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Profile: Name: Rick Age: 15 Sex(yes please...): Male Birthdate(dd-mm-yy): 02-08-'88 Interests: Various.. the ones who know, just know. Hobbies: Uhh. Look above.


ABOUT ME: You represent... apathy.
You represent... apathy. You don't really show any emotion. You can be
considered cruel and cold, but you just don't
really care about anything. This is just the
way you are... you're quite a challenge to get
close to, and others may perceive you as

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla and: You represent... anger.
You represent... anger. Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to...
freak out easily. Overly emotional about
everything, you're most prone to bouts of
cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be
afraid of the fact that you explode so easily,
but at least you're honest... even if you're
honest about not liking anything.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla my evil test result:

How evil are you?

You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)

What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla
What Yu-Gi-Oh Character Are You?
Test by Dan.

You are Heero Yuy. You are considered the Perfect Soldier and pretty much go through with missions as you are told or instinctly act on. You appear to be stone, but deep down there are emotions that help drive your actions.

I took the Yu Yu Hakusho personality test, so can you!

Omae wa dochira anime no VILLAIN desu ka?

Mildly Interested
Only mildly interested in other people's concerns. Often mistaken for cold and unfeeling, but you don't believe in wasting your time on unimportant issues. How Caring Are You?

A complex personality, you appeal only to two kinds of people - those who accept everything at face value and, most importantly, those who deeply understand the greater things you believe in. Skeptics are hard to win over, but those who like you will respect you forever. What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?

Which Evangelion Child Are You?

Which Megami Kouhosei character are you?

Take the Megami Kouhosei character selector to find out.

You're Dilandou Albatou!

Find out Which Escaflowne character you are.
Schizoid:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

They don't call you "The sword drawing man slayer" for nothing! You have some SERIOUS SKILLZ! You're personal life is nonexistant because you are driven to free the oppressed and kill their oppressers, and bring Japan's government to a new system. You smell of blood due to all the people that you have killed. And you're still young! But sins can be atoned for. Give it time. ReverseBlade! Dark
<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( NEW!!! Anime Pics )

brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x86e8014)

The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x86ddc70)

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla Info Black
Your Heart is Black

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla Fallen
Fallen Angel.

What kind of Angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Azriel
Azriel: One of the darker angels... you are the
angel of death, and destruction... how do you
like that? Figures? yea... thought so...

Which Angel Lays Within You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Check it out, man! Dare you even attempt to match my rank in evilness?
You're an insane pyromaniac- complete with devoted minions and sexy shadowy armor. Yeah, you're pretty damn evil, but when people think of you, they seem to notice your insanity prior to your mad evil skills.
Which Guilty Gear X character are you?

Which Naruto Character are You?
quiz by

Gaara.... Love Death.. *shivers*

Naruto Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla Bakura
You're most like Yami Bakura!

Of Duels, sexuality, and monsters, aka which Yugioh Character do you mirror in sexuality?
brought to you by Quizilla You're the Trickster!
You're The Trickster!

Ooh.. x.x
You're scary~! Stay away from me!

What Kind of Yu-Gi-Oh Duelist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Oooh... You're bad. You're Yami Marik...
You are Yami Marik!! You are very EVIL!!! Oh, yes.
You want nothing but a world of darkness. Did I
mention that you like to kill people? Oh well.
Who cares? No one will ever try to threaten

Who's Yami Might You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're cool-headed and logical, but dangerous to anyone you deem as "evil". You're a vicious fighter that can't let go of your target. Sounds more like a pitbull than a wolf. Hmmm... ReverseBlade! SteelWings
Yours are DEMON wings, possibly resembling those of a bat - huge, black, and clawed. You are cold and impure, and a born Creature of the Night. Possibly with an interest in those of a vampyric nature, or possibly one yourself. You have little sympathy or care for humanity and see them as existing for no real purpose - thus, you can be very manipulative and bend them to fit YOUR purpose. And you do have a purpose, to everything you do. Nine times out of ten it will be strictly for your own self gratification or perhaps merely amusement. As soon as a person or situation is no longer productive or pleasurable in your life, you will rid yourself of it or them. You could very well have just a touch of superiority complex (or perhaps more than a touch?). Despite all of this, you are capable of love so intense that you place that person's wishes even above your own - the only time that you will do so. Chances are you are attracted to people in which you see...yourself. Though many hate you for your carelessness and evil...Sexy, fierce, sinful, and turn me on.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla You are...a  L o n e r...
You are a LONER. Tho u like being with other
people, it's nice to have some time for
yourself too. And sometimes people are it's better to be alone and do
whatever you like. So yeah...go away!

Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla You belong to the world of the self-destructive.
You belong in another of my worlds. The world of
self-destructive tendencies, either through
actual physical destructiveness or emotional
breakdowns that you keep bottled up inside,
thus hurting yourself. You feel that life is
nothing but pain, and you see red in everything
with the memories of the blood you have
bled(literally or figuratively) for your
hurting. You live in a hidden land that few
will ever understand or see in you, because you
keep it to yourself and only let a few rare
people into the truth of your reality. Er...I
don't condone my own actions, so I really don't
know what else to say. Of course, you could
also just REALLY like blood....or you might be
homicidal, not suicidal. ^_^; v
Ok. You are one hell of an angel. You are a
vampirish angel. You murder in the night, and
are quite proud of your achievements. You have
a naturally blood thirsty and malevolent mind.
But that's just you. You are dark and powerful,
if a little blood thirsty. You are both and
angel and a vampire. But you will never be
either. You feed from the innocent, and glide
away from the world of mortals. You are unique,
and have a gift for poetry. You are
manipulative, and are cunning and quick minded.
You are a sharp person. One that should never
be under estimated, and if you are, that person
will be your next feed. Congrats. You are
certainly original. Extremely rare and one of a
kind. But you might want to lessen on the blood. You
might destroy the world at this rate.

What Type Of Angel Have You Become?
brought to you by Quizilla Chinese Element of Water
You are the chinese element of Water. People who
are under the element of Water are creative,
independent and intelligent. Water you are a
dreamer, but are quite vulnerable, and have
hidden agendas. The color of water is black,
and your symbol is the tortoise. Winter is the
season in which Water shines and it's months
are October/November. Your weather condition
is cold. Water is the direction of north, and
your day is Wednesday, while your planet is
Mercury. Animals under your element are
usually shelled. People under you are Turks.
Your sense is hearing, your taste is salty,
your sound is moaning and your virtue is
knowledge. Your organs are the kidneys. You
were created by Metal and control Fire.

Which of the 5 Chinese Elements Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla i'm haruko, who are you?
Which Furi Kuri (FLCL) Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla DarkAngel
You're as dark as can get. You like to laugh at
people, make fun of them, hurt their feelings.
You're in so deep, you'll never get out, and
you probably don't want to get out too. You
make the world a darker place. Better get my

Please rate ^^

What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla DesireDarkness
Darkness. You Truly Desire Darkness. You wish
everyone around you was either dead, or
worshipping you. To you, life is not a gift,
but a punishment. You have no consideration for
others and do as you please.


What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla WALLPAPERS: