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_______________________________________________________________________ MegaMan Battle Network 3 White & Blue FAQ/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ v2.0 By: Kenta "Oogata the wild boy" Sugimoto Contact: (c) Kenta Kreations 2003 Date/Time Started: July 3, 2003 at 4:21 PM Date/Time Finished: Not yet finished !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This FAQ will reveal most major plots within the game. You are LQQking at this FAQ at your own risk! Do not blame me for any trouble this FAQ may cause you, DONfT BLAME ME! ==========================TABLE OF CONTENTS============================ A handy dandy table of contents is a staple for easy way to get to a part in the FAQ you want. Just press Ctrl+F and type, or copy (ctrl+C) and paste (ctrl+v) the number codes below for the section you want. Ex: I want to get to "Why I did this Section, "~0?." would be the code. A very nice trick indeed. ~VER. Version History ~?Y?. Why I did this ~CON. Contact Me ~WHO. Who's who? ~STY. Styles Section ~WWW. The WALKTHROUGH ~W01. The Beginning ~W02. Prelims 2! ~W03. Party Animals! ~W04. Helping Higsby ~W05. The Final Prelims... ~W06. Bubble Chaos! ~W07. Pre N1-Grand Prix ~W08. The N1-Grand Prix is HERE! ~W09. Seeds of Friendship ~W10. Seeds of Friendship 2 ~W11. Overgrowth of EVIL ~PAS. PA List ~###. NumberMan Lotto Numbers ~JOB. Jobs ~CRZ. Creditz ~COR. Copyright Stuff _______________________________________________________________________ ~VER. Version History/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I didn't have this in my MMBN2 one but I'm not stupid! V2.0: 7/10/2003: Sorry, I haven't been working on this for two WHOLE days... I was busy Re-beating MMBN again, at least up to Bass. Well changed ~W10's chapter name, and expanded up to the end of Overgrowth of EVIL. Added a very long Styles Section. And a non existent FAQ section is in order... v1.8: 7/7/2003: Expanded the story line to getting the Ice Ball M for Mamoru. Added the Jobs section up to JOB #13 Skipping #8 and 9... v1.4: 7/5/2003: Expanded the story from Start of bubble chaos to finishing off DesertMan! I'll be working on a little more and a whole lot more over the week ahead! (staying home all day ya know?) Tomorrow may not be so productive, gotta' go see some movies and stuff... Oh yes and added a whoz who section... v1.2: 7/4/2003: July 4th! W/e. ok did everything up to the start of Bubble Chaos. Nothing else. I hope GameFAQs puts this up... v0.7: 7/3/2003: Did from what you see up there^. To somewhere around to getting the credit to Jay and Up to killing FlashMan. 4 pages. _______________________________________________________________________ ~?Y?. Why I Did This.../ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well for starters, I have this FAQ and my MMBN2 and a Zok Zok Heroes FAQ on I decided to write an FAQ for MMBN3 too. Now a little about myself. I have beaten all 3 of the MMBN games, and also an FF lover so if you would like to talk that would be nice, just introduce yourself, all these people are popping up in AIM! I got White the day it came out and on the same day, and on the same day my little brother got Blue. I beat Alpha a week later and beat Serenade Omega today... Which is the date this FAQ was started. I also thought this would be nice to work on an FAQ for a boring summer home all day doing cumquat. Oh yea on a final note, I'm Japanese if anybody is wondering... yeaaaa.... _______________________________________________________________________ ~CON. Contact ME/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ YOU DARE QUESTION ME!? Well there are some things about contacting me: 1. You wish to notify me of an error (what? An error in MY FAQ!?) Well if there is an error, contact me telling me your Name, contact, and if you want your contact to be posted, and what part is wrong with the FAQ (obviously) 2. Just wanna' chat. I'm usually on AIM at OyajiCool135 or RARELY on at StrangeHybrid13 (and NO! this has NOTHING to do with Linkin Park! STOP ASKING ME!!!) 3. Ask me for help. I will give help if it is not in the FAQ. And your question will also be posted in my FAQ section. And #1's procedure. BUTT! don't Spam me or have vague questions. 4. MOST IMPORTANT, IF YOUR QUESTION IS ALREADY EASILY COVERED BY THE FAQ, I WILL SIMPLY IGNORE YOU! SIMPLE! _______________________________________________________________________ ~WHO. Who's who?/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lan: The main hero, the protagonist. The dude with the master plan... And for those who don't know, as mentioned in my MMBN2 FAQ, Lan stand for Local Area Network. MegaMan: Lan's brother, as revealed in MMBN. Originally Hub, more about his past is revealed in this game and he has saved the cyber world with Lan twice before and they will do it again! Mayl: Lan's girlfriend, but Lan is too darn DENSE to understand and even notice... Nevertheless close friends. Roll: Mayl's Navi... uhh... Navi... Dex: A guy who has the class under his whim and known for his power. But can't seem to beat Lan and Mega... GutsMan: Dex's Navi reflecting himself is a Navi with an immense bulk and power. Yai: A rich kid who is also the brains in the gang and to prove it, she skipped 3 grades! (was it 3? Better replay 1...) Glyde: Reflecting upon the high class of Yai. As said in the manual, he is a "butler type" Navi and quiet and less than adventurous. Chaud: A quiet, cold, rival and exact opposite of Lan. ProtoMan: Also like Chaud, he is his Navi. Also an exact opposite of Mega. Red, Blue, Red, Blue! Uses a variety of strong sword attacks and his ultimate weapon, the Delta Ray. _______________________________________________________________________ ~STY. Styles Section/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section is for explanation on styles for this game. Styles were introduced in MMBN2 in the part of the game where you got the chng.bat. Styles you earned depended on how you fought, elements are pure random and no algorithm is present to calculate the outcome of what element you get. The names of the Styles are written in a certain format, the element then the type of style. For example, ElecGuts. Styles level up the more you fight, after about 100 battles or so. Your first style change should be somewhere before BubbleMan. To get a new style you can't be training your current one, but to ask for another one when given the choice. New to this game is the Ground (White only) and Shadow (Blue/Black only). And also the BUG style that can be gotten in both games. Obviously, there has to be a Normal Style... -Has no elemental preference -Charge Shot is a simple stronger buster attack -No levels or pluses -Blue Bomber -Uses White, Pink, and Yellow program parts *Elements: 1. Fire- An fire elemental style, weak to Aqua. Charge Shot is range 3 flamethrower that is Fire elemental. 