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BOOKMARK - A pointer to a particular web site.

-- can bookmark sites in homepage browser.

CHAT ROOM - Where users can chat via their computer to people all over the world - live.

DNS - Domain Name System

A distributed internet directory. Used mostly to translate between domain names and IP address and to control email delivery.

FLAME - Mocking or abusive email.

FTP - File Transfer Protocol.

A standard which allows computers of all different kinds to exchange files.

HOME PAGE - An initial point of entry to a web related documents - The web site that auto- loads (browser)

HYPERTEXT  - Allows user to go backwards, forwards & sideways in documents where resources are linked.

INTRANET - A private local network within an organization or company, based on the internet model.

IRC - Internet Relay Chat.

System allowing internet users to chat via their keyboards with 1 or more other users.

ISP - Internet Service Provider.

A company which provides access to the internet to computer users for an agreed fee.

MODEM - Device used for connecting two computers via the telephone line.

PROTOCOL - Defines how computers on the network will interact with each other.

SEARCH ENGINE  - Term used for the various tools you can use to search the internet for information. -  A serious of international and Australian computers which index information from across the internet.

TELNET - Protocol that enables internet users to log on to another computer linked to the internet.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator.

A unique identifying address.

VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language.

Creating and showing scenes on the internet in 3D.

WAN - Wide Area Network.

A network that is spread across several buildings - large geographical area.

WWW - World Wide Web.

A global hyper-text based information system which allows users to explore the internet.