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Amelda, Is she mister or is she a miss? Does she stand up when she's takin a - Ahem Stop That Stop That We will have none of that around here. Urk stupid Warden (I heard that!) No you didn't your lying (Yea I am) Amelda let me um uh go back in time and uh share some history of hers/his. It all starts when Mr. Gozaburo Kaiba was in command of Kaiba corp and creating weapons for the military. Amelda home was nearby.. Amelda had a brother with a toy robot FFWD a bit A few explosions, blah blah blah, Amelda's bro dies cuz of explosions. Amelda get's mad at Kaiba Corp and starts seeking some revenge against the Kaiba Family FFWD some more. and Here Amelda is PMSing against rich boy Kaiba, Oh Kaiba the poor thing. Maybe If kaiba slips her a $20 or two maybe she'll go away? Anyways Amelda totally Opposes war and all that so this brings me to my next question... Why does Amelda have a flaming war deck!?!?!? Gah so crazy ish Yea it's filled with machines and soldiers and a certain little monster Known as "The Sky Devil Fortress Ziggurat" (funny rhymes with ciggarette?) A Machine Thinging with more barrels then you can shakea donkey kong at, lol get it, donkey kong barrels? No? Well fine, Screw you, See if I write anymore deck reviews for you! Wait Please Don't Leave! Ah Shoot.. This Just In I have Recieved Word that this person is a guy not a girl We still have no question why he's dressing like a girl...

Character Deck