2. Wood- An wood elemental style, weak to Fire. Charge shot is a Tornado attacks 2 spaces ahead, like the chip, Wood elemental. 3. Elec- An Elec (Electric) elemental style, weak to Wood. Charge shot is a zap ring that paralyzes, like the Zap Ring chip, Elec elemental. 4. Aqua- An Aqua elemental style, weak to Elec. Charge shot is a Bubbler shot hits one back, just like the chip, Aqua elemental. *Styles: 1. Ground- ~Levels: -2: Set Green (Green) -3: Set Ice (Green) -4: Set Lava (Green) -5: Set Holy (Green) ~Uses Green parts in addition to the Normal Style's parts ~Charge Shots crack the range of the attack *Use Set Holy and lots of +HP plus parts and a Dark Aura/Life Aura for best results and ultimate defense! 2. Shadow- ~Levels: -2: Shadow Shoe (Red) -3: Float Shoe (Red) -4: Anti Damage (Red) ~Uses Red parts plus the Normal ~Charge Shot turns you invisible unless you have a Weapon Level +1 plus program installed 3. Bug- ~Levels: -2: Bug Stopper (White) -3: Dark Lisence (Black) ~ There are many pluses and minuses to this style and fighting styles are hard to develop with this style, nevertheless, this is quite a fun style. -Pluses: --Sometimes buster attack is raised to 5 for that one battle --Sometimes a Barrier 100 is in effect (lime-ish barrier) --Sometimes invincibility is in effect (glowing green) --Sometimes 10 chips open -Minuses: --Sometimes HP gradually decreases, sometimes only when custom chip selection menu us open --Sometimes there is an uncontrollable force pushing MegaMan up or down ~I don't know if I found all the pluses and Minuses to this style, but this is a fine list of what I can come up with... 4. Guts- ~Levels: -2: Spirit Armor (Red) -3: Break Buster (Red) -4: Break Charge (Red) ~Uses Red parts plus Normal ~Doubles buster attack ~Rapid pressing of B button results in 5 rapid "machine gun" fire of buster. *Use Buster MAX and bug stopper with a Hub Batch, probably the Ultimate combination! You can win battles with only a buster! 5. Custom- ~Levels: -2: Custom 1 (Blue) -3: Custom 1 (Yello) -4: Custom 2 (Blue) ~Uses Blue parts plus Normal ~1 extra chip open as default ability ~S ranking a virus without using buster or Navi chips might result in much rarer chips! (getting Big Wave from Mettaurs maybe?) *With all the Customs and having this style, 10 chips open! With this style, PAs are much easier to access! 6. Team- ~Levels: -2: Mega Folder 1 (Green) -3: Mega Folder 1 (Pink) -4: Mega Folder 2 (Green) ~Uses Green parts plus Normal ~Can use 1 extra Mega Chip as default ability ~Beating Navis under 20 seconds and S ranking them might give you V4 chips! *With this style and all program parts, it is possible to have 10 mega class chips in your folder! Attack with an army of fellow Navis and kick ass powerful chips! 7. Shield- ~Levels: -2: Block (Blue) -3: Shield (Blue) -4: Reflect (Blue) ~Uses Blue parts plus Normal ~Start off with a barrier ~Time the Shiled or Reflect right and you heal HP! *Use +HP parts and time the shields right and heal HP, is there any possible way for you to reach 0 HP!? *All Possible Style Combinations FireGround WoodGround ElecGround AquaGround FireShadow WoodShadow ElecShadow AquaShadow FireBug WoodBug ElecBug AquaBug FireGuts WoodGuts ElecGuts AquaGuts FireCustom WoodCustom ElecCustom AquaCustom FireTeam WoodTeam ElecTeam AquaTeam FireShield WoodShield ElecShield AquaShield _______________________________________________________________________ ~WWW. The WALKTHRU/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yes! This is the MOJO of the guide! ____________________ ~W01. The Beginning/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Starts off like usual. 2. Field Trip to SciLab's Virus Lab 3. Control Lan, talk to everybody, MAIL 4. Jack MegaMan in with R 5. Do annoying tutorial 6. Class 5-A, Talk to Yai, Dex, and Mayl. 7. Leave School, Outside: Walk out to obvious PARK 8. Chat. *NOTE* you can skip these with START but you might miss some important stuff! (this is what this FAQ is for! 9. You can go around jacking into stuff. 10. But now, go to your home (a blue house with a makeshift Dog House) talk to your Mother and go to the second floor (that is your room), MAIL, and jack into the Computer. 11. Warp out of Lan's HP and follow the yellow road to ACDC Square. 12. ACDC Square: Talk to Green Navi a little North. Say YES! 13. Mission #1: Now go out to ACDC area 3 (*note you can check what area you are in by pressing Start and to the lower right of the screen, see?) and find the circle for "true". Head up the ramp and pass Roll and the Squirrel and the O data is not too far away!. Go back to the Green Navi. 14. Mission #2: Answer is false. Find the X data in ACDC area 2 (patter goin' on here...) Just leave the ACDC area 3 and there will be a large platform to the right, get X data. Go back to Navi. 15: Mission #3: Answer is False. (*What I would do, Jack out and jack back in to get to ACDC area 1) Head to ACDC 1. Right in front of Lan's warp is the X data, take it. Go back to Navi. Get "YaiCode". 16. Talk to your momma, eat. Jack in to Lan's Comp. Go thru ACDC 1 and to ACDC 2 and take the left pass the pink Navi and another and talk to the cube and open it. Warp to Yai's HP. Talk to the others and chat event. 17. Dex seems to have forgotten his disk, so... go out to the School. You need to unlock the GATE. Go to ACDC 2 and onto the large Pink Plat form that you went on to get the X data for Mission #2. Talk to the funky key thing. MAIL. Jack out and back to the school. Head in to the school to your room, 5-A. Event, examine the hamster cage to the far left on the counter. Head out. Head down the hallway making your way to the Teacher's Lounge. Head to the door to the Principal's Room. Head out, talk to Mayl. Get Roll chip. Talk to Yai in the hall and Dex in your classroom. 18. Head to the Classroom 5-B and get the Parasol on the desk. Head back to the Principal's room. Jack in! Head around Principal Comp 1 to the Green Program. 