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  Hi! I'm Erin. I'm 23 and live in Hoffman Estates. I moved here a year ago from Des Plaines. I'm a junior at Roosevelt University and I can't wait to graduate! I'm an Intergrated Marketing Communications major and hope to find a career in market research. I currently work as a marketing assistant in Marengo.

 I am blessed to have come from a huge and loving family. My mother and I are super close. My father died while she was pregnant with me so she has been a very important part of my life. She has remarried twice and I now have a half-sister, step-sister,and step-brother. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all four sides of my family, but it's worth it. They give me tons of love and support.

  There are many things I love in life; art, music, friends and animals. Two of my most favorite things though are my boyfriend and food. I have been with my boyfriend, Erik, for seven years now and I believe we are soul mates. I also love food. I love both cooking and eating, but mostly eating. Click the picture links to find out more about my favorite things.