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Welcome To The Simitoski Homepage

Hi there and welcome to our family page, we are just starting out, so just hang in there while we get everything going! I'll start our page with how our family began "When Randy met Amy" it was the summer of 1983 and our dad's were having their annual shop picnic at Waldameer Park, we instantly became friends and finally started dating the end of 1988 and were married in the end of 1990. We were married at Walnut Creek Baptist Church were I was raised since birth, my parents always said I went to church 9 months before I was born, I always got a kick out of that. Well, after were married we were blessed right away with 2 beautiful daughters, Mikayla Rae and Mikenzie Marie. We were thrilled to have them and now almost 10 years later we were blessed again with 2 sons, Isaac Michael and Ryan William George. WOW, we couldn't be happier. When we think of our children, Psalm 127:3&5 comes to mind....Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them; It is so wonderful to have and enjoy a family...I wouldn't trade mine for the world! If you go to my page I talk about my family, that is my parents and all. I haven't got the picture thing down yet, but hopefully will get it soon so you can enjoy some pictures of our family and extended family and friends. Take care and God bless!

Randy's Page

Amy's Page

Mikayla's Page

Mikenzie's Page

Isaac's Page

Ryan's Page

Family Pictures Page

Our Extended Family Page

News / Announcements

Our Holidays