19. Lan: Head out to 5-B and flip the switch by the blackboard. Mega: Go around the current area, you should pick up the KeyData A and 600z and Regup1. And open the door to the right. Do not get the first data, it is a virus. Find and get KeyData B and open the other door. Do not get the first one you see for it is also a virus. And the next one is a recov10*. Get KeyData C and open the door. And to Principal's PC 2. Talk to the Green Navi. 20: Lan: Head to the Lounge. Flip the switch. Go around collect the Passwords A, B, and C. There is a virus in the large area below the Password B. Do not get the Data on the blue area with desks, that too is a virus. Head out to the Pencils for the HPMemory. After getting all 3 passwords, go to the door. SAVE. Make sure everything is ready, because here comes FlashMan.EXE! *BOSS 1: FlashMan.EXE HP: 300 Attacks: 1. Bulb Line(10): A line of light bulb-like things attack in a tower position moving at you. 2. Bulb Tower(0): Two light bulb towers show up on your field and flashes and paralyzes you if they are not destroyed. 3. Electric Hand(15): FlashMan brings his hand down for an electric attack that stretches as far and long as a Long Sword and a Wide Sword. *Strategy: Not too hard, a real breeze. Just make sure he can't get you paralyzed because then he will attack you! A strategy I like to use with ElecGutz. (more later on styles) 21. Event, FlashMan's exit... and go out and everybody's alright! MAIL get DexCode from MAIL. You can battle Dex in the park here. Or go to bed in your house. *Optional BOSS: GutsMan.EXE HP: 300 Attacks: 1. Hammer Slam(?): Raises and lowers arms and slams ground, cracking the panels. 2. Punch(30): Comes up and punches you. 3. Shockwave(20): a Shockwave attack like the Mettuars. *Strategy: Pretty easy. Try not to get hit by the Punches too much. And the shockwaves ARE pretty slow and easy to dodge. Step on and then off the cracked panels to have them recover back faster. But after that beware of the shockwave. And stay clear of the front row. 22. Now go home and sleep already! There is nothing more to do! _________________ ~W02. Prelims 2!/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Event, Wake up, head out to the Metroline, a kid is blocking the way, go around talking to everybody you see, and go talk to Dex in Class 5-A, and go back to the Metro. Then back to Dex. I would SAVE. You can either win or lose to Dex. First time through, I beat him, but second time, this time, I will lose and see what happens. *BOSS 2: GutsMan.EXE Alpha HP: 700 Attacks: 1. Hammer Slam(40): Raises and lowers arms and slams ground, cracking all your panels this time. 2. Punch(60): Comes up and punches you. 3. Shockwave(40): a Shockwave attack like the Mettuars. *Strategy: He can whomp you pretty easily this time through...A couple hits from the Punch and you can be down for the count. Either A: You kill him and make a laughing stock of Dex in front of his little brother or B: Lose intentionally. And I am not sure, but IF you don't fight Dex in the last chapter, does he have GutsMan or GutsMan Alpha? 2. Go to the Metro line and get a SciLab Ticket. Go thru the check and voila! Out you go to SciLab. Make your way in thru the stairs and to the elevator up to Dad's lab. Talk to the Long Hair all the way into the room get the "SubPET". MAIL. Head back, dude again, get "CSciPass". Head back to ACDC. You can get to SciLab Square in the net by taking the Cyber Metro past the ACDC Square. Or for a shorter way, take Dex's Shortcut thru his HP. Jack go to his house next to the Metro. Go out from ACDC Square past the Squirrel and to ACDC area 1. Then to the Cyber Metro, talk to the Program and go to SciLab area 2. Follow the Yellow road to the SciLab Square. 3. SciLab Square: a little down would be a purple Navi for the second prelims. Mission #1: 3 round Survival Battle *Battle 1: Mettaur 2 x3. Not too hard, just like Mettaurs only they block and attack faster and harder. *Battle 2: Bunny x2, Canodumb. Concentrate on the Bunnies then take out the Canodumb *Battle 3: Mettaur x2, Boomer. Kill the Mettaurs first then it's all easy. You can only hurt Boomer when his mouth is open unless you have piercing. Which I don't think you have yet... Or use Copy Damage to Boomer and attack the Mettaurs or something... 4. Mission #2: Beat up and actor in an Evil Costume. He's in upper SciLab 1. To get there just exit out of SciLab SQ and then to the right thru the well... archway. And the path to upper SciLab area 1. Follow the Yellow road and an evil dude will be there in the large area. Talk and go find him in area 2, make your way back. Past the conveyor belt and thru the arch way all the way down, take the path left pass the purple Navi and talk to the guy. Fishy x3. A rock cube would REALLY help, they can't destroy it and as long as you are behind it, they can't hurt you. 5. Head back to the purple dude. Mission #3: in ACDC area... get CACDCPass (nah! Cs all those Cs!). (*I would Jack out, Jack back in to Dex's Comp and thru the Shortcut to ACDC Square and out following the yellow road to ACDC 1, the guy is right in front of your face then. Survival Battle! *Battle 1: Quaker x2, Canodumb. Kill one Quaker then the Canon then the other Quaker. That should make things go smoother... A dash atk would be nice too. *Battle 2: Fishy, Canodumb x2. A rock cube and then follow up with an air shot on the cube would be good to shoot at the Fishy. Real cool combo *Battle 3: Mettaur x2, Hard Hed. Ummm, Mettaurs should be destroyed and watch out for Hard Head's cannon balls! Charge up for Hard Head. 6. Mega's PET problem gets worse! Head back to where you jacked in! Well after you Jack out per say... event, go to sleep _____________________ ~W03. Party Animals!/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Make it to school. 2. Yoka: Hang around the area and go to the INN. If you can't find it your hopeless... anyway... go inside and over to the room and to where Yai is and examine the fence. Then take a bath with DEX... Sleep. 3. MAIL. Read mail and learn how to use the Navi Cust. Leave room. MAIL. Leave INN. You can fight Tamako here. Errr... oops, can anyone get the stats on this guy? I beat him before recording his stats... 4. Head over to the ZOO. Take a lQQk at ALLL the animals! After talking around and lQQking at animals and elephant poop, head over to the Lion cage at the end of the ZOO. Now watch in terror as the plot unfolds... ALL THE ANIMALS LOOK FAKE!!! w/e ok so head to the Hallway around the Panda cage and under the words, "PANDA". There is a hidden jack in point here in the corner of the hall. Head past the Gorilla sign. Back to the first area, you are locked inside... But go to the left where the building is, you can go behind it and out of the ZOO thru to the INN. Make it pass the snake by staying close the wall. Leave the INN and loop back to the ZOO. 5. NOOO!!! CHISAO!!! Head back into the Zoo thru the normal gate and make your way back to the Panda cage. Not the hidden jack in but just the panel beside the cage, jack in! There is a 1000z to the right. Go left and to the 4 way, keep going straight and there will be a virus prog. Take the right in the 4 way is a geddon 1 d. Go back a little and get the cat program, to the virus and voila! They explode! (some of the dialogue in the game gets funny real fast). Follow the path, reach an HPMemory. There will the a frog blocking the way, go back a little and get the snake type prog. Make then meet and the Snake eats the virus! 