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     Welcome to our webpage. You have reached Sean, Sheryl, and Josie. We are an Army family serving at Fort Hood, Texas.
  • We both continue to spend time with Josie, who is now almost two 2 Years Old! We cannot believe how fast the years are flying bye!
  • Sheryl and I stay busy with Josie, church, and the Army.
  • Come visit us!
  1. Currently I am working with the Army's new STRYKER vehicle in Louisiana!
    Stryker NTC! Infantry Attack! Stryker ATGM at NTC!
  2. We also recently joined the First Baptist Church of Killeen, TX!
The Family

Please feel free to send comments or stay intouch!
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Read my Guestbook!

Revised on 25 May 2003, 1527 CST
You are located at, please come back to visit!

The following sites assisted me in developing this webpage:

A-1 Clipart Archive This site provides great graphics!
JOE'S PAGE TUTOR This site provides great help with webpages!
Guest Book Central This site provides free guestbooks!

To assist in construction of this site I refered to CyberGuides Evaluation and Design!

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"The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of Sean W. Barnes".