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>> Subject: Slowly Updating
>> Posted By: Sgt-STeeL
>> Date: 10/14/03

Yooo! Welcome to the site I've made. Thats all for now! Later!



>> Subject: Under Construction
>> Posted By: Sgt-SteeL
>> Date: 9/28/03

Here's some current news:
Our site is currently under careful construction by me Forums located on the bar to the left it would be greatly appreciated.

**IMPORTANT** The rosters section is now up! More updates to come!



>> Subject: Welcome to Double Negative #double.n Website
>> Posted By: Sgt-STeeL
>> Date: 9/15/03

Yo peoples, welcome to The Double Negative #double.N website. We are a Counter-Strike clan that likes to compete and just have fun while playing... The roster is pretty much full right now, but we still might recruit Cal-IM+ to help us out a little bit. So browse the site to find things related to CS and the clan. Hope to see ya back here soon! gg.


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