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About the Asshole!
Neopets Cheats
Shoutouts! =D
Anime piccis!
Slow Dance


I AM SOOOOOOOO DAMN PROUD OF MYSELF!!!!!!!!!! Ok so you no how before all my crap was on one page? Well now I know how to make multiple pages!!!! Yeah!!!! Go me!!!!! Ok so now theres just one more problem.... I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT!!!!!!! So give me suggestions people. I need them badly. If you have a poem or story or song or something that you want to put somewhere, put it here!!!!! And if you write fanfics for any anime of manga send them to me!!!!! You can Email Me!, or you can talk to me on IM, ussually at BlackRoses713. Ok bye for now!!!!!
What might be coming
I have alot of ideas about what to put here, but I m not sure which to do. Some of them are....
  • Shrines to different mangas/animes
  • Shrines to different hotties (ie Orlando Bloom!)
  • Fanfics

Those are afew different ideas I'v had. Maybe I'll have a poll where you can vote for which you want! Hmmm....yeah I think I will. I'll be working on it when I get home from school today!


Hey was an awful day so I'm gonna write crap.
When I woke up I thought today would be a wonderful day, because I woke up at 6 and felt happy and awake. I went downstairs and ate a grilled cheese sandwich. Then I went upstairs to do some homework I hadn't finished last night, then I went downststairs. And my hand started to go numb. So did the tip of my nose. So I took a pill. But since my mouth was numb I couldn't really swallow properly so the pill got stuck in my throat and it hurt for like 3 hours. Then I went to the bathroom, and while i was sitting on the toilet i puked on the floor. Over the next few hours I puked four times, until there was nothing left but stomach acid. It sucked. Then I went to sleep, and when I woke up I felt better. Then I drank ginger ale, and I'm getting sick of typing, so see ya later.

Lots of hate, Chell

OMG I KNOW HOW TO PUT PICS ON MY SITE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So far I only have five, but I'll add more when I find more I like!!!!!

I LOVE LI SYAORAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl


Yo people. Alex M. told me to put her on my site so....hi Alex M! If its Ok with her I will really put her on my site by puttin a picture!!! Cya later!!!

P.S. Heres Leilas site!!!!

<<+ Dreaming +>>
Click here to sign up with neopets!!! PLEASE!!!!
YO ALL PEEPS!!!!!!!!! CHELL IN WRITING THIS FROM NEW HAMSHIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!! GO HER!!!!!! Okie dokie yeah that's the reason I haven't been on IM lately...but now I am in the Plymouth library and I'm not sure I'm actually supposed to be doing this....but oh well that's everyone else's problem. Blah. I'm hungry. New Hamshire is almost as unpopulated as North Carolina!!! Only it's better cuz it just is. Make sense? Hell no it doesn't. But why would I care? I know what I'm talking about, and if you're to stupid to figure it out, then that's your problem.

Well ttyl...or you can call my dad's cell, ask Leila for the #. I'm not stupid enough to post peoples # on the internet. Or maybeI am. But I wont.

...cuz I miss you body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away and I breath you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today cuz I loooooooove you weather it's wrong or right...sigh....boredom....stuck in the land of the vicious mosquitos...miss all of you and hope to see you soon...some of you less than others, as you should know by now unless you have an overload of fluff in your brains...well cya later.



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