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The Appeal of It All

Each link above leads to sample peices that showcase work I have done for classes, case studies, and other experiences. These are products of a passion for design and an insatiable curiosity for technologies relating to the web. Since first discovering the appeal of the internet as a teen, I have grown to crave learning new methods of creation. Web design, as well as graphic design and even programming provide portals to a world of invention.

Who I Am Really

This need to express my imagination, the requirement of challenge and adaptation, results directly from my personality. As a child I spent time building clubhouses, solving jigsaw puzzles. I was the organizer, the delegator, and the designer of most of our childhood escapades. This natural inclination for development led me to choose a career that allowed me to challenge my mind in the same way that those adventures of my youth did. A career in web development suited the demands, and thus was chosen.

My Current Endeavors

Currently enrolled as a student at ECPI, pursuing an associate's degree in IT/web development, I am scheduled to graduate in July 04. Graduation will be an unprecedented accomplishment in my family, but the commencement of my education here at ECPI is only the first step in a lifelong pursuit of education.

When I'm not focusing on school, I hold an Assistant Store Manager position at Movie Gallery, where I develop my leadership skills, customer service, and maintain inventory and store appearance.



Site Designed with Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop, hard-coding
©2004 Shannon Phillips