6. Zoo Comp 2: There will the 3 forks, ignore and to the virus blocking the way, take the rabbit prog and make them meet. Path is open! There will the a fork again, take the right is a Charge +1 and soon to the left is 600z. Get to the Gorilla Virus and get the Banana Program. Ok, go and follow the path, there will be a sea lion virus, get the ball program. Next is a clam! Get the Otter Program! Oh yes and don't forget, there is a little copy Damage in the little fork off to the left. 7. Zoo Comp 3: The tree virus ummm... get the beaver type, second from the right. And get the BMD to the farthest left which is a Recov30 * you will need this for a job later. Make it past the tree and get some more BMD, Cannon C and 800z. Make it to the square where there is 4 programs and Two Panda Viruses, get the tire and bamboo. Also there is a SneakRun Program to the far end past the square. DOUBLE DELETE! j/k Make it past and to the intersection, take the right, then to another, turn right, heading down the path... And there is a Mongoose! And wants to fight! So got to the left and there should be a Cobra program, get it to the Mongoose. Next is a jar, it takes awhile for some people to get this but the octopus is the solution. A Japanese thing... Make it past to area 4... 8. Zoo Comp 4: This is confusing, but you should get an HP +10 soon and then get to some more viruses blocking the way, there will be a parrot and get the tongue twister program. For the monkey and peanut virus, get the walnut and chestnut. Go past follow the path. Intersection, left, Hammer T. Right, there is 3 viruses, get the following: Tiger, Sheep, Dog and go to the viruses and they all explode! TRIPLE DELEETE! Now to face the one responsible for your pain... BeastMan.EXE... *BOSS 3: BeastMan.EXE HP: 500 Attacks: 1. Drop Slash(20): Drops down either in front or in back of you and slashes with claws, Wide Sword range. 2. Beast Ray(20): Diagonal attack. 3. Wild Dash(20):two diagonal claws come up and slash, then BeastMan Does a dash attack on you! *Strategy: When he does his Wild Dash, just simply strafe up and down to doge all of his attacks, there is a rhythm to his movements and that is his downfall. After you kill him, cut scene. (does Condors QUACK?) W/e end scenario. _____________________ ~W04. Helping Higsby/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Start off in class, talk to Yai, Mayl, and Dex. MAIL. Head over to Higsby's Shop. Once inside, he will ask you a favor and stuff. MAIL. Go to the ACDC Metro to find a dude in a suit, talk. Head over to the INN in YOKA, under the table is the briefcase. Get "Bag". Head back to the dude and get the "OrderSys". Go back to Higsby and get the next job, head over to ACDC 1, the guy is an evil Navi just outside Lan' HP, he will attack you: Swordy, Swordy 2, Swordy 3. Not too hard, A rock cube in your front row would stop their area grabs... 2. Go back to Higs and hand back the 1000z. Get Ratton1 C. Take it to SciLab 2, there is a shortcut in Yai's HP so you CAN take that... She's right outside the SciLab SQ warp. Pfft 100,000z my butt, what a waste of money... (Higs you rascal you...) Head back to Higs and get a Snake R as your reward! ___________________________ ~W05. The Final Prelims.../ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Have the Long Sword E chip out in your pack and head to SciLab SQ, just outside Yai's Shortcut is a Navi you might have never seen before, engage in a conversation and you will discover that she needs the chip, say "Sure!" and get the "CyokaPass". Make it out to the cyber metro and go to Yoka SQ. Now go down and down the other slope to the official. 2. Mission #2: Beat Five doofuses in the "Real World" with a "prefolder" The people's Locations: 1. In the Staff Lounge at school. Ratty x3 2. Dude in the trees in the northern part of ACDC. Slimer x3. 3. In front of the vending machine at SciLab Lobby. Shrimpy x3 4. Zoo, where you had to go behind the building in the BeastMan scenario. Spikey 1, 2, and 3. 5. Yoka, the bath at the INN. Beetle x2, WindBox. I can't much say on any strategies because you have a PREFOLDER but... they shouldn't pose a problem. Head back to the guy. 3. Mission #2: Triple Survival Battle Battle 1: Ratty x3 Battle 2: Mettaur 2, Fishy, VacuumFan Battle 3: Shrimpy 2, Boomer, Spikey 2 4. After that shindig, go home! SLEEP! (shindig is a word?) ____________________ ~W06. Bubble Chaos!/ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Head to Maylz houze. Go get a Wind * chip and go back to Higsby. The girls are trapped, Jack into Mayl's comp on the second floor. Go out to ACDC 1. MAIL get "MaylCode" and "Roll V2". Unlock the cube and follow the bubbles on the floor. At the Metro, head to Yoka. At Yoka area 1 you will get stuck and you need "press" program. Jack out and go to SciLab and jack into the computer on the second floor. (If you were paying attention in class you would know!) The program will attack you! Battle: Hardhead x3. Shouldn't be too hard... err It IS hard, HARDhead? Get it? Ok that sucked... 2. Get "PresData". Run back to Higsby. (If you were paying attention to his words when accepting his job, you would know!) Leave Maylz houze. Funny MAN! Go back to Yoka 1 where you last left BubbleMan. (I would take a shorter route thru Yai's PC and then to the CMetro or go to SciLab and jack into the Virus Lab comp and go to Metro) You should meet BubbleMan and the plot thickens. 3. MAIL. Head to ACDC 2. (I think you know what I would do now...) Out in the area that you found the X Data for the First Prelims, and where you got the GateKey thing. Battle: Pengi x2, Penga. Now go to SciLab 1. The guys are in the lower area, where it is a large area. Battle: Pengi, Penga x2. (see the pattern?) Head back to where you last last left BubbleMan. Battle: Penga x3. (pattern complete) Get "Needle". You can now pop the bubble! 