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These pages are an album of pictures and information about Malichi. This page is intended for family and friends, so they can keep tabs on the things going on in Malichi's life! We hope you enjoy your stay and if you like, you can contact Malichi here.

Malichi's virtual pumpkin!

On October 22, 2004, Malichi recieved his first report card for first grade. They don't give A's and B's here, only O (outstanding), S (satisfactory), and I (improvement needed). Here are the results of Malichi's first report card! (He did SO awesome! I am extremely proud! Its a HUGE improvement from last year!)

  • Reading: S+ Effort: O
  • Language Arts: S- Effort: S- (improvement needed in capitalization and punctuation, also in making complete sentences)
  • Spelling: S Effort: S
  • Math: S Effort: S
  • Science: S Effort: S-
  • Social Studies: S Effort: S
  • Handwritting: I+ Effort: S (Improvement needed in forming letters/figures correctly and writting neatly and legibly)
  • Health: S
  • Art: S+
  • Music: S
  • Phys Ed: S
  • Computers: S+
  • Citizenship-Academic Behavior: S
  • Citizenship-Social Behavior: S



Coming soon: Pictures from Halloween, and our trip to the ranch in Ashfork, AZ for Thanksgiving! I also promise to keep up on updates!

~ Home ~ Favorite Things ~ Links ~ Family ~ Friends ~ X-Mas '03 ~ 6th B-day ~ Reading ~ Swimming ~ Graduation ~ Other News ~ Contact ~

~Page last updated: October 2004~

~Page created: December 26, 2003~

The picturse on this site were photographed and scanned by R. Nelson unless otherwise noted. All graphics, webdesign and photos belong to R. Nelson and are not to be used without permission. © R. Nelson 2003-2004