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My WebYoda Experience

Well folks, I HAVE LEARNED HOW TO ANIMATE!!! Not to mention, I have only one more course to successfully complete until I can attempt my first exam. With a couple more weeks of classes, and alot more studying, I should aquire my Associate Webmaster Certificate. The further I get into this program, the more I enjoy building elements for a Web page. As a grown woman, and a mother, I would highly recommend furthering yourself through education. If there is something you've always wanted to learn, or something that has peaked your interest lately, go out and learn how to do it. No matter how old you are, you are never too old to learn! To keep updated on my progress, visit my website often!

My Latest Class Project

Mastering the Internet
Beginning HTML/XHTML
Why not try a WEB YODA course for yourself?

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