4. Follow the path and pursuit BubbleMan! Eventually get to him... *BOSS 4: BubbleMan.EXE HP: 500 Attacks: 1. Fish Missile(30): The fish entrapped within the bubble is freed and dashes toward you! Water Elemental 2. Mine(30): A mine encircled in a red bubble comes toward you and blows up! 3. Bubble Harpoon(30 per hit): BubbleMan shoots several rounds of his harpoon! Water Elemental 4. Bubble(30): Bubble from the hole damages you! Water Element 5. Crab Toss(30): A Crab that moves like a Ratton hit is thrown by BubbleMan. Water Elemental. *Strategy: Many people have found putting a rock cube in front of the hole, very effective. But getting a hit on him is pretty hard so timing with Navis and such will be good. He also will have a bubblewrap barrier when using his Bubble Harpoon. *I want to check with someone but... Odds are you are out of Mayl's house when you beat BubbleMan, but if you are in her PC when you beat him... does he come in from the front door like it did in mine, or does he go thru the stairs? Someone check for me! 5. Go home and sleep. When you enter your room. If you had a style change, you'll get MAIL about it when you enter your room. ________________________ ~W07. Pre N1-Grand Prix/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Jack into Lan's PC and head over to everyone's HP. First would be Mayl's HP, find Roll, talk. Then to ACDC 2, Yai's HP, Find Glyde, talk. Dex's HP is in upper ACDC area 1, before the CMetro. In Dex's HP, there's only a caretaker program, talk. Head to Yoka 1. GutsMan should be in front of the Water Heater thing-a-ma-bobber. MAIL. Get "CBeacPas". 2. Head back to the CMetro and go to Beach 2. As you most lieky first time here, I'll escort you. Once up the slope just follow the Bright Orange Road, ignore the Dark Blue for now... Soon you will loop yourself and do down the slope to the lower area. Keep following the orange path and to a narrow road. Be careful not to step on the conveyor belt pads... (or w/e they are called) Step on the Samll Warp and to the Red Warp to the Beach SQ! 3. It shouldn't be hard to find the official in such a small haven. Ok, after the little TV event, head out and continue out to where you last COULD turn and off to the Dark Blue road. (which you didn't if you were following my little escort...) Well now go off in that direction and then... Congrats! You made it to Beach 1! There will be evil a foot! Battle: Deetle x2, Trumpy. Kill the annoying Trumpy first, please! Follow the conveyor belt road (ok from now on, I'll call them Go-Go Pads) Ignore the next Go-Go Pad and go down the slope. A Charge +1 isn't too far away... Next Evil dude! Battle: Shrimpy 2, Trumpy. ALL THESE ANNOYING TRUMPIES! (or is it Trumpys?) Ok go on the next pad and then the one doing down, and you should meet another evil dude! If you mess up that's ok, you can easily start over. Battle: Swordy 2 and 3, TRUMPY!!!. KILL TRUMMPY!! Onto the little warp and to the gangs harrassing GutsMan and the TV people. 4. Get "DataDisk". MAIL. Head to SciLab, Dad's Lab. Give data disk to long hair. Leave. Get "PET Case". 5. Now go home and SLEEP! o.0 _________________________________ ~W08. The N1-Grand Prix is HERE!/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Wake up. MAIL. Head to the Metro and get a Beach Ticket. Make your way to the DNN building. Oh yes, and don't forget to buy the "ModTools" from the man in front of the Metro. (5600z is worth it lemme tell you, Here is a code for you to work with for now... GJHURIE2) Once inside, chat with the folks and fight Tora. *BOSS 5: KingMan.EXE HP: 800 Attacks: 1. Pawn(30): Pawns attack with a long sword. 2. Knight(50): A knight jumps around your area trying to stop on you. *Strategy: This guy is one annoying dude! All the guy does is sit in the back row all comfy and has his Pawns and Knights do the work! If you could, I would blow the Pawns back with an air shot or wind or something... The Pawns and Knights can be destroyed using piercing attacks. But if you stay in the back row, moving up and down, pawns can't get to you, the Knight can't get you either, he'll switch to Plan-B, and you'll be in deeper trouble! I suggest using Dash Attacks, and Shockwaves. 2. After beating Tora. Head thru the glass doors and past the elevator and to the stage! MAIL. Get "ExpMemry". Head out to the boat outside and talk to Sunayama. Head inside. Once inside Hades Isle, don't go down the slope. Instead, to the right thru the narrow. You should then get a "HadesKey". Go back to the main warp and THEN down the slope. Where the purple Navi is, open the door. (talk to the Navi, he is stupid, even after you opened the door, the says he needs a key..) Take the path down for a BlackBomb1 P. You'll get a "VictData" when you take the path going up, ending the round, so get the bomb first. 3. Ok what's behind the doors? Tamako with MetalMan alpha for all of the doors. From left to right 1 to 4. Door 1 is a Lava area, door 2 is sand, door 3 is ice, door 4 is grass. I would take the grass. Since the chips in the crappy folder is mostly fire, you only have something to gain. *BOSS 6: MetalMan.EXE Alpha HP: 800 Attacks: 1. Metal Missile(40): Shoots missiles at you. I think 4. 2. Buzz Saw Ring Boomerang(40): I dunno, does a boomerang attack. 3. Get hit by metal gears in ground(20): What else am I gonna' call this? 4. Meta Punch(80): This has piercing and cracks panel/ brakes it and also has quake effect. *Strategy: This battle is a breeze if you manage to destroy the metal gears. Just learn his attack pattern, missile, saw, missile, saw... punch every now and then... 4. You have 3 minutes to get a folder. I would get the Folder from the boy on top of the mountain. The answers are water, Zoo Boss, Yasu, AquaGuts, CannBall. Or the folder from the long hair in front all the doors. Head thru the door and may the battles commence! *BOSS 7: GutsMan.EXE Alpha HP: 700 Attacks: 1. Hammer Slam(40): Raises and lowers arms and slams ground, cracking all your panels this time. 2. Punch(60): Comes up and punches you. 3. Shockwave(40): a Shockwave attack like the Mettuars. *Strategy: This will be a breeze. You fought him a couple chapters ago, and you could easily beat him then right? Now a couple chapters later you're stronger then right? So basically this is a breeze. The folder you got from long hair will be good all those empty panels will power up your snake up real good. 5. OK now go to the boat and back to Beach. MAIL. Talk to Ribbita inside the DNN and then go out and talk to Chaud. Head to the stage! *BOSS 8: KingMan.EXE HP: 800 Attacks: 1. Pawn(30): Pawns attack with a long sword. 