcelona, Paris, London, Singapore, Malaysia
Travel agent & airline ryanair, easyjet, flybe, Exchange rate, travelselect,, air acotland, flyspan , excel airways
Hong kong>london hk1


Aberdeen life




Glasgow, Abdn



java resources java1brig, java2birmingham, java3jedit, java4, java5, java6, java7, pastpaper8, Java9,
Noughts and crosses , 1
java applet, applet1, applet2, applet3, applet4
C resources c1, c2, c3, c4,


my computer History

486 DX-66 Yr Form 1 - 1994, major learning Logo, xtree, simpsons, wolf 3d

Cyrix 233 MMX - 1997, wacky

IBM Laptop Celeron 366 Form 5 -1999, Pascal

AMD 450 - 1999

Pentium 4 1.6 Uni 2 - 2002, Java, Data structure

Celeron 1.7 Uni 3 - 2003,




Aston, stourbridge, Loughborough

private ,


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