2. Knight(50): A knight jumps around your area trying to stop on you. *Strategy: Well same as before, be sure to put on your own folder if you need to! 6. Go out to the Lobby a dude in orange shirt will give you a program, Brake Charge, and the ModCode for it. *you can fight MetalMan Alpha here. Beat her and get a "TamaCode" 7. Go outside and chat with Dex and Mayl. Head back in for a revealing event. (*BTW Sunayama in Japanese means a mountain of sand) Head back and to the elevator. I would save around now... After the event, you will fight DesertMan.EXE! *BOSS 9: DesertMan.EXE HP: 800 Attacks: 1. Lion Sand(40): a lion head of sand dashes toward you! 2. Sand Whorl(40): 2 whirls of sand appear randomly in your area! *Strategy: Beat him using a couple heat shots and bubble shots so they can transfer over to DesertMan thru those blocks. His limbs and blocks are easily destroyed. This guy should pose no threat... __________________________ ~W09. Seeds of Friendship/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Start in class. MAIL. Head to BEACH. Once there, head over to the left. It was blaocked before to a hospital. Talk to the nurse at the reception desk and head to the second floor by elevator. Door to the far left. Once in the room, talk to Yai. On the third floor, check the tree, get a HPMemory! First floor, vending machine by the desk, get "Tea". The kid out on the beach shore, go a little left outside the hospital and down the ramp... Engage conversation. Go give the dumb tea and leave, go home... 2. After that little thing with Tora... MAIL. Head to the park and meet up with Dex. MAIL. Head into SciLab... and do some jobs. (I'll have this also in the job section too...) Job #10: Look for friends (Tora)- Head to the ACDC Park, get "TickStub" Head to Yoka, you can take Mayl's shortcut. Go to Yoka 1 and past the Water Heater. There will be a guy right after the narrow path, he is your contact... Jack out and head to the ZOO. It is the long hair right when you enter. Go back to the first guy in ACDC and get your reward of RegUP3. (these ppl are a nice... you could almost scam them...) Job #11: Stuntmen Wanted! (Tora)- You can take the shortcut in Tamako's PC... Head to Beach area 1 go past the small warp that leads you to the dead end in where Gutsman and the TV people were being attacked a while a go. There will be a guy that you never saw before in the lower level, talk to him, he is the guy. SAVE. And fight! Battle 1: Mettaur2 x2 Battle 2: Yort, Mettaur Battle 3: Shrimpy, Mettaur 2, Beetle Battle 4: Yort x2 Battle 5: Mettaur2 x2, Fishy ...and get your reward of HPMemory. Job #12: Riot Stopped (Tora)- Enter the TV station lobby, guy to the right is your contact. One evil dude is in the TV Van outside, jack in. Battle: Mettaur 2, Canodumb 2, Tuby. KILL TUBY!!! In the control pad before the editing room. Battle: Spikey 2, Fishy, Tuby. KILL TUBY!!! The last dude in the Netbattle machine. Battle: Swordy 2, Sowrdy 3, Tuby. KILL TUBY!!! (also when Lan says a great battle will start soon! Inside the Netbattle machine by pressing L, he really does mean it...) Go back and get your reward of "Tally" Job #13: Gathering Data (Tora)- The Teachers Lobby. At SciLab upper area, there is a program dude that lost the data around in ACDC 2, same place where some other events have happened previously, gatekeys... x data... and the 3 evil dudes. Purple Naiv there wants a Yo-Yo1 G. You can get one my killing Yort viruses in Beach areas. Not too hard... You should have one by then anyways. And get "InsrData". And go back to the big man and get your reward of "SloGauge *" 3. After finishing all those jobs, talk to Tora. Get "Fldr2" And then go home and sleep o.0. ____________________________ ~W10. Seeds of Friendship 2/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Wake up and go to School, class 5-A, talk to Mayl and Yai and everybody else. Head to Dex's house. 2. Go to the Hospital and talk to the nurse at the desk, go out to the shore. Talk (you know, you can leave Mamoru there with the attack for a long time and he won't die... how unrealistic...). Go into the Hospital and talk to the Nusre, head to the third floor and talk to the Long Hair at the end of the room. Head back to Mamoru. 3. You can get the Ice Ball M by equipping the "Fish" program and go fight in the Hades Comp. Some of those Ice version Hard Heads (I forget name, I got the chip way before this event). You can buy the program at Beach Square, I think. You also get some info about this chip in a Message Board in one square, but I also forget, someone fill me in on these details. 4. Go to the second floor, the second door from the left. Talk to Mamoru and go to SLEEP o.0 _________________________ ~W11. Overgrowth of EVIL/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Dash over to Mamoru's room. Go to the third floor and run over to the end of the room, cut scene will play and operation has begun. Once ended, go to elevator, event, go to third floor event, jack in! 2. (I'm gonna use some of my incredible (kidding) art work to describe what to burn down and what NOT to burn, but if you want to (pyromaniac do so...) Head left and up to get the "OilBody" program, it will help in this part if you happen to have a shortage of fire chips, you can get them from the totems in this level. Head past the pad and to a program and get his "Energy Change" program. 3. Go around... pick up RegUP1. go back to where you took the left. Burn the tree and warp across the gogo pads... You will see 2 trees, if you want a Recov120 O, go left, if you just wanna end this part, go right. Examine the control panel BATTLE!: Viney, just attack the vine that comes up, or use a totem or any other fire element on the main pod thing... 4. After that, head to the second floor, and to the room where Yais was, the blackened window, jump out of it. Head out to shore, there will be a door there, go find the nurse, get "BsmntKey". Go to the basement. Jack IN! 5. Burn the tree you see, you can go left for a chip. Head left, to the warp and past, Go all the way to the end to the right for an HPMemory. You will end up in a 4 way, to right first, some art: (turn ur gameboy a little to the right and you'll see my picture...) __ \_\ 1 __ \_\ 2 __ \_\ 3 1: Heat Shot I 2: blank 3: blank The left area is the same with... 1: Switch (flip it to continue) 2: Virus 3: blank 6. Go past the open door to meet PlantMan. Battle: Goofball, Pretty easy if you picked up one of those Totem chips... 7. Head to the elevator and to the third floor. To the operating room. Event, jack in. 8. Turn right, get Heat Side T. the area to the right after you burn the tree has... ______ \_\_\_\ 123 \_\_\_\ 456 \_\_\_\ 789 1: Virus 2: blank 3: Heat Shot I x2 4: Warp- to continue 5: Virus 6: blank 7: Virus 8: Geddon 2 W 9: Heat Shot I 9. Of course there is also another 9x9 patch of grass on the other side to the left with more treasures. Left side: 1: Heat Shot I x2 2: Heat Shot I 3: blank 4: Virus 5: Heal 100HP 6: blank 7: blank 8: blank 9: Heat Shot I x2 10. Ok, that's about all the tiles for this little area, go to the warp and continue to the center panel thingy and to another warp to the next part. You'll end up in a 3 way, turn right or left for more vines, but if you just wanna continue, go straight and to the left, burning one tree, there is also a sub memory to the left after burning the tree. __ \_\ 1 \_\ 2 \_\ 3 Right Path vines: 1: Heat Shot I x2 2: blank 3: Heat Shot I Left Path Vines: 1: blank 2: Virus 3: Heat Shot I x3 11. Continue on to Hospital area 4, there will be a locked door to the right, head left and there are 4 platforms each with a vine square 2x2 clock wise from the first left platform. ____ \_\_\ 12 \_\_\ 34 Bottom Left Platform: 1: blank 2: blank 3: Heat Shot I x2 4: blank Top Left Platform: 1: Virus 2: Switch- for the door 3: blank 4: Heat Shot I x3 Top Right Platform: 1: Heat Shot I x2 2: blank 3: blank 4: Heat Shot I Bottom Right Platform: 1: Warp- leads to a blank meaningless area 2: blank 3: blank 4: Heat Shot I 12. Flip the switch and to and past a tree and to another area with vines. For this I'll just say it from left to right, but if anyone WANTS a ASCII art, if I get 5 emails wanting one from different addresses, I'll put one up... From left to right: Heat Shot x3, blank, Heal 100HP, blank, blank, Heat Shoot I x2, Warp- leads to next part, blank There is also a branch in the path to the top of the map, lading to a Barrier100 E 13. Once you get to the warp, you will encounter a tree, burn and continue if you want to take a longer way and NOT get a full energy, or forget it and go around the tree and pick up a Full Energy. On to the next small warp and to the next area... Hospital area 5, the last area and the showdown with PlantMan.... 14. in this area, there are 3 locks to the right, so go left, you can get a Charge +1. Continue out to the main loop and go to the left, burn tree, there is a platform to the top and the bottom, ____ \_\_\ 12 \_\_\ 34 TOP: 1: Warp- leads to a HPMemory 2: blank 3: Virus 4: Heat Shot I x3 BOTTOM: 1: Switch 2: Heat Shot I x2 3: blank 4: Virus 15. Continue counter clockwise around the loop. The there will 3 vines lined up, from closest to farthest, virus, switch, Heat Shot I. Continue on and there will be a 3x3 patch of vines, ______ \_\_\_\ 123 \_\_\_\ 456 \_\_\_\ 789 1: blank 2: virus 3: Heat Shot I x2 4: blank 5: virus 6: Heat Shot I x2 7: Heat Shot I x2 8: blank 9: heals 100HP 16. Continue once again to a tree, burn, to an I, H shaped patch of vines ______ \_\_\_\ 123 _\_\__ 4 \_\_\_\ 567 1: Heat Shot I 2: Switch 3: Heat Shot I x2 4: virus 5: blank 6: Heat Shot I 7: blank 17. That's all the locks. There is also a Fire Sword R out in the branch off. Circle back to the start and past the opened parts to the small warp, save, use your Full Energy before you fight PlantMan.EXE... *BOSS 10: PlantMan.EXE HP: 1000 Attacks: 1. Vine(40 when hit, 30 after)- Vines wrap around you! WOOD 2. Thorn Missile(50)- A thorny projectile shoots straight forward! WOOD 3. Flower- Summons a Yellow and a Pink flower on your side of the field 4. Bloom- The flowers open up and attacks in a + pattern. Yellow Paralyzes and Pink Confuses *Strategy: This guy is a flowering wussy. Very easy, and by now, you should have a large accumulation of fire element chips. Hitting his vine that pops up will also damage him. A Fire Shield Style might help, use Geddon 2 W you get earlier, and have air shoes or the air shoe effect, walk on empty panels and the vine attack wont hit you! And if you don't have air shoes you always have a Shield to protect you! _______________________________________________________________________ ~PAS. PA List/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a vague PA list, but it is ALL you will need, trust me. All the other PA lists with big mumbo-jumbo is useless. List # / Name / Combination / Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 / Z-Canon1 / Cannon ABC, BCD, CDE / Unlimited Cannon for 5 sec 2 / Z-Canon2 / HiCannon HIJ, IJK, JKL / Unlimited HiCannon for 5 sec 3 / Z-Canon3 / M-Cannon OPQ, PQR, QRS / Unlimited MegaCanon for 5 sec 4 / Z-Punch / GutPunch BCD, CDE, DEF / Unlimited GutPunch for 5 sec 5 / Z-Strght / GutStrgt OPQ, PQR, QRS / Unlimited GutStrght for 5 sec 6 / Z-Impact / GutImpct GHI, HIJ, IJK / Unlimited Gut Impct for 5 sec 7 / Z-Varibl / VarSwrd BCD, CDE, DEF / Unlimited VarSwrd for 5 sec 8 / Z-Yoyo1 / Yo-Yo1 CDE, DEF, EFG / Unlimited Yo-Yo for 5 sec 9 / Z-Yoyo2 / Yo-Yo2 HIJ, IJK, JKL / Unlimited Yo-Yo2 for 5 sec 10/ Z-Yoyo3 / Yo-Yo3 MNO, NOP, OPQ / Unlimited Yo-Yo3 for 5 sec 11/ Z-Step1 / StepSwrd LMN, MNO, NOP / Unlimited StepSwrd for 5 sec 12/ Z-Step2 / StepCros PQR, QRS, RST / Unlimited StepCros for 5 sec 13/ BubSprd / Bubbler CDE, Bub-V DEF / Attacks w/ spreading bubbles! / BublSide EFG / 14/ HeatSprd / HeatShot HIJ Heat-V / Attacks w/ spreading fireball! / IJK, Heatside JKL / 15/ H-Burst / Spreader MNO, NOP, OPQ / Creates a giant explosion 16/ LifeSwrd / Sword, WideSwrd, Long / Swings a huge 2x3 sword! / Swrd E, L, Y / 17/ ElemSwrd / Fire, Aqua, Elec, Bamb / Wide Sword contains 4 elements / Sword N or P / 18/ EvilCut / StepSwrd, HeroSwrd, / Step up 2 and make 4 attacks! / StepCros P / 19/ HyperRat / Ratton 1,2,3 A-C-F / A giant Ratton charges! 20/ TimeBom+ / TimeBomb JKL, KLM, LMN / Sets Time Bomb in enmy area 21/ GelRain / MetaGel 1 BCD, / Gel steals squares / MetaGel 2 EFG, / / Metagel 3 STU / 22/ EverCrse / CrsShld 123 C or L / Shield chases enemies 23/ MomQuake / RockCube * x2, / Awakens Mother Earth! / GodStone S / 24/ PoisPhar / PoisMask A, PoisFace A / Pharaoh generates poison / Anubis A / 25/ BodyGrd / AntiDmg M, AntiNavi M, / Bodyguard takes out enemies / Muramasa M / 26/ 500Barr / Barrier, Barr200, / Barrier absorbs 500HP dmg / Barr300 E or R / 27/ BigHeart / HolyPanl, Recov 300, / Attacks, then heals HP! / Roll or v2 or v3 or v4?/ / or v5? All R codes / 28/ Gtsshoot / Guard *, DashAtk, / GutsMan throws MegaMan! / GutsMan, v2, v3, v4, v5/ / G / 29/ DeuxHero / Custswrd, VarSwrd, / MegaMan and ProtoMan team up! / ProtoMan al v's all / / B codes / 30/ 2xHero / Slasher, Cust & Var / MegaMan and ProtoMan dual atk / Swrd, ProtoMan... w/e B/ 31/ PirxPowr / Team 1 and 2 *, / 3 Navis attack at once! / KingMan5K, MistMan5M, / / BowlMan5B, (Yes 5) / 32/ MASTER STYLE PA!/ Salamander, Fountain, Bolt, Gaia Blade all * codes / MegaMan unleashes his power _______________________________________________________________________ ~###. NumberMan Lotto Numbers/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These are available after the BeastMan Scenario. You can use these numbers for the NumberMan Machine inside Higsby's shop. You will give you *P*R*I*Z*E*S****. Note, these can only be used once. Sub Chips: 57789423: Mini Energy 86508964: Mini Energy 56892168: Full Energy 99826471: Full Energy 24586483: Sneak Run 46823480: Untrap 05088930: Untrap 87824510: Lock Enemy 35331089: Unlocker Battle Chips: 15789208: Air Shot 3 * 31549798: Spreader * 63997824: Variable Sword F 76889120: Step Cross S 95913876: Guts Straight S 01697824: Copy Damage * 50098263: Muramasa M 03284579: Hero Sword P 65497812: Salamander * 88543997: Fountain * 54390805: Bolt * 33157825: GaiaBlad * Key Items: 77955025: Spin White 72563938: Spin Red 11002540: Spin Blue 28274283: Spin Green 90690648: Wristband Program Parts: 19878934: Set Sand 23415891: Air Shoes 67918452: Fast Gauge 41465278: Weapon Lvl +1 _______________________________________________________________________ ~JOB. Jobs/ ^^^^^^^^^^ This section is for help on Jobs thru the course of the game. You get these jobs at SciLab. And for most of these jobs, it will be helpful to remember who is where at times because your contact will appear where you have never seen them before. Job #1: Please Deliver this- (You could take the route from Dex's HP to ACDC area 3) Go to upper ACDC 1, right after you go from ACDC 3 to ACDC 1, there will be a red Navi at the intersection, get "Old Tools". Go to 5-A's blackboard and give the tools. Return and get your reward of "Yo-Yo1 D" Job #2: My Navi is sick- This is easy, just leave the SciLab after you accept the job and the little girl should be there, hand over a Recov30 * and get your reward of "RegUP3" Job #3: Help me with my son!- Simply head to the Yoka station and talk to the lady... (I think itz a lady..) Head to ACDC 3, the son is right there after you leave ACDC 2 to ACDC 3. Battle: Canodumb 2, Boomer x2 Go back to the lady and get your reward of "SpinYllw". (on a side note she refers to herself as her son's "POP") Job #4: Transmission error- Just go to the VirusLab and the long hair in the corner. Go to the ZOO and examine the computer panel by the flamingoes. Battle: SnowBlow, Canodumb x2. Go back to the guy and get your reward of "HPMemory" Job #5: Chip Prices- Head to ACDC SQ. Talk to the green Navi, selling a slasher. Now make haste to SciLab SQ. The purple Navi, then go back to the green Navi in ACDC SQ. Now go BACK to the Purple Navi... Now finally go to the green guy again, and get your reward of "Slasher B". (no use selling it no more huh?) Job #6: I'm broke...!- Head to the INN, fat man to the right. Give the 8000z, don't worry... Head out and go back in and talk to him. Head to Yoka area 2 thru Tamako's PC and thru 1 and to 2 his Navi should be there. Battle: Shaker x3 Talk to the Navi there get "CashData". Give the Data to the man and get your reward of "8000z" and "HPMemory". Job #7: Rare chips for cheap!- Go to Yai's house and jack into the phone in at the end of the hallway. There will be an "official-looking guy" in the lower left. Battle: Twinner x2. You have to kill both of them at once. Get your reward of "10000z" Job #10: Look for friends (Tora)- Head to the ACDC Park, get "TickStub" Head to Yoka, you can take Mayl's shortcut. Go to Yoka 1 and past the Water Heater. There will be a guy right after the narrow path, he is your contact... Jack out and head to the ZOO. It is the long hair right when you enter. Go back to the first guy in ACDC and get your reward of RegUP3. (these ppl are a nice... you could almost scam them...) Job #11: Stuntmen Wanted! (Tora)- You can take the shortcut in Tamako's PC... Head to Beach area 1 go past the small warp that leads you to the dead end in where Gutsman and the TV people were being attacked a while a go. There will be a guy that you never saw before in the lower level, talk to him, he is the guy. SAVE. And fight! Battle 1: Mettaur2 x2 Battle 2: Yort, Mettaur Battle 3: Shrimpy, Mettaur 2, Beetle Battle 4: Yort x2 Battle 5: Mettaur2 x2, Fishy ...and get your reward of HPMemory. Job #12: Riot Stopped (Tora)- Enter the TV station lobby, guy to the right is your contact. One evil dude is in the TV Van outside, jack in. Battle: Mettaur 2, Canodumb 2, Tuby. KILL TUBY!!! In the control pad before the editing room. Battle: Spikey 2, Fishy, Tuby. KILL TUBY!!! The last dude in the Netbattle machine. Battle: Swordy 2, Sowrdy 3, Tuby. KILL TUBY!!! (also when Lan says a great battle will start soon! Inside the Netbattle machine by pressing L, he really does mean it...) Go back and get your reward of "Tally" Job #13: Gathering Data (Tora)- The Teachers Lobby. At SciLab upper area, there is a program dude that lost the data around in ACDC 2, same place where some other events have happened previously, gatekeys... x data... and the 3 evil dudes. Purple Naiv there wants a Yo-Yo1 G. You can get one my killing Yort viruses in Beach areas. Not too hard... You should have one by then anyways. And get "InsrData". And go back to the big man and get your reward of "SloGauge *" _______________________________________________________________________ ~CRZ. Credits/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just GIVIN' credit where it is due! First thanks to Jay, for getting me started on this FAQ, told me so... _______________________________________________________________________ ~COR. Copyright Stuff/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I know this is boring but I must be COUNTED FOR! You may not take any part of my FAQ and mess it up! Just don't do it for pete's sake! It is a wrong to take another's work and say it is yours! Besides, my writing style is SOOO eccentric that it is easily spotted as done by me! You may NOT use my work without my explicit, written permission. This FAQ my only be used on my angelfire site: or on and problably (c) CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2003 (c) CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. 2003 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CAPCOM and the CAPCOM LOGO are registered trademarks of CAPCOM CO., LTD. MEGA MAN BATTLE NETWORK is a trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD 2003. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
